Notes of the Marston Parish Council Meeting held in the Village Hall, Bridge Street, Hougham, on Thursday 4 July 2013.
Public Forum: No parishioners were present.
Parish Council Meeting
The Chairman, Councillor K Gittins welcomed members to the meeting and thanked them for their attendance. Those in attendance: Councillors P Connolly, P Fox, T Jones, V Morrell and A Watson.
a) Apologies for absence & reasons given.
i) Apologies were received from Councillor Brown. Reasons for absence noted and accepted.
a) To receive reports on members’ disclosable pecuniary interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.
i) None.
a) The Clerk’s notes from the meeting of Thursday 6 June 2013 were agreed to be a true and accurate record and were signed and dated accordingly by Councillor Gittins.
a) School House, The Victorian Society
i) The Clerk informed council members that enquiries were still on-going.
Action: No further action.
b) Grants & Alternative Funding Sources 2013-2014 – The Big Society Fund
i) The Clerk informed council members that the future of the ‘Big Society Fund’, earmarked to fund the dog poop bag dispenser scheme, is unknown. County Councillor Wood reported that a decision is expected by 12 July 2013.
ii) The Clerk informed council members of a new ‘potential’ source of funding – Community Chest Fund.
Action: Clerk to make enquiries as to when applications can be made to the Fund.
c) Amenity Area, Hedge Cutting
i) Councillor Gittins had received a quote from Mr Renshaw for the cutting of the boundary hedge.
ii) Council members resolved to approve the payment of £150.00.
iii) Council members agreed that the cutting should be delayed until the end of August.
Action: Councillor Gittins to liaise with Mr Renshaw.
5) COUNTY/DISTRICT/POLICE MATTERS – Report by County & District Councillors
a) County Councillor P Wood
i) Apologies for absence noted and accepted.
b) District Councillor Mrs R Kaberry-Brown
i) Not present.
a) School Lane – Extension of Road Markings
i) In an email dated 13 June 2013 Rosemary Kaberry-Brown reports no further progress with the road markings on School Lane. Mr Heaton’s response to her was the same as at the village walkabout - the lines are already at maximum length.
Action: No further action.
b) Church Walk – Access to Cottage
i) Councillor Watson presented plans drawn up with the assistance of Councillor Fox to improve the layout of land at the top of Church Walk (as discussed with Mr Heaton at the village walkabout).
ii) Council members discussed the plans and resolved to accept the proposal.
Action: Councillor Watson to forward plans and commentary to the Clerk for submission to Mr Heaton.
c) Church Walk – Ownership
i) The Clerk informed council members that Stephen Phillips, MP would be available for a site meeting on
Friday 12 July 2013 between 4-5pm.
Action: Council members to contact the Clerk on Friday 5 July 2013 to confirm availability. Clerk to confirm the appointment with Amy Bannister, PA.
d) Councillor’s input
i) None.
e) Matters concerning the public from public speaking time
i) None.
a) C001/A1 Junction (litter problem)
i) Councillor Fox reported that the area subject to fly-tipping belongs to a Mr Grey of Long Bennington.
Action: Clerk to contact Councillor Wood for further information regarding i) above.
b) Dog Fouling (poop bag dispensers)
i) Funding enquiries are on-going (see 4 b above).
ii) Council members reported having received a complaint from a parishioner regarding overgrown foliage on the land belonging to Mr J Hartwell, over which the public have right of way, along the rear of Kerr’s Crescent gardens.
iii) Councillor Fox highlighted the hazards of strimming due to the dog fouling problem along the route.
iii) There was some general discussion on how to prevent the dog fouling and Councillor Gittins suggested that the gate be removed. Council members approved the idea.
iv) Councillor Watson agreed to install a temporary ‘no dog fouling’ sign.
v) The Clerk reported the content of an email from Matthew Wilson at SKDC dated 19 June 2013 relating to dog fouling and high visibility patrols.
vi) Mr Wilson reports having carried out two high visibility patrols in and around Marston and Hougham and states that he only saw a small amount of faeces which did not require any action.
vii) Council members rejected the above comments.
Action: Councillor Fox to speak to Mr Hartwell regarding iii) above and his position in relation to the land. Clerk to reply to Matthew Wilson’s email. Council members would like to invite him to Marston to meet further to assess the dog fouling situation.
c) Street Numbering Scheme
i) Nothing further to report.
a) Decisions received since the last meeting:
i) None.
b) Decisions pending:
i) S13/1260 Thorold – Marston Hall, School Lane, Marston, NG32 2HQ. Alteration to Listed Building (Removal of Chimney) – Retrospective.
c) Outstanding issues:
i) Temporary Roads, Railway Bridge
In an email dated 10 June 2013 Mick Clift from the Planning Department at South Kesteven District Council reported that works to improve the embankment adjacent to the railway line are being undertaken by contractors working on behalf of Network Rail. The work falls within the criteria set out in The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (as amended) and no planning permission is required. Mr Clift reported that the site manager has confirmed when the works have been completed they will be re-instating the ground and removing the stone from the agricultural land.
- Council members noted the comments.
ii) Grass track racing, David Pearson’s Grange Farm, Hougham
In an email dated 12 June 2013 Mr Clift confirms that the use of the field for grass track racing falls within The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (as amended) – Temporary Buildings and Uses. Within the guidelines stipulated it states that the landowner may use the land up to 14 days in any one calendar year for the use of the land for motorcycle racing including trials of speed.
- Council members noted the comments.
iii) Sewage dumping on the fields around Marston Sewage Works
- In an email dated 21 June 2013, Rowena Long, Environmental Health Officer reports having visited the site twice and findings are that the intensity of the odour is not such that there will be no enforcement action as a statutory nuisance under the Environmental Protection Act 1990.
- Council members noted that the Environmental Health Officer has referred to ‘muck spreading’ on farmland whereas in fact the problem is the deposit of part-treated sewage at the sewage works.
- Councillor Fox reported to having smelled the foul odour on two occasions of the preceding week. Action: Clerk to re-write to Rowena Long to clarify the issue.
d) Councillors’ Input
i) None.
e) Matters concerning the public from public speaking time
i) None.
a) To note income received:
i) VAT Repayment, HM Revenue & Customs Total £43.14
b) Council members resolved to approve the following payments:
i) Heidi Wilson, clerks wages for May (16.5 hours) Total £137.28
ii) Heidi Wilson, clerk’s mileage expenses for May (54 miles) Total £14.04
iii) Epson Ink Cartridges Total £16.99
iv) Stamps (6 x 1st, 12 x 2nd) Total £9.60
v) P Fox, Motor Oil/Fuel Total £11.80
vi) M Hall, Internal Audit Fees Total £20.00
vii) P Gittins, Petrol Total £10.01
viii) K Renshaw, Mowing, Amenity Area Total £40.00
Total Expenditure £207.92
(excluding v and viii above)
Please note v) and viii) above have already been debited from the account. Listed for information only.
c) Premium Account Book
i) The clerk informed council members that a new premium account record book would be issued by the Yorkshire Bank.
d) Section 111 of the Local Government Act 1972 relating to Internal Audit
i) The Clerk explained to council members that the payment of £20.00 to Mr Hall, Internal Auditor falls within the remit of Section 111 of the above act.
e) Analysis of monthly Income and Expenditure Account for June 2013
i) The Income & Expenditure Account was accepted. The bank balances were verified.
f) Matters concerning the public from public speaking-time
i) None.
g) Councillors’ input
i) None.
a) The good councillor guide, Being a good employer, SKDC’s list of material considerations circulated to council members.
b) Letter from Lincolnshire County Council dated 18 June 2013 ref JP/CB/June 13/HLS regarding changes to library provision in Marston.
i) The Clerk informed council members that Lincolnshire County Council are holding a consultation to ascertain public opinion. Friday 26 July 2013 at the Guildhall Arts Centre, Grantham at 2pm or by completion of an online questionnaire.
a) Councillor Fox informed council members that the new strimmer had developed a petrol leak. The strimmer is still under warranty and repairs or a replacement are anticipated.
b) Councillor Watson asked that the subject of the BT telephone box be included on the September agenda. The glass window in the low half of the door has been smashed for some time and presents a health and safety hazard to young children.
Action: Clerk to contact BT to request repair or removal of the phone box.
c) Councillor Watson discussed the request by the registered charity, Children Screaming to be Heard in relation to their conference at the Olde Barn Hotel in early September. There was some general discussion but Council members agreed not to involve themselves in matters not relating to parish council business.
Action: Clerk to inform the charity of this decision.
d) Councillor Watson presented a diagram showing the village green boundary in relation to the cottages for submission to Mr Heaton as requested by him in a letter dated 20 March 2013 reference MH/RT/301. Item to be included on the September agenda.
e) The Clerk informed council members that she would not be available for the Parish Council meeting on 3 October 2013. Council members agreed for the meeting to be moved to an alternative, mutually convenient date. The Clerk apologised for this inconvenience.
Action: Clerk to liaise with Mr Ross regarding the availability of the village hall.
a) Council members formally agreed upon the date of future meetings.
2013: 5 September, October TBC, 7 November, 5 December.
2014: 2 January, 6 February, 6 March & 3 April.
Page no 225 June 2013 Chairman’s signature: