The Responsibilities of Parents

We ask our parents to support their children and the school by:

Watching for signs of distress or unusual behaviour in their children, which might be evidence of bullying?

Advising their children to report any bullying to a class teacher, a designated teacher, the

vice principal or the principal, and explain the implications of allowing the bullying to continue unchecked, for themselves and for other pupils;

Advising their children not to retaliate violently to any form of bullying;

Being sympathetic and supportive towards their children and reassuring them that appropriate action will be taken;

Keeping a written record of any reported instances of bullying;

Informing the school of any suspected bullying, even if their children are not involved.

The current Child Protection and Safeguarding policy is being tweaked at present in light of new guidance from the Department of Education (2017/04).

A summary leaflet is enclosed; the complete policy will appear on the website in due course.

The school has a complaints procedure which follows rigorous EA guidelines and covers all areas (pastoral, curriculum etc.) In accordance with this policy, the principal, designated teachers and staff must be the first points of contact – other parents, members of the Board of Governors should not be approached in the first instance. Likewise, anonymous complaints cannot be responded to. Thank you for your co-operation.





(updated monthly and contains holiday list, diary of key events and dates etc.)



The school will also use the text messaging service from time to time.

Please ensure that Helen is given details when mobile numbers have changed.




September 2017


(up-dated monthly and contains a holiday list, diary of key events/dates,

some policies, photographs, prospectus, school development plan etc.)



66324865 (2 lines)

This month marks the 150th Anniversary of Enniskillen Model

Primary School - the first pupils started in September 1867.

To mark this milestone Mrs Keys, in collaboration with governors, social committee members and some ex members of staff, is organising an informal celebration event to take place on Friday, 29th September. This will involve a display of old photographs etc.

If any parent has items/information we could use (or has other suggestions) please feel free to contact the school as soon as possible. Any guidance will be much appreciated.


Dear Parent

Welcome back to a new school year. I hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday.

A list of staff, classes and locations has been included for your convenience. Permanent teaching staff and deployments remain largely the same to what was detailed before the holiday (apart from Mr Kilfedder who has left us to take up the Vice Principal’s post in Lisbellaw Primary School – confirmed in early July). I would like to thank him for his fourteen years of service to this school and wish him all the very best in his new position. Miss Stockdale will be covering in P6 for a short spell until a replacement for Mr Kilfedder is sourced later this term. Mrs Griffith has commenced her maternity leave and Mrs Johnston is covering in P3 while Mrs McClure takes over in P1. There are also some subtle changes to non-teaching staff deployments.

As well as regular circulars to be sent home this year details of key events will be displayed on the VDU in the foyer – affecting the whole school. The content on the VDU changes weekly and will hopefully be of interest to parents and visitors. The text messaging service will continue and the school website contains a wealth of information.


The school day commences at 9.05 a.m. The official supervision of children takes place from 8.30 a.m. Children who arrive in school before 8.30 a.m. are not formally supervised (inside or outside). Please note that children arriving before 8.30 a.m. will have to wait outside as the external doors will be locked.At the end of school, it is accepted that parents may be unavoidably detained and in which case children will be cared for until their lift appears. Children still waiting for lifts at 3.30 p.m. are brought inside. A teacher remains on duty at the end of school (top and bottom playgrounds) to ensure that children not collected at 3.30 p.m. come inside again.


On occasions during the school day the external doors are locked. These doors (for fire evacuation reasons) can always be opened from the inside. A notice attached to the outside of the door outlines what to do if a door is locked. Parents needing access to the school during the day should only ever use the main entrance at the Castlecoole Road side of the building. This small window into Helen’s office should be used in order to seek permission to enter the school (at non-peak times when the inner door is locked). The signing in/out system has worked well and will continue this year.

Leaving School

Until hallowe’en P1 and P2 children will be going home at 2.00 pm. (as previously advised). DUE TO OTHER CLASSES USING THE PLAYGROUND UNTIL 2.00 p.m. PARENTS (P1 or P2) ARE ASKED NOT TO WAIT FOR CHILDREN INSIDE THIS PLAYGROUND UNTIL IT HAS CLEARED – AFTER WHICH PARENTS ARE WELCOME TO WAIT BESIDE THE CLASSROOM FIRE DOOR. Please use this door only for pickups.


After School/Homework Club

Parents can avail of the Club on a part-time/ full-time basis (open to P1 to P7 aged children) – operates every day from August 31st. The facility remains open until 5.45p.m. every day and the cost will be minimal/good value. There is no increase in cost at present.

SCHOOL YEAR: 2017/2018


Term BeginsThursday, 31st August 2017

Mid –Term Holiday Monday, 30th October to Friday, 3rd November inclusive

(5-day holiday for children)

Last Day of TermThursday, 21st December (closing at 12.00)


Staff Development DayWednesday, 3rd January 2018

First Day of TermThursday, 4th January

Mid-Term HolidayThursday, 15th and Friday, 16th February,

Staff Development DayMonday, 19th February

(3-day holiday for children)

St Patrick’s Day HolidayMonday, 19th March

Last Day of TermWednesday, 28th March (closing at the normal time)

Staff Development Day Wednesday, 11th April


First Day of TermThursday, 12th April

Staff Development DayFriday, 4th May

Bank HolidayMonday, 7th May

(2-day holiday for children)

Bank HolidayMonday, 28th May

Staff Development DayTuesday, 29th May

(2-day holiday for children)

Last Day of TermFriday, 29th June (closing at 12.00)

Staff Development Days are holidays for the children. Website: Holiday dates included: (follow the School Closures link)


If your contact details or family circumstances have changed (for whatever reason) in recent months, please complete and return so that our school records can be updated.

Pastoral Details

Pupil’s Name: ______Class: ______

New Address: ______

Tel Number: ______

Any other information that you would like to draw to the attention of the

class teacher that you feel needs to be highlighted.

(accessed by principal/teacher/secretary only)

(a)Medical: ______

(b)Pastoral: ______

(c) Other: ______


After School/Homework Club Arrangements

Session 1: 2.00 – 3.15 p.m. P1 and P2

(Mobile – another room will be used if numbers are large with P1 and P2 being split)

Session 2: 3.15 – 4.30 p.m. (2 groups)

P1 to P3 (Mobile) & P4 to P7 (ICT Room)

Session 3: 4.30 – 5.45 p.m. - P1 to P7 (ICT Room)

£2.50 per session (a register will be kept and parents will be invoiced at the

end of each month). Two qualified assistants will oversee each group.

CLOTHING and BOOK/MUSIC BANKS are located beside the main entrance gates and off the Castlecoole Road. Regular usage will, once again, help raise funds for the school, the N. Ireland Cancer Fund for Children and the British Heart Foundation. Thank you.


Any change in arrangements for children going home should be notified in advance. Parents who offer to escort a child of another parent home, without prior arrangement, should let the secretary know so that confusion about the child’s whereabouts does not occur.

Children with passes for a school bus are only permitted to travel on the bus to which their pass applies. Bus arrangements are not part of the school’s role – if problems regarding travelling arrangements arise contact needs to be made directly with the Transport Department in the District Office (66343900). However, any indiscipline problems on the bus do need to be relayed to school so that they can be followed up.

Liaison with Teachers

Parent teacher meetings can be organised in liaison with your child’s class teacher. If problems arise, I would encourage parents (in line with school policy), to liaise with the class teacher in the first instance. In addition, towards the end of October (week beginning 23rd), all teachers will arrange formal meetings with parents to discuss progress. Again, parents this year are being asked not to request interviews first thing in the morning – this is often a busy time for staff in getting ready for the day.

Class Correspondence

Class teachers will be sending leaflets home soon about procedures and curriculum information applicable to a particular year group. This informationincludes reply slips seeking parental permission for children being taken on class trips, swimming (as applicable). These reply slips need to be returned promptly – if not returned within a short period of time, it will be assumed that no objection is being made by parents and the child concerned is allowed to participate in the trips/swimming etc.

Most year groups will also be organising interviews/holding a meeting to explain their procedures in detail. The meetings are for parents only and details are outlined below:

Parents of children in P2 to P5 should report to their child’s classroom on Thursday, 7th Septemberat 7.00 p.m. (for P2), 7.30 p.m. (for P3), 8.00 p.m. (for P4) and 8.30 p.m. (for P5). Times have been staggered to allow parents to attend more than one meeting, if necessary. Parents of children in P1 should report to their child’s classroom on Thursday, 14th September at 7.30 p.m.

A good turnout of parents is encouraged and feedback from parents and teachers in previous years has indicated the usefulness of such meetings at the beginning of the school year.

P6 and P7 teachers operate a different system – details to follow via the teachers.

This school is fortunate in having a dedicated, talented and caring staff. I trust your support for them this school year will be forthcoming.



Each year group is outlining homework arrangements separately. These details complement the school’s policy on homework. I cannot emphasise enough the importance of children doing homework to consolidate their classwork but care should be taken to ensure it does not take up too much of their free time. Please ensure all homeworks are monitored and signed. It is useful if both the homework and the diary are signed. A note to the teacher is needed and avoids confusion should your child, for one reason or another, be unable to complete all or some of the work. The school has a standardised homework diary system from P3 up and this will continue – the diary also provides good scope for home/school correspondence. Children will receive diaries this week – please note the information at the front of the booklet.


Parents can get the appropriate items from the following local shops:

In Stitches, S.D. Kells, Select Kids.

It is advisable to write each child’s name on all clothing and footwear

to avoid possible loss – and especially P.E. kits and sweatshirts.

Guidance on black shoes policy/uniform –

Black shoes with sensible heel heights are to be worn.

Trainers may be brought to school for outdoor use, if felt necessary.

Girls should wear white socks (long/short) or grey tights. I prefer white socks – thank you.

Hair bands should be suitably coloured to complement the uniform (and small in size).

Nail varnish is not to be worn.

Sandals that complement the summer dresses/shorts will be allowed, as appropriate.

Boots, tracksuits bottoms etc. have never been part of our school policy.

Jewellery of any description is discouraged (for safety reasons and will curtail participation in P.E., swimming etc.)

A Model School P.E. kit (P3 and up) is compulsory. All children change their footwear for P.E./Games – trainers are acceptable for indoor P.E. classes and black plimsolls are not essential.

Lunch Arrangements

School lunches should be paid for on the first school day of each week – normally a Monday. If a child has been absent they should bring their lunch money to the class teacher when they return to school and not go directly to the office. School lunches are now £2.60 per day. To ensure that children eat their lunch properly please supply a small break (as applicable). Please note that issues with meals (menus, standard etc.) should be discussed directly with Mrs R Graham (Cook) on 66326532. The school has no management of this service and merely provides supervision in the hall. Please also note attached guidance in relation to school meals – dates/menu.





(For children to enter Primary One in September 2018 they will need to have turned four on or before the 1st July 2018).

CHILD’S NAME: ______



CHILD’S D.O.B.: ______

Correspondence regarding the enrolment of children is automatically forwarded to all parents who have registered their children. Admission to the school can be based partly on a first come, first served basis and failure to register now can create problems later on. This has been the situation for the past number of years due to sizeable over subscription.

It is school policy that children do not bring the following items to school – large (expensive) games/toys, balls (of any size) and potentially dangerous items. The exchanging of cards is closely monitored.


e.g. P.T.A. organised discos or movie nights)

Dates for the diary: The school photographer will be visiting earlier this school year – Thursday, 28th and Friday, 29th September. Details via Mrs Keys will filter home very soon.


Registering children

A large number of pre-school children’s details are currently on computer record – i.e. Primary 1 aged children due to start school in September 2018 or later.

Accessing a place for September 2018 is being made easier – a change of policy is being implemented because of difficulties in recent years. Notably, parents who live further from the school/outside the school’s catchment will find it easier to secure a place in this school.

All children who attend nursery schools or classes must also be registered with a primary school. Returning the accompanying sheet will help us to add to and update our records – thank you. Parents are kindly asked to inform prospective new parents to the school of these arrangements. Alternatively, please feel free to email us (email address at front of booklet).

I include a list of the holiday dates for this school year (please note that on occasions these can vary slightly but it is hoped on this occasion that they are fairly accurate).

To avoid random holidays, staff development days have been planned to form part of other holiday dates.

Please do not hesitate in contacting the school if you require any further clarification on the above points.

Yours sincerely

W Glass


Please note: Following the Smoking (Northern Ireland) Order 2006 and the School’s Smoke-free Policy, parents/visitors are asked to refrain from smoking inside and outside the school premises – thank you.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR PARENTS OF CHILDREN WHO SUFFER FROM ASTHMA: We realise the importance of children having an appropriate inhaler with them in school at all times. However, in the event of a child forgetting their inhaler, we would like to have a spare (in date) one in school - labelled with the child’s name and any other instruction deemed necessary. The class teacher will hold this in a secure place.

Mrs Abraham (First Aider) tracks all medical records in school and ensures that they are kept up-to-date – please keep us informed of all changes etc.


Absence from School

Notes/phone messages are required for all school absences and should be directed to the class teacher. Attendance certificates for full attendance are awarded on request only (new Education Authority policy). Please note that the school roll is taken twice per day and hence missing a number of morning or afternoon sessions will affect attendance rates. Should a child be unwell it is best they remain at home and if possible encouraged to read a novel/appropriate book.

I am keen that children arrive at school promptly and before the 9.05a.m. bell which marks the beginning of lessons.

School should be notified in advance of planned, longer absences from school – although such absences are not encouraged it is acknowledged that they are often unavoidable. Teachers do not set formal work for children who miss school due to holidays – instead, they are asked to read or to keep a diary of their experiences.

Parent Teacher Association

I value the continued support of the P.T.A. and they will undoubtedly keep you informed of events through regular correspondence. Your continued support of their fund raising events is welcomed. Again, the effort of last year’s Committee has helped buy a wide variety of resources and subsidise many other school activities. This school is extremely fortunate in having such a dedicated group of helpers – thank you. Details about P.T.A. events to come will also appear on the VDU in the foyer.