Regular PCYH Board meeting

Pine City Country Club.

March 21, 2016

In Attendance: Erik Hermanson, Angie Westbrook, Lara Smetana, Jake Sauter, Bob Root, Eric Danielson, Geoff Jordan, Tom Lindblom, Brett Westbrook, and Bill Aagaard

Absent: Cody Youngbauer, Nick Rydberg

The meeting was called to order at 7:05pm

Michelle Linnell has resigned as PCYH Registrar effective immediately, the position opening will be posted on the website as well as announced at the banquet.

The minutes were read and Tom made a motion to accept them, Eric second, motion carries.

Open Forum: No one was there for open forum.

Gambling: The actual expenses for February were approved as reported on the LG1004. Bill made the motion, bob second, carries. Pre-approval of the projected expenses for March as reported on the LG1004 were approved. Motion made by Jake, second by Bob. Motion carries.

PCYH is required to make a donation from gambling to the Rush City Community. The remaining balance for the required donation is $2880.00. Cookies and Drinks will be purchased in Rush City for the year end banquet. The remaining amount will be donated to the RC Parks and Recreation to be designated for their outside rinks. Jake made the motion, Bob second, motion carried with Bill obstaining.

PCYH Board of Directors made the decision to terminate a gambling employee based on violating the employment contract in which he had signed. This was the second violation of the State of MN Gambling regulations and he had received prior warning. Jake made the motion, Eric second, motion carries.

Treasurer’s Report: Bob stated PCYH received the bill for the open hockey/open skating ice fees. BB32 will be paying $1,000 of the $3,000 bill. Eric made motion to pay the entire bill and receive reimbursement from Berglunds for the $1,000. Tom second, motion carries.

There has been some questions o n the web-site payments, but they are coming in.

Concessions Update: Bill asked if the managers have been passing on the information because there are many open shifts for the concessions.

Mite Coordinator: Erik would like to have a Mite Jamboree the weekend after the BB32 tournament. He stated Jocelyn Rydberg would like to be the coordinator of the event. PCYH would charge around $150-$200 per team and all PCYH teams would be free.

Banquet: Jake went over the slide show presentation.

Handbook discussion was tabled.

Mite/Squirt dryland and ice will be 6 weeks long and only on Thursdays. Sign-up is limited and will be at the banquet.

Meeting adjourned at 9:06pm.

Special Board Meeting of the new members was held on Thursday, April 7th at the PC Country Club at 7pm. Members present: Brett Westbrook, Bill Aagaard, Eric Danielson, Seth Sauter, Joe Duclos, Jake Sauter, Bob Root, Lara Smetana, and Nick Rydberg.

Regular meetings will be held every third Monday at 7pm.

Nick Rydberg has decided to serve the 2 yr term, with Joe Duclos and Seth Sauter serving the 3 year terms.

Election results:

Bill Aagaard: 80 votes

Nick Rydberg: 70 votes

Joe Duclos: 64 votes

Seth Sauter: 43 votes

Jen Hornstien: 42 votes

Cody Youngbauer: 30 votes

Kelly Gribavaul: 15 votes

Paul Kirby: 1 vote (write-in)

Elections of officers:

Brett Westbrook- President

Jake Sauter- VP

Treasurer- Bob Root

Secretary-Lara Smetana

Misc positions:

Scheduler- Jake / back-up Seth Sauter

Ace/Safe Sport- Eric Danielson

Tournaments- Nick Rydberg

Equipment – Lara

Communications: Website- Lara/ FB-Eric

Concessions/ Fair/ Banquet: Bill Aagaard

Fund Raiser: Nancy Lucht/ Jocelyn Rydberg/Jen Hornstien

Mite Coordinator: Erik Hermanson

Registrar: Kelly Gribavaul

Girls Coordinator: Seth Sauter

Topics of discussion:

Try-out ice will be in Pine City. Practice ice will be on September 17-18, and 24-25 at a location to be determined.

Registration Dates: Sept 11 @ Chuckers 2-5pm/ September 15 @ PC Country Club 6-8:30pm

PCYH Board will meet Sunday, October 9th @ 6pm to declare teams.

Squirt B/ PW B Early Bird Tournament is tentatively going to be held on Thankgiving weekend.

Meeting adjourned at 9pm.