Review for SAQ Test on Tuesday*** Change

Focus on Concept Outline Statement(s), Interpretation of Political Cartoon’s in Text, & Graphic Organizer for Progressivism

Review Significant Supreme Court Cases {posted on website} to help possibly support some of your responses on the SHORT ANSWER QUESTION TEST :)– Schenck, Muller, Std. Oil, “hatters case,” Lochner, Hammer…

Chapters 27, 28, 29, and 30 – Empire?, Progressivism of TR, Taft, & Wilson, WWI@Home, & USA in WWI-Peace?

27-Imperialism and Empire-

The varied motivations for Empire/Imperialism-USA as Jingo’s?, Philippines as colonies…Debate, Aguinaldo's role in the Philippine insurrection and its outcome, Insular Cases…. Spanish American War,1898, … Teller and Platt Amendment… NW Ordinance of 1787-Monroe Doctrine, Manifest Destiny, RC to the MD… Panama Canal…. Is the US really different from the Europeans as Imperialists???

FJTs claim from the Census of 1890 that the existence of a Western “frontier” is over…consequences in light of conflict of late 1890s…no more “Safety Valve?” …. Dollar Diplomacy a continuation of TR’s policies… IS Wilson’s “Moralistic Diplomacy” {before WWI} really different from TR and Taft? “I will teach those South American Republics to elect good men”… Jones Act, 1916… end of Dollar Diplomacy, really… Haiti? Dominican Republic, Mexico in 1914 and 1916…

28 & 29 Different brands of Progressivism-TR's brand of Progressivism…. focus on Square Deal/3 C's--New Nationalism-acts passed that implemented ideas from each Theories and applications -- TR’s & Gifford Pinchot’s “rational use theory” -Acts passed consistent with the theory during TR’s Presidency… --John Muir v. TR --Hetchy Hetchy Valley debate-Conservation v. Preservation of the different views of the environment}…

Wilson's Brand of Progressivism -Focus on New Freedom/Triple Wall of Privilege--acts/amendments passed to implement Wilson’s plan…Progressivism as an idea… Heart of Movement—Government as the “Regulator” Science/Experts… Who was left out-Specific Actions of Federal Gov’t that limited the gains or just left out some groups…???

30 - World War I at Home- USA at WAR- Failure of the Peace after???

US as Neutral— “Blood Business and Merchants of Death”---evidence???

USA’s rise to Financial Hegemon of world??? How?

UBoat… Sussex Ultimatum and Pledge…

Mobilization of the nation for war-How? Voluntary v. Mandatory (specific examples)? -- Espionage and Sedition Acts??? Debs… Schenk Case… Women’s Protest (Alice Paul and the NWP), Civil Liberties in War time… a Draft… Black Soldiers participation, Why when the nation allowed or encouraged “Jim Crow,” Blacks participation in war “Harlem Hellfighters,” 1st Great Migration to the North during the War for jobs and Freedom bringing culture and expectations with them… and their experiences of how Europe was different then having to come home to a “Jim Crow” world???

Why do we go to war? The USA’s actual value and participation, where…effective? End of WWI -11/11/1918

Wilson as World Leader for a just peace and “new order” – “Moral Diplomacy” – “Peace without Victory,” “Make the World Safe for Democracy,” 14 points…last of the 14 points-- A “League of Nations,” Wilson as the World’s hope/hero for the end of Imperialism and the beginning if the de-colonization of the world, or not?

Wilson’s failure’s- in Peace at Versailles-- & At home in the US Senate due to the debate over ratifying the Versailles Treaty, What specific part of the League of Nations (article X {10}) was a sticking point for the “Conservatives & Henry Cabot Lodge”… A stroke…in the end what is the result… for the USA’s foreign policy… a return to “isolationism” or a jump forward into “International Moral Diplomacy?”