Product Specification
Liquid Nails Timberflex
Advanced polymer technology – Flexible timber flooring adhesive
Timber Flooring
Where so indicated on the drawings, the [nominated] flooring material is to be bonded to the substrate using advanced polymer technology,flexible, trowel grade adhesive. The adhesive is to be suitable to bond most types of solid strip, engineered, bamboo boards and parquet blocks to concrete, ply, yellow tongue and over existing timber floors. It is to contain no polyurethane.
All surfaces shall be prepared and the flooring adhesive applied strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s current Technical Data Sheet.
All work shall be carried out by a pre-qualified contractor, who is well trained in the application of the specific, documented, flooring adhesive, in accordance with all Australian Standards and BCA/NZBC requirements, using best practices.
All materials used in conjunction with the flooring adhesive shall be approved by the adhesive manufacturer.
Surface Preparation
Concrete slabs must be built in accordance with AS2870-1996 and have a finish equivalent to that obtained using a steel trowel.
The substrate surface shall be smooth, clean,dry, be in a structurally sound state and free from irregularities and any contamination. Remove all laitance, curing compounds, form release agents, loose materials and any contaminating foreign matter from the floor substrate.Grind concrete to remove high spots, surface contaminants and weak surface layers.
The floor should be level to 3mm in 3m, to avoid the risk of hollow spots under strip timber overlay.
Sand timber substrates to remove any contaminants such as glue or surfaces finishes and flatten any raised joints.
All substrate cracks and surface imperfections are to be filled, sealed and dry prior to being treated with the vapour barrier and flooring adhesive.
All materials used in conjunction with the new flooring adhesive, shall be approved by the adhesive manufacturer.
Self Levelling Compounds
As the condition and quality of self-levelling compound or cement screed can be the most important factor in achieving a long lasting timber overlay, it is essential that an exterior grade levelling compound that does not require a moisture barrier under it, must be used.
Concrete Vapour Barrier
A compatible Vapour Barrier is recommended to be applied over concrete before applying the flooring adhesive to prevent moisture migration and subsequent swelling of the timber overlay. Moisture content of the slab should be <5.5%, and moisture vapour transmission<15g/m2 per 24 hr.
Adhesion Testing
Prior to commencement; bond a minimum of 5 test pieces (300mm long) of timber to be used in the project and conduct destructive pull tests to confirm adhesion to the substrate.
Timber Flooring Adhesive
The [nominated] flooring material is to be bonded to the substrate using advanced polymer technology, flexible, trowel grade adhesive. The adhesive is to be suitable to bond most types of solid, engineered strip and sheet timber flooring to concrete and timber. It is to contain no polyurethane.
When installed in accordance to the Product Technical Data Sheet, it shall exhibit the following properties:
Property / Typical ResultColour: / Oak
Density: / 1.52
Technology: / Advanced polymer technology
Tensile strength: / 1.75 MPa
Shear strength: / 1.8 MPa
VOC level: / 2.5 g/Lt
Application temperature: / 5oC to 40oC
N.B. Timber strip should be installed at a measured moisture content within 2% of the expected equilibrium moisture content of the building to minimise excessive movement after installation.
Parchem Construction SuppliesDocument Date: 07/2014Page 1 of 2
Parchem offers direct assistance with specifications for individual projects; we can visit the site, design office, or arrange a meeting at our branch office. It is recommended that Parchem be consulted early in the design process. For Technical Data Sheets (TDS), Specifications and Method Statements, please visit our website at. * To insert the Specification, Copy and Paste.