St Brendan’s Primary School
News LETTER September 2016
St Brendan’s Primary School – Be the best we can be!
Website …… Follow us on twitter - @stbrendansyoker , we have only 37 followers L we would like lots more parents to follow for all school information ….. App coming soon
Parental Engagement – Internet Safety – How to keep your children safe using the internet.
In our current climate of fast every changing technology it was important for the school to arrange a visit from Edict .
In addition to staff and pupils training I arranged two separate parent events , one afternoon – 3 parents attended and an evening session – 2 parents attended . If you have any suggestions how to attract more parents into school ……. please let me know.
Parish Partnership
We have really good links with St Brendan’s Parish Church and we thank Father Joe McAuley who is committed to our school, he is a regular visitor to classes, helps support and prepare the pupils for Sacraments. All classes have an opportunity to organise and lead their own Mass in Church, Primary 5 will lead the celebration on 5th Oct 2016. These are very special occasions for the children and it would be lovely this year if more parents could attend to support their children.
Parent Council contact email Next Parent Council meeting on Tuesday 4th October at 1.30pm, all welcome.
Ladies Night – Info to follow.
Christmas Fayre this year will be on Fri 2nd Dec 3pm , hope you will be able to come along and support our school.
Family Fun Night – 19th Dec @ 3.00pm.
Halloween Disco – After consultation with pupils, staff and parent council we have decided this year to have a Halloween Disco instead of the historical parade . Thurs 27th Oct 2016in the evening. More info from Parent council to follow. There will be no parade this year in school.
Parental Engagement and increase our partnership work. Our whole staff would like to welcome parents into our school more … There will be opportunities to come into school and help out with activities. This year we will continue our structured “Golden Time”, this is for P4-7 and the children really look forward to it. Looking for volunteers to join us and have some fun, if you are interested in Art/design/ Craft work/ Reading/ Music/ Baking/ any Sports/ Chess and any other ideas would be most welcome. Please contact school office to volunteer.
Welcome Afternoon – Monday 3rd Oct 2016 - 1.30pm
Please come along have tea/coffee, a chat with other parents, meet the Senior Leadership team, Class Teachers, Support for Learning Assistants, Clerical staff and your child’s friends in class, learn about their work this year, some of the topics to be covered and examples of homework.
FUN RUN DAY – MAKE IT GREAT !!!!!! LOOKING FOR PARENTS TO TAKE PART AND JOIN IN – Do not need to run, I will most definitely be walking, I will leave the running to the youngsters. Date for diary – Wed 5th Oct 2016. Wear bright fun clothes appropriate for our walking/ running around the school …. No high heels From this sponsor we would like to organise a Christmas treat outing for pupils and purchase more games for the playground and golden time. We have looked at tables/ chairs from Ikea/ board games/ table tennis / archery / badminton etc etc ….
Christmas Treat – We have been pricing some events one company wanted to charge £780.00 to come in to the school, everything is so expensive. Hopscotch can offer alladdin at £650.00. I have price4d the Pavillion and it is £13.50 per pupil ticket . that’s £2,700.00 for our pupils. ( Although we should be able to book free buses) . At present we are looking at the cinema or a cheaper pantomime…. If you have any suggestions or contacts please let me know. Do you know of any grant or funding we could apply for to help towards our trip?
Library –Volunteers urgently required or it will close. Can you give us 30mins or more on a Thurs AM
We have a fantastic library run by a very small group 5 even smaller now since Carol Holmes is no longer part of the group of parents with no previous library experience, we are urgently seeking new parents to come along and help out on a Thurs morning. If you have any time to spare please contact the school office.
Jack Lang – Celtic Park
The Lang family have bought two season tickets for Celtic Park in memory of Jack to be used by any of his friends. These will be Corporate tickets which include snack at half time and a programme. Please contact Marion or Stuart on 01415797459 or contact the school office there are a couple of games still up for grabs.
Health & Safety - Polite Reminder
The safety of your children is paramount to us- they are our first priority, always.
Polite reminder for the safety of all pupils in the school all adults must report to school office before approaching any classes.
In line with GCC Policy, dogs should not be in the school playground, either being carried or on a lead. Please do not continue to bring dogs into St Brendan’s Playground. Thank you.
At 9.00am it is not always convenient to speak to class teachers especially at the infant entrance as pupils are waiting to enter school. Please call the office or report to the main entrance with any information you feel necessary to pass onto class teacher. The ladies in the yard in the morning are only there in a supervisory capacity and cannot be responsible for passing on individual information, any small pieces if information can also be written in homework book.
A suggestion is for all parents to wait at the back of the playground, this gives parents more space and allows the pupils to come forward into lines as they wait to enter school.
If you have any other suggestions they will be greatly appreciated.
Health & Safety - Medicine
During the course of any year some pupils will require to be given medication at school. Parents are asked to note the following points should this apply to their child:
· Medication will be administered by authorised members of staff at the discretion of the Headteacher. This will only be possible when a Parental Permission Form is completed. Forms are available from school office, when required
· School staff are not permitted to give non prescribed medication to pupils (e.g. calpol, antihistamines, cough medicines etc)
· Pupils requiring antibiotics should have dosage arrangements made, such that the antibiotic can be taken before & after school wherever possible
Medicines will be stored in a secure location not accessible to pupils. Exception to this is asthma inhalers which MUST BE READILY AVAILABLE WHEN REQUIRED.
Inhalers can be kept by children in their own school bags and if necessary supervision by school staff can be arranged if parents are concerned about their child’s ability to administer correctly. This arrangement would normally apply only to younger children in Primaries one & two or pupils recently diagnosed.
· No pupil will be allowed to take part in school outings without essential medication. This includes ASTHMA INHALERS. It is the responsibility of parents to ensure that INHALERS & other essential medications are provided. If these are not available then unfortunately pupils must be asked to remain in school.
Nut Allergies
As we have pupils and staff in school who are severely allergic to nuts we kindly request that you do not give your child any nut products, e.g. nutella, for snacks or lunch.
I write to advise of the above temporary restriction, which is to improve safety on Dornal Avenue during the redevelopment works at the adjacent school campus.
The Order will come into effect 06:00 hours on Thursday 22nd September 2016 and remain in operation for the duration of the works.. If you require any further information, please contact Scott Downie 0141 287 9351.
The above is the result of the Joint Campus Working group and in particular Gary Earl
( previous Kelso Nursery parent ) .
Joint Campus Meeting
Next meeting arranged for Monday 24th October 2016, 3.30pm at Yoker Primary. Representatives from all schools will be there to discuss the Joint Campus.
Parking/Dropping off – causing problems at Dornal Avenue
This is a difficult time for all staff/ pupils /parents/residents whilst our new build is being constructed. Please show consideration for others while parking or dropping off your children, do not stop in the middle of the road to drop off children. This situation is far from ideal, although we are coping remarkably well considering.
School Photographs
We tried a new photographer this year – Colorfoto were in the school on Wednesday and the children were fabulous. The photographer asked me to pass on at Assembly how welcoming and friendly and fun the children were. Another good news story for our pupils within the Yoker Community.
Citizenship Committees – Parents!!!!! Would you like to join a Committee this year?
These Committees have proven so successful over the past few years that this year we thought it would be good to invite any interested parent/guardian/family member to join us. Our Committees this year are Eco, Fair Trade, Pastoral – Charities, Enterprise, Playground . Media. Health & Well Being, Rights of the Child, Gaelic, Road Safety, Pupil Council/Joint Campus and Literacy. P3-7 pupils choose their Committee of choice based on their interest & talents. To make the organisation easier we have buddied up P7 with P1 pupils and P6 with P2. The older pupils will help support the younger children. The Committees plan to meet once every month on a Fri afternoon. If you are keen to join us please inform the school office. Hope to see you.
What’s happening in St Brendan’s ….
Youth Music Initiative Friday afternoons for P3
Curricular sports Football P3 & P6, Dance P7
After school Clubs ….. Football for P7, Table Tennis lunchtime club for P5-7 hopefully more clubs to be arranged in the near future.
Spanish Tuesday morning for P5,P6 & P7
Dates for Diary
Friday 23 September Holiday
Monday 26 September Holiday
Monday 3 October Welcome Afternoon 1.30pm – All Welcome
Tuesday 4 October Parent Council Meeting 1.30pm
Tuesday 4 October First Holy Communion Parent Meeting – In School at 6.30pm
Wednesday 5 October Fun Run
Thursday 6 October Election – school closed
Friday 7 October Mass – St Brendan’s Church
Sunday 9 October First Holy Communion Enrolment Mass
Friday 14 October In Service Day
Monday 17 – Friday 21 October October Holiday
Monday 24 October Joint Campus Meeting 3.15pm – Yoker Pr
Thursday 27 October Sharing the Learning Assembly – P6
Thursday 27 October Halloween Disco
Kind regards
Maureen Nugent
Mrs Maureen Nugent
Head Teacher
St Brendan’s Primary School
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Thank you for filling in the questionnaire. Your views are appreciated
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Child’s class ------
Please hand into school office.
Thank you