Wednesday Morning Prayers at Clyst St George

Morning Prayers is a short said service every other week on a Wednesday. Why not take 20 minutes and join us – we also have tea or coffee afterwards if you have the time? We start at 9.30 am and you would be very welcome on 2nd, 16th and 30th November.

Annual Church Autumn Clean-Up

The annualClyst St George Church clean-up will take place on Sunday 20th November at 2 pm. All welcome to come and wield a cobweb broom or polish a pew; alternatively if you prefer the outdoors you could help tidy the churchyard. Tea and cakes provided!

Clyst St George and Ebford Harvest Celebration: Thanks

On behalf of the Clyst St George Parochial Church Council, our thanks to all those who generously decorated the church with all the beautiful autumnal flower arrangements. A huge thank you to all those who kindly donated the food comprising delicious homemade salads of all varieties to accompany the Kenniford Farm ham; the puddings, as usual, were scrumptious! Thank you to all who decorated the tables or who were involved in helping in any way and our thanks also to all those who attended to make it such an enjoyable community gathering, supporting both the church (£636 towards the roof) and raising £172 for Exeter Food Bank. Our particular thanks to Kenniford Farm, Darts Farm, Richards of Topsham and the Village Hall for their very generous gifts.

Paul Bragg and Jacquie Manser, Churchwardens

Clyst St George Parish Council Chairman’s Notes: November 2016

Most of us have now done our ‘autumn clear up’ and our gardens have been tended ready for the winter. Thank you to all who have helped with the hedges on their properties both in cutting them back themselves and also getting others to help when needed.

This of course has emphasised to us the areas of verge grass cutting that we need to undertake. This was discussed at our October meeting and will be taking shape before long. The other area that will need attention is the ditches in the parish to prevent flooding during heavy rain. If there are any ditches near your property that need attention do please let our Clerk know so that we can add this to the list for attention. It will be a great help to the community if you were able to maintain any small areas that border or are near your property and it is safe to do so. I have noticed that a number of residents already do this – many thanks to you - it is such a help in keeping our parish in such good order.

I am really pleased to be able to tell you that we now have a PCSO who is going to replace PCSO Baker who you know was with us for many years. His name is PCSO Justin Willis and he is going to be the new PCSO for rural Exmouth. He has previous knowledge of the role having spent seven years as a PCSO in Exeter and also spent 18 months as a response officer in Torquay before coming back as a PCSO.

I have been in contact with PCSO Willis about the speeding problems we have in all three areas in the parish and he is being most helpful. He is also getting in touch with other departments within the police force as for instance the dual carriageway between Clyst St Mary and Clyst St George does not fall under PCSO jurisdiction.

Thank you to all those who contact us with comments and questions, etc. We will always try and help when it is possible.

Maureen Ackland-Smith 01392 874065

Lady Seawards C of E Primary School

It was a busy start to the autumn term with a number of exciting events taking place. The children took part in a ‘Faiths Around the World’ afternoon. Children from all across the school enjoyed creating their own fantastic artwork matched to a key worldwide religion. The children have also taken part in an enrichment programme, ‘Outdoor Designers’. They have used a range of equipment to create mosaic designs inspired by the school’s very own values.

Year 4 children joined pupils from the local learning community at Clyst St Mary Primary and watched a theatrical performance which was aimed at delivering the key message of staying safe whilst online. They followed the journey of Dotty the central character as she navigated her way through the dangers and hazards posed by the worldwide web.

In addition the school was visited by Somerset and Devon Fire Service who held workshops with the children about the importance of fire safety, with a number of the children taking part in different scenarios set by the Fire Service trainers. The children have also taken part in cookery enrichment. Pupils had an opportunity to explore core cookery skills as well as the importance of maintaining a healthy and balanced diet.

The whole school sampled the tasty fruit smoothie drinks, with some great feedback being received! To make the experience even more exciting the children created their very own smoothies by using a ‘smoothie bike’ kindly provided by Devon Norse. This meant that the children were keeping fit and healthy as they created each delicious treat!

Card Making Group

Please note that this month’s meeting will take place on Monday 7th November (instead of the 14th) at 2.30 pm at the home of Linda Wilkerson, Lower Ebford Barton, Ebford. Do join us for a chat and tea and biscuits. Cards of any occasion are still needed. These can be left in Clyst St George Church at any time. Our thanks to everyone who has already donated cards. Linda Wilkerson (01392 875705)

Nature Garden

Clyst St George has a delightful nature garden by the side of the parish church. The aim of the garden is togrow local Devon indigenous plants and trees and to encourage a Devon meadow with local wild flowers. Should you wish to help develop this ‘green’ facility, you can come along on the first Saturday of every month from 9.30 to 11 am.

Little Dragons Pre-School

Following our successful OFSTED inspection in April 2015 'good with outstanding features', we do still have a few spaces for children. So do come and visit and meet our highly experienced staff team.We are based in Lady Seaward’s School and open four days a week, from Monday to Thursday 8.45 am - 3.15 pm during school term times. For more information, please contact Elly on 01392 877793 in school hours or visit our website