The 1st European DAAAM International Young Researchers´ and Scientists´ Conference
24-27thOctober 2007, University of Zadar, Zadar, Croatia
Young Researchers/Scientists: BABIC,Anita; BELOSEVIC, IvanSTJEPANOVIC, Goran
Supervisor/Mentor/Project Leader:COSIC,Predrag
Abstract:The field of our research is defining the main criteria for selection of primary processes and types of operations in production. Selection of primary process is based on nature of material, quantity, form complexity, part size and some other factors. Type and sequence operation are results of influence different factors as product shape, surface roughness and tolerance. In application are used some aspects of knowledge base. Application enables users to understand procedure of selection primary process and sequence operations with possible additional technological gradation support. Self testing of students is included in application. In application areused IT technologies of Visual Basic.NET.
Key words:primary process, sequence operation, knowledge base, e-learning.
1. Introduction
The choice of process should be made with economic and technological factors. The other criteria for selection of initial material like ratios of material portion to the price of the blank, residual stress in the blank, scheme of stress state, productivity, anisotropy of material, etc. are too complicated and not enough general as the basis for the decision support. The required quantity will be a major determining factor of process selection. The following factors would be the basis for decision support selection of the manufacturing process as the primary process (for example, forming by deformation) (Halevi, 2003): a) quantity, b) complexity of form, c) nature of material, d) size of part, e) section thickness, f) dimensional accuracy, etc ( ).
It is observed that high education does not completely reflect real needs of the industry that faces problems of integrative nature across the traditional disciplines, such as: a) working globally in a multicultural environment, b) working in interdisciplinary, multi-skill teams, c) sharing of work tasks on a global level, d) working with digital tools for communication, e) working in an virtual environment (Rolstadås & Moseng, 2002). Therefore special efforts would be done to integrate technical, humanistic field (sociology, economy, history, culture, psychology, etc.), skills of IT and web technologies.As through a long time it is observed decreased interest for studying technical and natural sciences (especially in developed countries – the northeast part of Europe), serious efforts were done in process of questionnaire development, data collecting, analysis and development of new curriculums with great influence of interest, motivation, learning (Krapp, 2002), multimedia, Internet, IT and web technologies (Projects PISA, ROSE), (Turmo & Lie, 2003). It is accepted new approach to design course (Garr, 2005), learning and tutoring assessment (Bull, 1999), personal communications between users and tutor, importance of psychological relationship between user and tutor (‘’blindly’’), etc.Choice of material and design solution cannot be done on purely technical and economical criteria, but must also take recycling, pollution and disassembly and reuse concerns into account.
E –Learning application for process planning (E –LAPP) is created to help students to better understand a matter that has been thought on our university. By help this application we can expect more students with higher level of motivation, with desire to explore new web technologies for online assessment, higher level of democratization in education, possibility for more student’s creativity and ‘’deeper’’ studying.It is conceived in three different modules: Selection of Primary Process, Exercises and Solved Examples (Babic at al, 2007).The first module Selection of Primary Process enables students to determine an appropriate primary process for manufacturing required part. There are two different methods whereby it is possible to select primary process. The first method is named by technician Gideon Halevi (Halevi, 2003). During developing application for second method there were used ASM Handbook so it is called ASM (Dieter et al., 1997).Halevi method (Halevi, 2003) enables students to select a primary process only by knowing material, shape complexity and required quantity.Based on input parameters application lists a process sequence. The first listed forming process is the most acceptable, but if there are some reasons why this process cannot be used a student is allowed to choose the next one on the list. Application, also, offers student to infiltrate deeper in chosen process. For example, if student click on ‘Forming from Solid by Material Removal’ and press button ‘Next’ it will open a new window where student can input required data about the part.By pressing a button ‘Calculate’ application will list required process sequences and part dimensions with tolerances and surface roughness on which required part has to be treated.ASM method (Dieter et al., 1997) offers student to choose between two different approaches of primary process selection: Simple Process Planning Method and Advanced Process Planning Method. Simple Process Planning Method is conceived in a way that on a base of input parameters such as material, surface roughness, dimensional accuracy, complexity, production rate, production run, relative costs and size (projected area) makes a first selection and lists possible operations.In the next step application asks student to rank offered criteria: cycle time, quality, flexibility, material utilisation and operating costs and demand a last condition in order to make a last selection. The required condition is ’shape’. After the last selection is made, application lists possible solutions in table with adequate explanations. There is also a graph of process acceptability. It is important to mention that graph only suggest student which process is the most acceptable, but it is up to student and hisknowledge to
Fig. 1 Suggested products shape for selection - Advanced Process Planning Method
decide if that process is really the most acceptable. Advanced Process Planning Method offers student a different approach to the problem. The first selection is, here, made only by material. Based on type of material application lists a basic operation for process planning: Forming from Solid by Material Removal, Welding, Forging, Forming from Solid by Deformation and Forming from Liquid (Casting, Molding). Once a basic operation is chosen, all other calculation is made for that basic operation.
First, application offers student to choose adequate shape according to table (Fig. 1).Next, application requires from student to input other necessary parameters and then is made a final, more deeply selection. The results are presented in graph of acceptability. It is importunate to mention that, same as in Simple Process Planning Method, graph only suggest student which process is the most acceptable, but it is up to student and his knowledge to decide if that process is really the most acceptable (Fig. 2).The second module is Exercises. It is divided into two entireties: Exercise and Manager. Managerenables tutors to give tasks that can be time limited. Running an option Exercise student can solve the tasks, which has been given by tutor. After every solved task student gets feedback information about how successful he was in the form of won points. For every correctly solved step students get one point. Solved Examples is the third module in On line Assessment module. For each example there is an explanation for every step and there are given tables which are used in code with marked solutions (Fig.3).
Fig. 2 Suggested processes with quantitative acceptability - Advanced Process Planning Method
Fig. 3 Solved examples with explanation for selected primar processes and final result
Here is shown few solved examples (Simple and Advanced examples) for both methods with all details of examples and procedure of process obtaining the most appropriate solutions. It can be very useful for understanding theall aspects of processplanning.
4. INSTEAD OF Conclusion
The biggest challenge, that we came across while we were developing some features of application, was how to enable student to rank offered criteria (ASM method - Simple Process PlanningMethod), because in real manufacturing not every criteria are equally ranked.So, we agreed to assign them weight. Primary criteria has weight 25, secondary 20, tertiary 15, quaternary 10 and quinary criteria has weight 5. Once criteria are ranked, application multiplies each grade with weight of criteria, for obtained processes after final selections, and sums them up. In process of criteria ranking, users observed subjectivity, show on possibility using fuzzy logic in further development of our application.
5. References
Babic, A., Belosevic, I., Stjepanovic, G., Cosic, P. (2007). E - Learning Application for Process Planning, AACE E-Learn 2007 -- World Conference on E-Learning in Higher Education at al., October 15-19, 2007,Quebec City, Canada. (accepted).
Bull, J., (1999). Computer-Assisted Assessment: Impact on Higher Education Institutions, CAEducational Technology & Society 2(3), ISSN 1436-4522.
Dieter , G. Eet al., (1997).ASM Handbook, Vol. 20. Materials Selection and Design., ISBN 0-87170-386-6, ASM International, Materials Park, Ohio
Gar, E., (2005). Emdel: A Model for Valorization of eLearning in a Knowledge Society, Final Report,
Halevi, G.(2003). Process and Operation Planning, Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 1402016530 9781402016530Dordrechts/Boston/London
Krapp, A. (2002). Structural and dynamic aspects of interest development: theoretical considerations from an ontogeny perspective, Learning and Instruction 12 383-409.
Rolstadås, A., Moseng, B. (2002).Global Education in Manufacturing GEM, CIRP International Manufacturing, 2002, Education Conference CIMEC, pp 1-13.
Turmo A., Lie, S. (2003.Cross-country comparability of students,Self-reports from the PISA 2003 study.
Paper Data
This paper presents part of student project which is made under the title ‘’E - Learning Application for Process Planning – E-LAPP’’ inside course ‘’Process Planning’’, 6. Spring semester school year 2006/2007 at institutionUniversity of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Department of Industrial Engineering under the supervision/team leader prof. Predrag COSIC, Ph.D. The project is evaluated with assessment excellent.This web application would be useful(inside for students in process of selection primary process, type and sequence operations forobliged students projects/examples/exercises inside courses ‘’Process Planning’’, ‘’Intelligent Process Planning’’ and ‘’Production – Planning and Control’’.
Name and email address of corresponding author:
This paper will be presented (oral presentation / poster): ORAL, Anita Babic
We are nominating this paper for Best Paper Award in the category(ies) (look at
Paper / Quality of Project / Contents / Thesis / Team
Best Oral Presentation / Best Application / Interdisciplinary / Best Student Project / Youngest Team and Best Team at EDIYRSC
Best Graphic Presentation / Best Application / Interdisciplinary / Best Student Project / Youngest Team and Best Team at EDIYRSC (except supervisor)
Best Paper / Best Application / Interdisciplinary / Best Student Project / Youngest Team and Best Team at EDIYRSC
Best Demonstration / Best Application / Interdisciplinary / Best Student Project / Youngest Team and Best Team at EDIYRSC
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Supervisors/Project Leader Data
- Digital Photo (not to small):
- First / Middle / Surname (Full names not initials only!): PREDRAG COSIC
- Academic Titles: associated professor
- Position / Since: Head of Laboratory for Process Planning, Head of Chair for Production Design/Vice-Head of Department of Industrial Engineering , since 2000/since 2004
- Institution: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Zagreb, Ivana Lucica 5
- Place, Date and Country of Birth (yyyyy-mm-dd): Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1953-12-30
- Nationality / Citizenship: Croatian
- Field of interests (key words): process planning, life cycle assessment, genetic algorithm, fast estimation of production times and costs
- Hobbies: mountain-climbing, taking photographs, reading, movies, music
- E-mail address:
- Site: Zagreb
- Phone & Fax #: 385 1 6168 340 & 385 1 6157 123
- Postal address: Ivana Lucica 5, Zagreb, Croatia
- In wich DAAAM activities are you interested (We have many of possibilities such as: publishing of paper, to be active member of one of our international committees, official photograph of daaam international, reviewer of papers and manuscripts, supporter, sponsor, organizer. others). Please write your choice:active member of one of our international committees, reviewer of papers and manuscripts.
- Place & Date: 2007-07-24
- 16. Additional CV data (optional):
Authors Data
- Digital Photo (not to small):
- First / Middle / Surame (Full names not initials only!): ANITA BABIC
- Academic Titles: student
- Position / Since:
- Institution:University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Zagreb, Ivana Lucica 5
- Place, Date and Country of Birth (yyyyy-mm-dd): Zagreb, Croatia, 1985-08-08
- Nationality / Citizenship: Croatian
- Field of interests (key words): process palnning, e-learning, primary process selection, engineering statistic
- Hobbies: dancing, aerobic and fitness
- E-mail address:
- Site:
- Phone & Fax #: +38591 5618773
- Postal address: Drage Gervaisa 50, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
- In wich DAAAM activities are you interested (We have many of possibilities such as: publishing of paper, to be active member of one of our international committees, official photograph of daaam international, reviewer of papers and manuscripts, supporter, sponsor, organizer. others). Please write your choice:
- Place & Date: 2007-07-26
16. Additional CV data (optional):
- Digital Photo (not to small):
- First / Middle / Surame (Full names not initials only!): IVAN BELOSEVIC
- Academic Titles: student
- Position / Since:
- Institution:University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Zagreb, Ivana Lucica 5
- Place, Date and Country of Birth (yyyyy-mm-dd): Sisak, Hrvatska 1985-11-24
- Nationality / Citizenship: Croatian
- Field of interests (key words): process palnning, e-learning, primary process selection
- Hobbies: playing guitar, amateur soccer
- E-mail address:
- Site:
- Phone & Fax #: +38591 5768841
- Postal address: Letovanic 154, 44271 Letovanic, Croatia
- In wich DAAAM activities are you interested (We have many of possibilities such as: publishing of paper, to be active member of one of our international committees, official photograph of daaam international, reviewer of papers and manuscripts, supporter, sponsor, organizer. others). Please write your choice:
- Place & Date: 2007-07-26
16. Additional CV data (optional):
- Digital Photo (not to small):
- First / Middle / Surame (Full names not initials only!): GORAN STJEPANOVIC
- Academic Titles: student
- Position / Since:
- Institution: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb, Unska 3
- Place, Date and Country of Birth (yyyyy-mm-dd): Zagreb, Croatia,1985-05-06
- Nationality / Citizenship: Croatian
- Field of interests (key words): software development, internet, graphic design
- Hobbies: amateur soccer, computer games
- E-mail address:
- Site:
- Phone & Fax #: +38591 8906385
- Postal address: Kaljska 4, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
- In wich DAAAM activities are you interested (We have many of possibilities such as: publishing of paper, to be active member of one of our international committees, official photograph of daaam international, reviewer of papers and manuscripts, supporter, sponsor, organizer. others). Please write your choice:
- Place & Date: 2007-07-26
16. Additional CV data (optional):