Catford South Assembly – Together We Make Community

Catford South Action Plan 2014-15 to 2016-17- This is a 3 year plan

Developed from Priorities exercise carried out at Assembly events on Thursday February 13th 2014 and Saturday 5th of July 2014

We asked you to identify your top priorities for the area – these are wider themes that matter to you, or issues you would like to influence to make your area better. / Project
We asked you to tell us the kind of things you wanted your community to focus on over the next year. These issues will be taken forward and where practical, either turned into a project with a specific outcome or addressed through the assembly meetings and the action plan. / Who will lead and who will take projects forward
Where possible project leaders will come from the local community. The Assembly Coordinating Group, Local Councillors and Assembly Coordinator, will work with local organisations, LBL Council and other bodies to move projects forward. / How will these priorities be
Some projects will be commissioned through the Assembly funding process. Where local bodies make an application to carry out a project and receive funding to do so. Some priorities, where projects are not feasible, will be addressed directly at assembly meetingsthrough information sharing. Other priorities will be addressed through the action plan by local people and the coordinating group. / Timescales
Where possible the assembly will endeavour to tackle the issues raised over the next year up until the end of March 2015, but in some cases, these may be ongoing. / Updates and monitoring
This involves ensuring that projects are followed up and monitored and gives feedback on how projects and actions are progressing. This actions plan should be updated and reviewed as part of the coordinating group meetings and any successes should be reported back to the full assembly.
The Priorities for Catford South have been identified as the following:
Streetscape and environment:
This refers to issues that affect how you feel about your area. The general appearance of the area including recurring problems of litter, dog fouling, plants, trees and overall beauty. Streetscape also includes condition of streets, roads and parking
Developing local opportunities for children and young people:
This priority will focus on creating opportunities for children and young people to be more involved in their area and become engaged in local community opportunities and projects. The aim is to empower young people to develop and learn new skills for their future, to instil a commitment in young people to their local area, that they will take into adulthood and to make lasting, local friendships.
Increase opportunities for Older People:
To help communities work more with older people to help reduce isolation through encouraging neighbourliness, bringing generations together, developing opportunities for older people to remain active, healthy and a part of the Catford South community.
Improvements to shopping hubs:
Building on the work carried out on the Sandhurst Parade Feasibility Study, working with local businesses and the Local Council to help steer the future of local shopping hubs, particularly through consultation, involvement in planning at an early stage and ensuring the local voice is heard on the issues.
Community Cohesion
As well as bringing communities together through local events and projects, Community Cohesion also puts a focus on tackling anti social behaviour and crime, working with the Police, Community Safety Team and Neighbourhood Watch to foster better relationships throughout the local community and develop a greater sense of pride in the area.
Communication – bringing people together
All though this is not a standard priority the coordinating group have requested that we include communication as a crucial focus of the work of the ward assembly – so residents are able to find out all the information they need about their ward in one place. This needs to be accessible so therefore both and online and paper solution for those who can not access the internet due to a number of reasons. There is some great stuff happening in the ward, the assembly would like to link this up better to benefit all residents.

Catford South Action Plan Continued

Priority Heading / Project or action detail / Who will lead / budget / Who will we work with? / Outcomes / Outputs – what do we want to achieve / Time scales / Updates and Monitoring
Streetscape & environment
Community Cohesion / Make front gardens and streets and public spaces more beautiful
Build on last years ‘Bulbs In Bloom’ by continuing to give out bulbs to people in the local area. Focusing this time on increasing resident and business participation. Consider holding a bulb planting day where all bulb recipients get out together to plant their bulbs.
Catford Bulbs in Bloom has been agreed by the coordinating group to happen again in 2015-16 in late September early October / LewishamGardens will be commissioned
Project: Budget will be sourced through devolved CS assembly budget if agreed / Lewisham Gardens, Local Businesses, schools, community groups and spaces, churches, residents associations, housing associations (L&Q etc.) / - Encouraging neighbourliness by improving the outside of homes, and making neighbours connect through conversation while planting and sharing of materials. – Achieved 2014-15 – as evidenced through correspondence with participants and residents collecting bulbs on behalf of neighbours
- Opportunities for young people to document the planting day through video – Not Achieved in full. The young people of HolyCrossSchool were directly involved by being a distribution point and all schools took over 1000 bulbs but documentation was pictorial only and did not come from all school. To be followed up this year.
- Increased pride in local area through the beautifying of the streets
Achieved, those involved were very satisfied that the area looked better in spring
-Surveys and photos taken
Beautiful photographs received – many photographs were received. Surveys were not followed up as it was not practical to contact everyone who received the bulbs – however the co group members were surveyed for their thoughts and they agreed it went well and should continue while financially possible / Annually
- Promoted September to November 2014
- Bulbs purchased by end September
- Distributed by end of October
- Community planting day suggested for weekend of 15thth November 2014
This is an ongoing project that will hopefully take place yearly
All achieved with the exception of a community planting day. As it was deemed to logistically difficult to mobilise the ward to plant on one day – to be pursued 2015-16 if appropriate / CBIB 2014
Report bullet points
- Over 8000 bulbs were given away
- Schools and community groups were provided with bulbs for their locations and outside spaces
-over 350 bulb bags were collected from Torridon Road Library and HolyCrossSchool
-Both distribution points stated the project was a success and benefitted them
- The library stated they saw a rise in new borrowers and lapsed borrowers updating and renewing their cards
- the assembly saw an increase in awareness of the assembly and a lift in email contacts
- Rushey Green will be adopting CBIB in the next year
- CATFORD South should look prettier by the spring thus fulfilling a priority
- evidence that people were helping neighbours access the project thus improving neighbourliness
Streetscape & environment
Development opportunities for Children and Young People / Promote work with young people to help understanding around litter and keeping our area tidy
A creative project to work with school children to help them understand the importance of keep the area tidy. Actively changing attitudes to litter dropping at an earlier age / Potential for schools to lead in partnership with local residents associations and children to present to assembly
Project: Could be a funding opportunity – currently not funded / RAs, Primary and Secondary schools
LBL Council - Environmental Services / - Improve the local environment by a reduction in letter
- Help develop skills in young people by their creative involvement in a litter busting project.
- Help general education of community pride to young people.
- Develop report writing and presentation skills for young people as they report on and present findings and outcomes to assembly
- Encourage young peoples involvement in CS assembly / - Approach schools and RAs immediately after summer holidays (early September)
- Project completed By End March 2016 / Update - This will be put forward as part of the 2015-16 funding round, for schools to consider taking this project forward
Streetscape & environment / Tree maintenance
To continue to ensure the trees of Catford South are well maintained and pollarded or trimmed where necessary to promote tree health. Plant new trees where possible / Assembly Coordinating Group or funding bid
Project: Corbett Green Streets
£2000 / Peter Moss / Sarah Forad – Tree Officer Green Scene Corbett RA / - Less trees are found to be unhealthy
- Trees Look tidy and healthy
- Less tree death
- More Trees are planted
- 8 trees to be planted by Corbett RA / Ongoing / Update - Corbett have received the funding for their trees. Monitoring of this is expected by end December 2015
Streetscape & environment / Work closer with Housing Associations
Work closer with Housing associations and their residents to improve care of communal outside spaces.
Develop promotional literature raising awareness about the importance of maintenance and upkeep of outside areas / Assembly Co Group and coordinator
Action: No budget required / Housing Associations, L&Q, Lakehouse / - More tenants attend assembly meetings
- greater involvement from housing associations (tenants and employees) on coordinating group and at assemblies
- housing associations join up more with local residents associations in their immediate area / Ongoing – but attend an assembly as a speaker for Q and A by end 2015-16 / Update – L and Q have attended one community showcase event and one general assembly meeting – scope to invite them for a q and a session in the next year if agreed by co group.
Streetscape & environment / Parking Improvements
Work with developers to improve and ensure adequate parking for their residents, to relieve pressure on parking in the area, especially when considering new developments. / Coordinating Group
Action: No budget required / Developers i.e. Barratt London Development Team and others to be identified / -Views of Local people heard on issues of development
-Views reflected in planning decisions where possible / Ongoing / To Be discussed with group and full assembly on the parking needs in the area. Potential to discuss CPZ again in the near future
Streetscape & environment / Making CS a nicer place to live.
Fly Tipping / Litter reduction
Street Litter and developing a volunteer warden project / Community Organisation
Project: Funding received by CGRA to develop project £795 / Culverley Green RA – Kate Richardson / - Increase in no dumping signs
- Fly tipping cleared earlier and more often
- reduction in fly tipping
- Improved street cleaning through warden reporting
- Less Litter
- Increase in awareness and use of ‘Love Lewisham’ app / January – November 2015 / Update – monitoring on this project expected by end March 2016
Streetscape & environment / Improving Cycling provision in the ward
Increase communication between the road safety team and the assembly. – achieved road safety attended assembly.
Creating greater respect and understanding between drivers, riders and pedestrians / Community Organisation
Project: potential to apply for funding around a respect awareness campaign to help cyclists moterists and pedestrians communicate more effectively and improve safety / TBC / TBC / Ongoing / Update - Cycling Team attended general assembly meeting on 23rdFebruary 2015. It was very clear from the discussions at the meeting that ongoing work is needed in the ward between cyclists, drivers and pedestrians in partnership with the road safety team.
Streetscape & environment / Working to tackle the ongoing problem of dog mess in the Catford South Area / Corbett RA – Julia Burke and Coordinator / Working Dogs trust to raise awareness and enforcement to provide signage
The BARK team within Lewisham council to highlight issues and track information
Lewisham Communications to raise awareness / - To achieve a reduction in complaints about dog fowling in the area
- To track problem hot spot areas more readily / ongoing / Update
Coordinator now on the BARK group within the council and received minutes of other meetings and updates
Corbett to update monitoring of the signage when installed
Priority Heading / Project or action detail / Who will lead / budget / Who will we work with? / Outcomes / Outputs – what do we want to achieve / Time scales / Updates and Monitoring
Developing local opportunities for children and young people / Working closer with primary schools
Torridon Mosaics
Project that develops a sense of space and self esteem - developing community arts projects for all ages / TorridonRoadInfantsSchool
Project: Budget £890 funded through 2014-15 LAF / TorridonRoadInfantsSchool – Jean Worthy / - Joined up working with local primary school
- Creation of mosaic
- To identify up to twelve children from years one and two who need to improve their self confidence
- To build a sense of self achievement among young children, particularly those with low self-esteem, confidence and self worth.
- To encourage teamwork among parents/carers and children / January – November 2015 / Update - Monitoring on this project is expected by end March 2015
Developing local opportunities for children and young people / Develop opportunities for young people with Special educational needs and disabilities
SNAP project
target group are a very isolated group of young women within Lewisham borough, who because of their disabilities, find it hard to access activities within the community.
The young women through the work will gain life skills, be encouraged to create her own personal development and promote self-achievement / Lewisham Young Women’s Resource Centre
Project: Budget £2000 funded through 2014-15 LAF / Lewisham Young Women’s Resource Centre - Philippa Wall / - To deliver a number of workshops on topics such as healthy relationships, money and budgeting, independent living skills including basic cookery skills
- To provide every six weeks a different sporting activity that will benefit the young women and will improve their overall health and emotional well being
- To provide a one hour, six week Art Therapy Course. The course will help the young women expressive their emotions and help them to recognise their feelings.
- Young Women learn to interact with other girls and make long lasting friendships
- Learn new transferable independent skills
- Encourage the young women to seek volunteering opportunities in the local community / January – November 2015 / Update - Monitoring on this project is expected by end March 2015
Developing local opportunities for children and young people / Provide specific training and skills building opportunities for older young people to encourage volunteering and employment chances
Teachsport Volunteer Active Project / Community Teachsport
Project: Budget £2053 funded through 2014-15 LAF / Community Teachsport – Ross Walker / - We will register, manage and deliver 2 x 5 day UK sports leaders (nationally recognised qualification) courses
- plus 5 x 1 day AQA (national awards) covering topics on, Communication skills, organisational skills, volunteering, child welfare requirements and event structure planning.
- The courses will be offered free of charge and will be delivered at the Healthy Lifestyle Centre in Abbotshall Road / January – November 2015 / Update - Monitoring on this project is expected by end March 2015
Developing local opportunities for children and young people / Engaging young people in becoming more involved in their area - Real life skills training such as event and meeting planning
Young persons assembly meeting to be put on by school children in partnership with the CS coordinating group / Coordinating group / Coordinator
Action: Budget to be found from Devolved CS budget for meeting engagement – average cost of meeting £700 / LocalSecondary school and /or Primary school – year 6 children / - Children are able to develop real skills
- Develop an assembly meeting from start to finish, coming up with the co group, the agenda, planning the meeting in full, advertising and following up
- Children will focus on their area and be able to express what matters to them
- They will learn real skills such as working as a team, planning meeting agendas, marketing, logistics, recording information
- Will make new friends and develop a better understanding of issues in their area
- Have a sence of achievement in delivering a public meeting / By March 31 2016 / Update - The Coordinating group re assessed the viability of a young persons assembly this year – they felt that it would be better suited to working to engage the schools initially and help them to be more involved in the assembly in the first instance, then once real contacts are fostered that this can be reviewed