EAL 112- Foundations of Applied LearningTask 3

Sharon Graham ID 194872

Unit Co-ord./Lecturer / John Kertesz / OFFICE USE ONLY
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Tutor:(if applicable)
Student ID / 194872
Student Name / Sharon Graham
Unit Code / EAL112
Unit Name / Foundations of Applied Learning
Assessment Task Title/Number / Task 3
Word Count / 465
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EAL 112- Foundations of Applied LearningTask 3

Sharon Graham ID 194872

The session that we presented to our colleagues and peers was “Applied Learning in Practice”. We invited colleagues from the VET sector to come and share their experiences. Our aim was to introduce them to the Applied Learning Principles, and discuss andralogical practices currently being implemented. We asked them to share their experiences and link it back to the principles. We thenrelated it to theorists, the Australian Teaching Standards and our new Tafe Queensland Professional Standard framework, (currently is still in draft).

The toolkit found in“Techniques on practical facilitation”by Christine Hogan (2003)was used to assist us with our presentation. We introduced ourselves and should have introduced the others, unfortunately our nerves got the better of us.We used an ice breaker which worked well, it gave us an insight into how many years’ experience the group had. We built trust amongst the group and through questioning our colleagues of what the Applied Learning Principles were and why they are used, lead us to explore further authentic experiences amongst the group. I did notice that one persons’ feedback was that they would have liked to have known about the applied learning principles before the session, so they could be prepared for the answers. Every individual came up with a variety of examples, and these were shared. Looking through colleagues’lenses can give a broader perspective of what should or could be done, by having professional conversations and giving each other feedback can lead to innovative ideas (Brookfield, 1995, pg 30). Learning from each other is beneficial for all involved and this will hopefully starta community of practice withinTAFE Queensland.

Broadening my own knowledge with colleagues that have been in the field for 6 months to 20 years plus not only gave me a broader perspective but made me realize that I was implementing the some correct practices. I also believe that it was beneficial for all of those that attended, it gave them a broader perspective into how to apply the learning principles, the Australian Teaching Standards and the Tafe Queensland Professional Standard Framework. The feedback at the end of the session was extremely positive. When we went to check the survey we logged in which was classed as an answer, hence the reason for one person giving no answers, having not used survey monkey before we were not aware of this. If I was going to present it again I would take on board the feedback that we received, make sure all participants were introduced, make a bigger yarning circle, as one of the comments was that it was in to smaller area, send out the learning principles so that the participants could have a better understanding of what we would be talking about. And enjoy the next presenation.


Brookfield, S. (1995). Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher. New York. John Willey & Sons, Inc

Hogan, C. (2003). Practical Facilitation, A toolkit of Techiniques. UK. Kogan Page Limited.

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