Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) Form for Mining and Quarry Projects
1. General Information
a) Name of the project:
b) Proponent details
i) Name of the applicant
ii) Address
iii) Phone/Fax
iv) Email
v) Location of the project (Dzongkhags/ Geogs/Village)
c) Does the proposal relate to
i) New project (Yes/No) :
ii) Expansion (Yes/No) :
If yes, then:
i) Increase in ML area:
ii) Increase in annual production:
iii) Renewal of ML (Yes/No):
2. Geographical details
a) Latitude
b) Longitude
c) Elevation above Mean Sea Level
3. Cost of the project
4. Requirement of total land (in ha):
5. Information on Land Use
a) Current land use pattern of the lease area (in ha.)
i) Agricultural
ii) Government Reserve Forest
iii) Government Land
iv) Private Registered Land
v) Community Owned Land
vi) Others (specify)
6. Describe the land use pattern in surrounding areas
7. Describe the terrain characteristic at the project site and in the surrounding area (i.e outside lease area)
8. Presence of any sensitive receptors within the study area (core and buffer area)
a) River
b) Spring, stream, water crossing
c) Flood plain, if applicable
d) Forest, then type and status of forest
e) Wildlife Habitat
f) Habitat of endangered/threatened/endemic species
g) Others
Note: The Study area will be decided by NEC/CA
9. Presence of any of the following within the study area (core and buffer area)
a) Historical site
b) Important installations
c) Hospital
d) Presence of religious or archaeological site
e) Number of villages with population and appropriate distances from lease area
f) Any others (specify)
10. Describe the road connectivity to the project site as well as numbers of vehicles likely to be increased during project’s construction/operation:
11. Description of existing infrastructure such as, educational facility, health centre etc. in the project study area:
12. Describe any other types of industries, mines or other quarries present in the study areas and their distance from the site:
13. Geology of the area
a) Total reserve (indicated/ inferred/ proven)
b) Mineral recovery potential
c) Type of minerals
d) Capacity (in million tonne per year or tonne per day)
e) Type and method of mining operations
TYPE / METHODOpen cast / Manual
Underground / Semi-mechanized
Both / Mechanized
f) Mining/quarry technology, including details of equipment to be used.
g) Type of blasting with quantity of explosives required (per annum)
h) Final working depth,
i) Thickness of overburden (in m.)
i) Minimum
ii) Maximum
iii) Average
j) Thickness of soil (in m.)
iv) Minimum
v) Maximum
vi) Average
k) Expected quantity of waste to be generated:
l) Stripping ratio:
m) Details of mineral production schedule:
n) Operating days:
14. Identification of areas vulnerable to erosion in the core area
15. Drainage pattern at site
a) Submit drainage map of area
b) Describe the surface and sub-surface water bodies including an inventory of number of rivers, streams, springs, water crossings falling in mine lease or in the study area
c) Proposal for any modification / diversion in the existing natural drainage pattern at any stage? If yes, when, dimensions of water body to be diverted, direction of flow of water and proposed route / changes, if any i.e. realignment of river / natural drain/ any other water body falling within core zone.
16. Does the site preparation require cutting of trees?
Yes No
If yes, please furnish the following details:
i) How many trees are proposed to be cut?
ii) Species of the above trees
iii) Are there any protected/endangered species?
Yes No.
If yes, provide details:
17. Provide a contour map along with the site plan of the mine, showing the various proposed operations such as quarry area, overburden (OB) dumps and buildings such as mine offices, workshops, stockyards and townships/colonies (if applicable).
18. Does the project require crushing activity, if yes, type of crushers, capacity tph (tones per day)
19. Loading, transportation and unloading of mineral and waste rocks:
a) Manual
b) Shovels, dumpers / trucks.
c) Conveyors (belt, chain, etc.)
d) Others
20. Mineral(s) transportation outside the ML area
a) Road, if road then quantity in TPD and approximate distance
b) Conveyor belt, the quantity in TPD and length of conveyor belt
c) Any other means
21. Resource requirement
a) Source of water supply
S.No / Source / m3/dayRiver (name)
Ground water
Mine water
b) Source of power and fuel supply (KL/day)
c) Water requirement (m3/day)
Purpose / Average demand / Peak demandA. Mine site
1. Mine operation
2. Dust suppression
3. Drinking
4. Others (specify)
B. Colonies (if applicable)
1. Green Belt
2. Domestic
3. Other (specify)
22. Details of the workforce to be employed in the project including information on employment potential during the construction and operation
Type of Labour Skills Required / Numbers / NationalityProject Construction Period
Project Operation Stage
23. Socio-economic profile
a) Number of villages falling in the mines lease area
b) Number of villages that would be affected
c) Number of houses/other infrastructures likely to be demolished
d) Name of owner whose property would be affected
Table 1: Sensitivity of the project site and adjoining areas
S.No / Information/Checklist confirmation / Yes/No / Distance from the projectsite with proper
explanation and provide
supporting documents
wherever applicable
Protected areas under international conventions, national or local legislation for their ecological importance
Project will affect the access of people to common resources. For example, the site was initially used as common grazing land, or fishing pond, or source of revenue for local community/ community forests etc.)
Risk to flora and fauna due to habitat fragmentation or loss of habitat or due to mining/quarry operation
Project site or adjoining areas used as routes by the public/tourists /pilgrims to access recreational/tourist site or pilgrimage areas in the vicinity
Project site or adjoining areas occupied by sensitive man-made land user (schools, park, playground/religious site/community facilities)
Areas susceptible to natural hazard such as landslides, erosion, flooding
Table 2: Change in physical structure (topography, land use, changes in water bodies, etc.) due to construction and operation of the development project
S.No / Information/Checklist confirmation / Yes/No / Details thereof (withapproximate quantities
/rates, wherever possible)
with source of information
data/ provide explanations,
wherever applicable.
Potential to cause permanent or temporary change in land use, land cover or topography.
Will the project involve clearance of existing land vegetation?
Will the project operation/activities trigger land disturbance, erosion, subsidence and instability
Will the project involve construction of new road during construction and operation?
Will the project involve closure or diversion or realignment of existing natural drain?
Potential to increase influx of people?
Table 3: Generation of noise and vibration
S.No / Information/Checklist confirmation / Yes/No / Details thereof (withapproximate quantities /rates, wherever possible) with source of information data/ provide explanations,
wherever applicable.
Will the project have potential to alter the ambient noise due to the following listed activities
a) Blasting
b) Mining activities
c) Increase in traffic
Will the project have potential to trigger ground vibration?
Will the project have potential to increase the risk of occupational noise hazard or potential to cause disturbance to adjoining human settlements?
Table: 4. Air pollution and emissions
S.No / Information/Checklist confirmation / Yes/No / Details thereof (withapproximate quantities /rates, wherever possible) with source of information data/ provide explanations,
wherever applicable.
Location of project in an area where there are other sources of air pollution
Will the project have potential to alter ambient air quality during construction and operation?
Potential to generate fugitive emissions
Any other emissions, specify
Table 5: Contamination of land or water from release of pollutants
S.No / Information/Checklist confirmation / Yes/No / Details thereof (withapproximate quantities /rates, wherever possible) with source of information data/ provide explanations,
wherever applicable.
Located in potential erosion/landslide prone area
Will potential project activities increase the sediment load in the local water bodies?
Potential to contaminate land and water due to handling, transport, storage of raw material/chemical or hazardous substances
Table 6: Risk
S.No / Information/Checklist confirmation / Yes/No / Details thereof (withapproximate quantities /rates, wherever possible) with source of information data/ provide explanations,
wherever applicable.
Activities/operations or processes leads to fire risk/ explosion/ electrocution and others.
Risk of road accident
Trigger landslide
Any other risk, specify
23. List of documents to be attached with the IEE form for mining and quarry projects:
1 / A map specifying the proposed location of the project2 / Summary of the project proposal
3 / No objection certificate from various departments and others relevant stakeholders (applicable if EA is not required)
4 / Environment Management Plan (applicable if EA is not required)
24. Declaration certificate stating with name & signature of project proponent
Seal: Signature of the project proponent