Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Annual Budget Meeting and SpecialTown Meeting
First Selectman Robert P. Valentine called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M.
Robert P. Valentine asked for nominations for moderator. Allan D. Walker Sr. nominated John M. Morris seconded by Steven Romano. Henrietta Horvay moved that nominations be closed and John M. Morris serve as Moderator. Diana Bernard seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Barbara L. Breor read the call to the meeting.
1. Act upon a budget for fiscal year beginning July 1, 2017 and ending June 30, 2018.
Mark Harris moved to approve the proposedbudget.Allan Walker Sr seconded.
Allan Walker stated that the Board of Finance is proud of the budget. The departments were careful and in almost every case all necessary items were funded. On the income side you will see a large decrease because all grants, with the exception of Town Aide Road, taken out. Nothing was put in to fund part of Teacher’s pensions, as the State is threatening Towns with. The thought is to leave the fund balance high enough or to possibly have an additional billing go out to make up the difference, but that bridge will be crossed when we get there.
He went on to state that it is a sound looking budget with at least a one mill increase.
John M. Morris called for a vote. Passed with Henrietta C. Horvay opposing.
2. To vote for one member of the Regional School District #6 Board of Education for a term of July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2020.
The moderator asked that nominations be opened.Brandon Ivesnominated Ric Binkowski. Seconded by Lauren Marti.
Patricia Sanders nominated Chris Sanders. Seconded by Steve Rossbach.
Henrietta C. Horvay moved that nominations be closed seconded by Mark Harris.Passed unanimously.
Theresa Walla-Kelly made a motion to have paper ballots. Seconded by Patrick Lucas. Passed unanimously.
Both candidates gave a little speech.
John Morris appointed Paul Hilli, Janet Hooper and Wilrose Duquette as tellers. A brief recess was held for voting.
There were 94 eligible voters and the vote was:
Chris Sanders 51
Ric Binkowski 43
3.To authorize the Board of Selectmen to apply for, State and/or Federal grants for use by the Town.
Chris Sandersmade a motion to allow the Board of Selectmen to apply and receive grants per the call. Seconded by Mark Harris.
Robert Valentine stated that this allows Board of Selectmen to apply for grants and receive them. Currently he is working on a grant to pay for drivers of the Senior bus.
4. Adoption of “Elderly and Disabled Property Tax Relief” Ordinance.
Richard Reis moved to accept the proposed Elderly and Disabled Property Tax Relief ordinance. Seconded by Henrietta Horvay.
Robert Valentine stated that we are facing difficult times. A tax increase is a concern for seniors and disabled persons. This will affect people who apply for and receive the State Tax credit. The deadline for that program for this year has come and gone. For this fiscal year it is about $21,000 based on a 19.4 mill rate. It is relatively small but a huge thing on a fixed income.
Allan Walker, as chairman of the Board of Finance, stated that the statute requires the Board of Finance to give a non-binding recommendation. It equates to about 1/5 of 1/10 of a mill. He went on to state that the Board of Finance unanimously approves the adoption of the ordinance.
Those voting were in favor. Passed unanimously.
5. Amendment of Title 68 “Ordinance Establishing Delinquent Motor Vehicle Tax Fee”
Chris Sanders made a motion to accept the amendment to the Ordinance Establishing Delinquent Motor Vehicle Tax Fee. Mark Harris seconded.
Robert Valentine stated that the Tax Collector had brought forth the amendment. Only charging $1 we are low compared to others. There is a lot of work to be done with delinquent motor vehicles with the reporting to the State and the removal of the lien after paid. A raise to $5 will bring us on par with other municipalities.
John Morris called for a voice vote. Passed with one in opposition.
Robert Valentine made a motion to adjourn at 8:45 P.M. seconded by Henrietta Horvay.
Respectfully Submitted,
Barbara L. Breor, Town Clerk