Name_____________________________ Period_________ Date_____________

ACTIVITY 2: Exploring Entrepreneurs and Inventors

Go to the following sites and find the answers to the questions.


1. Did McDonalds invent the hamburger? _______________________

2. Who had the idea of having McDonalds restaurants everywhere?


3. What did he risk? ____________________________________________________



1. Who invented the Eskimo Pie? __________________________________________

2. What problem was he trying to solve? ____________________________________



1. Who invented potato chips? ____________________________________________

2. Who brought them to market in other places? _____________________________



1. Who was the inventor of soda pop? ______________________________________

2. Was he the inventor of Coca Cola? ____________________

3. Was John Pemberton the one who brought it to market as Coca Cola?___________

ACTIVITY 3: Inventors or Entrepreneurs?

Go to the following sites and find the answers the questions below. Remember, inventors design and develop new products and entrepreneurs recognize the opportunities, take the risks of starting new businesses, and accept the challenges. We think of the following people as inventors. Were they also entrepreneurs? Did they bring products to market? How have they changed our lives?

A. .org/wgbh/amex/kids/flight/feature_wright.html

1. Who invented the airplane?_____________________________________________

2. Did they start an airline for consumers? ___________________________________


1. Who invented the electric light bulb and other electrical products? ______________


2. What company brought the products to market? _____________________________


1. Who invented the telephone? ___________________________________________

2. When? ____________________________________________________________

D. .edu/franklin/inventor/inventor.html

1. Who invented the lightning rod? _________________________________________

2. What else did he invent? _______________________________________________

ACTIVITY 4: Inventions that Lead to Other Inventions

What inventions did these inventions lead to?

A. .edu/invent/iow/morse.html

1. Who invented Morse code? _____________________________________________

2. What previous invention had been developed that made Morse code necessary?


B. .org/wgbh/amex/kids/tech1900/feature.html

1. Who invented illustrated song performances? _______________________________

2. What is this like today? ________________________________________________

3. What was the incentive for programs of illustrated song performances? __________


ACTIVITY 5: Inventions that Solve Problems

Think of some problems you would like to solve—and some products that would help you in some way. How about a robot to do homework? Write an essay about an invention you might try to create one day to solve a problem and/or become an entrepreneur.

In your essay explain the benefits that you might receive from your invention, and the benefits that society might receive. Draw pictures of your invention. ATTACH PICTURE TO THIS SHEET!








































ACTIVITY 6: Patents

Below are two websites about the history of ice cream. Explore them both and answer the following questions.

A. People often invent things to solve problems. What was the problem that the ice cream cone solved? ______________________________________________________________

B. What is a patent? ________________________________________________________

C. Which ice cream products had patents? ______________________________________


E. Why do you think that an inventor would want a patent? ________________________


F. Why would a government issue patents? _____________________________________

G. Why was someone willing to pay for the patent on the ice cream freezer? ___________


H. Several people claim to have invented the ice cream cone. Why do you think this happened?_____________________________________________________________

I. When was ice cream first made?______________________________________

J. Where?__________________________________________________________

K. Who was the first to make ice cream?_______________________________________