Local IFC Survey
Within the last two months, Statewide IFC sent a survey to Chairs of 22 local IFC’s. Thank you to the Ombudsman’s Office for providing this contact information.
22 Surveys were distributed and 12 returned (54%). We asked questions about Local IFC structure, communication, and Statewide IFC interaction to determine how best to organize and serve needs.
- Structure:
At 11 of the 12 local IFC’s surveyed, the IFC Chair is aware of and follows the 2008 Bylaws. At one prison an AW is attempting to change the Bylaws and at another a former Warden made changes which were opposed by the Local IFC; these changes were reversed. As one survey respondent stated, “our Bylaws are like the DOM or Title 15; they have to be followed.”
Per the Bylaws meetings are held at least every other month. 2 IFC’s hold meetings monthly, 8 hold them every other month, and 1 holds them quarterly.
Per the Bylaws Local IFC’s shall consist of no more than 10 members. Of the surveys returned 2 IFC’s have 2 members and 3 have 10 members. The rest have 4-8 members with many listing inmate movement as a limitation to IFC participation.
According to the Bylaws there will be 3 Officers: Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary. The Chair is expected to provide the Warden with Agenda at least 10 business days before meetings and the Secretary takes minutes of that meeting. 7 of the IFC Chairs surveyed provide the Warden with Agenda in the 2 week timeframe; 4 provide Agenda one week before meetings; and 1 provides Agenda 2-3 days before the meeting. Minutes are taken by Secretary for 7 Local IFC’s, by Chair in 1, by Administration for 3; and no minutes are taken at one institution.
Per the Bylaws CDCR representation at meetings is the Warden or Chief Deputy with additional representatives as required by agenda items with due consideration to IFC requests. Visiting Lieutenant or Sergeant shall attend the meetings. Of the 12 surveys returned 10 adhere to this pattern and at 2 prisons the Warden rarely attends..
- Communication:
- Local Communication:
Per the Bylaws each IFC shall have a bulletin board for IFC to post official IFC communications. These communications must be approved by the Warden’s office.
At 11 of the 12 IFC’s surveyed there are one or more IFC bulletin boards variably in Visiting Rooms and/or Processing Centers. At one prison there is space on an Administration bulletin board. Postings are mainly done by IFC’s after Warden Approval but at one prison Visiting Sergeant posts.
Per the Bylaws each institution shall provide the IFC a locked suggestion box in the visiting processing area. This is done at all the 12 prisons surveyed. Who controls the key/combination to that suggestion box is variable.
Some prisons provide communication tools not specified in the Bylaws. These include website, E-mail, Facebook, and business cards for IFC members. IFC’s have also utilized Friends Outside centers for posting of their contact information.
- Communication Among IFC’s
Communication is mainly through IFC Yahoo Group and Prison Talk. More recently Statewide IFC has provided a communication link with a website
- Statewide Local IFC Interactions
Most of the Statewide IFC members are also local IFC members/chairs. Presently 7 out of the 10 Statewide members are also members of local IFC’s, one is a consultant for several local IFC’s, and several have government and/or legal backgrounds.
Among those surveyed 9 out of 12 have contacted SIFC members in the past concerning issues. 7 of these 9 had positive interactions ,while one stated “mixed results,” and another reported that there was no reply to her question.
Several said they would like to attend an SIFC meeting and 10 of the 12 Chairs surveyed were welcoming to SIFC member attending one of their meetings.
All 12 Chairs surveyed would appreciate some type of training but there was uncertainty about the best format for this: Weekend Conference as has been done in the past, Operating Manuel, contact person(s) for questions. Most Chairs want to know issues discussed at Statewide IFC meetings and issues appropriate for their local discussion.