EQ: What kind of adventures can we have on any day?
ELA Week Theme: Let’s go out
Learning Target: I can retell a story. I can compare and contrast characters in stories.
Genre: Fiction
Text Features or Literary Elements: Maps
Materials / Resources
Olivia and the Missing Toy Falconer, Ian (E FAL)
Tales of Oliver Pig Van Leeuwen, Jean (E VAN) – “A Bad Day” p. 21
Venn diagram
Prior Knowledge
1. Ask students to tell you about the story they read this week in their anthology.
If they can’t think of it, give some clues:
a. Was it about a dog or a pig?
b. Was the pig’s name Olivia or Amanda?
Modeling and/or Skills Development
2. Share the story Olivia and the Missing Toy. After reading, ask students to discuss with a neighbor what they most enjoy about Olivia and why.
Guided Practice
3. Tell students that there are many stories about pigs in our library. Many first graders like to read about Oliver Pig and his sister Amanda. Read “A Bad Day” from Tales of Oliver Pig. Ask students how Oliver and Olivia are alike and different. If they have trouble getting started, you can suggest:
a. Oliver is boy and Olivia is a girl.
b. Olivia has brothers and Oliver has a sister.
Then see if they can come up with some ideas of their own.
4. Let students know that there may be other Oliver and Amanda Pig books in the library. Show them the spine label and talk about where the books are shelved.
5. Why is it important to retell a story in the order of beginning, middle and end? Discuss with a partner. Share.