2013 Fall Babe Ruth meeting minutes

The fall meeting of Wisconsin Babe Ruth Baseball was called to order at
9:30 a.m. September 14,2013 at the Stevens Point (WI) Visitor's Center by
new state president Todd Schaaf.
Present, in addition to Schaaf, were Nathan Kilness and Dustin Kilness,
Eau Claire; District 4 Commissioner Brian Young, District 1 Commissioner
George Husby, District 2 Commissioner and 16-18 Assistant State
Commissioner Pat Reilly, Matt Stried and Ron Cramer, Janesville; Dan
Mueller, Fond du Lac; Brad Franz and Scott Stankowski, Stevens Point.
Minutes of the spring meeting are available on the state website.
Treasurer's report shows about $7600 in the accounts.
Report on state tournaments:
Janesville--no problems and are in consideration for a Ohio Valley
Regionalin the future. Had 3 tournaments last year. Work on facility
improvement is ongoing.
The overlap of the Janesville and Milton programs was discussed.
Eau Claire--had the 14s and said all went smoothly
Dodgeville had the 10s and 16-18. No problems other than rain,
District Commissioners will receive documents, ID cards, etc and certify
them prior to tournament play
District 1-Brian Young--7 teams charters, 3 in tourney play. Same group of
teams as last year
District 2--Pat Reilly/Todd Schaaf--last year was biggest year for teams
in the district(150) and that is expected to continue.
District 3--Mark Ryser per Kilness brothers. Mark would like the
boundaries for his district clarified. He said there are some teams
calling themselves Cal Ripken who are unaffiliated. He also said people
are questioning the level of competition of Cal Ripken/Babe Ruth vs travel
District 4--George Husby. Without district tournaments the tournament
trail is much easier. Approved bats for 15-14-13 discussed and will see if
an approved bat list is available.
George later reported that American Legion numbers are going down as the
organization has no reentry, dh for pitcher only and no courtesy runners.
He expects that to translate into more Babe Ruth teams at the upper
Eau Claire suggested play-in games for teams not usually in the state
tournament but no action taken.
Travel team baseball discussed as the the effect it has on Cal/BR programs.
Todd announced that all state tournaments will be double elimination. He
will set the pairings and tournament directors will set the game times.
Baseballs and trophies will be furnished by the state.
Ohio Valley Regional dates are:
July 23-27 for 8 machine pitch, 10's, 12-60, 11-70, 12-70, 13,14,15 and
July 30-August 3 for 8 coach pitch, 9's, 11-60.
Tournaments were awarded:
8-Janesville July 12-16
9-Dodgeville July 12-16
10-Stevens Point July 12-16
11/60-Dodgeville July 12-16
12/60-Janesville July 12-16
11-70-Janesville July 12-16
12/70-Janesville July 12-16
13's-Janesville July 12-16
14's-Eau Claire July 12-16
15's-Sauk Prairie July 12-16
16-18-Fond du Lac July 12-16
Dan Mueller gave a report on Fond du Lac's Ohio Valley Regional
championship and its trip to the World Series. The OVR was at Chesterton,
Ind and the WS at Covington County, Ala.
Discussion took place about the Woodside Sports Complex at Mauston.
Todd also affirmed there can only be 3 coaches in the dugout at state
Todd will continue to use the state website
Spring meeting is Saturday, April 5 at a site to be determined.