Root-associated bacteria promote grapevine growth: from the laboratory to the field
Eleonora Rolli1†, Ramona Marasco2†, Stefano Saderi1, Erika Corretto1#a, Francesca Mapelli1, Ameur Cherif3, Sara Borin1, Leonardo Valenti4, Claudia Sorlini1, Daniele Daffonchio2,1*
1 Department of Food, Environmental and Nutritional Sciences, DeFENS, University of Milan, via Celoria 2, 20133, Milan, Italy
2 King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Biological and Environmental Sciences & Engineering Division (BESE), Thuwal, 23955-6900, Saudi Arabia
3 Laboratory BVBGR, ISBST, University of Manouba, La Manouba 2010, Tunisia
4 Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Production, Landscape, Agroenergy, DISAA, University of Milan, via Celoria 2, 20133, Milan, Italy
#a Present address: Austrian Institute of Technology, 2444, Seibersdorf, Austria
† These authors equally contributed to the work
* Corresponding author
Supplementary Figure 1. Climatic variability in the vineyards during the two years of the field trial. The graphs are referred to A) “Castello Bonomi”, CB farm and B) “Arnaldo Caprai”, AC farm. Tot Prec = total precipitations; Av T = average temperature; T min = temperature minimum; T max = temperature maximum. Mar-10: March 2010; Jan-11: January 2011. The star (*) indicate the inoculation time during the first (2010) and the second (2011) years.
Supplementary Table 1. Chemical analysis of the field soil presented in the two farms. The data have been kindly provided by the farmers and the analyses were performed in 2010, at the beginning of the field trial.
Soil chemical parameters / CB / ACSand (%) / 45 / ± / 2 / 24
Silt (%) / 23.2 / ± / 4.0 / 34
Clay (%) / 31.8 / ± / 2.6 / 42
pH / 7.5 / ± / 0.3 / 8.1 / ± / 0.2
Total limestone (%) / 21.6 / ± / 8.3 / 18.3 / ± / 0.5
Active limestone (%) / 3.68 / ± / 1.4 / 11.6 / ± / 0.5
Nitrogen (N) tot (%) / 0.142 / ± / 0 / 0.12 / ± / 0.1
Phosphorous (P) available (ppm) / 50.6 / ± / 5.3 / 4 / ± / 1
Organic substance (%) / 2.56 / ± / 0.4 / 1.3 / ± / 0.3
CSC (meq/100g) / 21.4 / ± / 2.8 / 26.53 / ± / 4.2
Supplementary Table 2. Effect of the bacterial treatment on Syrah plantlets during the first year of field trial (2010) in CB vineyard. Different letters have been used to indicate the significant difference (p ≤ 0.05) among all the treatments. To highlight the data statistically significant (according to the Duncan test) compared to the untreated control are indicated in bold.
T1 / T2 / T3
Non-inoculated / 56.25 / ± 21.02 / (a) / 60.4 / ± 22.63 / (a) / 75.5 / ± 29.13 / (a)
B1 / 58.00 / ± 10.14 / (a) / 65.5 / ± 8.27 / (ab) / 78.1 / ± 14.33 / (a)
B2 / 68.50 / ± 15.45 / (a) / 77.3 / ± 15.45 / (b) / 109.5 / ± 17.86 / (bc)
B3 / 67.50 / ± 11.55 / (a) / 77.6 / ± 14.88 / (b) / 110.6 / ± 34.46 / (c)
B4 / 68.58 / ± 15.17 / (a) / 73.4 / ± 17.18 / (ab) / 97 / ± 40.63 / (abc)
B5 / 56.58 / ± 17.04 / (a) / 63.6 / ± 18.91 / (ab) / 85 / ± 33.46 / (ab)
Supplementary Table 3. Effect of the bacterial treatment on Sauvignon plantlets during the first year of field trial (2010) in AC vineyard. Different letters have been used to indicate the significant difference (p ≤ 0.05) among all the treatments. To highlight the data statistically significant (according to the Duncan test) compared to the untreated control are indicated in bold.
T1 / T2 / T3 / T4
Non-inoculated / 2.6 / ± 1.92 / (ab) / 5.9 / ± 2.34 / (ab) / 5.9 / ± 3.6 / (ab) / 12.57 / ± 5.79 / (a)
B7 / 2.9 / ± 2.46 / (ab) / 6.2 / ± 2.67 / (abc) / 7.5 / ± 5.2 / (cd) / 17.39 / ± 7.06 / (c)
B8 / 3.3 / ± 2.18 / (b) / 7.3 / ± 2.91 / (c) / 8.5 / ± 4.6 / (d) / 16.46 / ± 6.73 / (bc)
B9 / 1.9 / ± 2.22 / (a) / 5.0 / ± 2.00 / (a) / 5.0 / ± 3.5 / (a) / 13.02 / ± 6.51 / (a)
B10 / 3.0 / ± 2.32 / (ab) / 7.0 / ± 3.07 / (bc) / 8.6 / ± 5.5 / (d) / 18.15 / ± 7.32 / (c)
B11 / 2.4 / ± 2.11 / (ab) / 6.0 / ± 2.67 / (ab) / 7.7 / ± 4.8 / (cd) / n.d.
B12 / 2.4 / ± 2.31 / (ab) / 6.1 / ± 2.69 / (abc) / 6.1 / ± 5.1 / (bc) / n.d.
B13 / 3.1 / ± 2.45 / (ab) / 6.6 / ± 2.88 / (bc) / 6.6 / ± 4.6 / (bcd) / n.d.
B14 / 2.5 / ± 2.27 / (ab) / 5.2 / ± 2.13 / (a) / 5.2 / ± 3.0 / (a) / n.d.
B15 / 2.9 / ± 2.57 / (ab) / 6.6 / ± 2.65 / (bc) / 7.0 / ± 4.9 / (cd) / n.d.
B16 / 3.1 / ± 2.21 / (b) / 6.6 / ± 2.80 / (bc) / 7.1 / ± 4.5 / (cd) / 14.13 / ± 5.80 / (ab)
Treatment / Shoot diameter (mm)
T2 / T3 / T4
Non-inoculated / 1.84 / ± 0.61 / (ab) / 2.00 / ± 0.53 / (a) / 3.32 / ± 1.20 / (a)
B7 / 2.03 / ± 0.86 / (abcd) / 2.40 / ± 0.98 / (abc) / 5.68 / ± 1.60 / (d)
B8 / 2.2 / ± 0.75 / (bcd) / 2.70 / ± 0.88 / (bc) / 4.69 / ± 1.50 / (bc)
B9 / 1.87 / ± 0.56 / (abc) / 2.20 / ± 0.59 / (ab) / 3.51 / ± 1.50 / (a)
B10 / 2.39 / ± 0.65 / (cd) / 2.80 / ± 0.83 / (c) / 5.00 / ± 1.70 / (cd)
B11 / 1.95 / ± 0.67 / (abcd) / 2.40 / ± 0.77 / (abc) / n.d
B12 / 2.06 / ± 0.82 / (abcd) / 2.70 / ± 0.84 / (c) / n.d
B13 / 2.46 / ± 2.06 / (d) / 2.50 / ± 0.89 / (abc) / n.d
B14 / 1.62 / ± 0.63 / (a) / 2.30 / ± 0.89 / (abc) / n.d
B15 / 2.01 / ± 0.88 / (abcd) / 2.80 / ± 1.04 / (c) / n.d
B16 / 1.98 / ± 0.81 / (abcd) / 2.30 / ± 0.74 / (abc) / 3.84 / ± 1.40 / (ab)
Treatment / Shoot length (cm)
T2 / T3 / T4
Non-inoculated / 7.9 / ± 4.58 / (a) / 9.5 / ± 7.26 / (a) / 32.76 / ± 18.4 / (a)
B7 / 9.6 / ± 5.94 / (abc) / 17.8 / ± 14.21 / (bc) / 56.39 / ± 26.5 / (b)
B8 / 11.2 / ± 6.48 / (bc) / 18.1 / ± 11.52 / (bc) / 49.55 / ± 22.7 / (b)
B9 / 7.8 / ± 4.72 / (a) / 9.7 / ± 6.35 / (a) / 31.12 / ± 20.5 / (a)
B10 / 11.9 / ± 6.94 / (c) / 21.4 / ± 15.27 / (c) / 55.42 / ± 27.2 / (b)
B11 / 9.7 / ± 6.19 / (abc) / 16.7 / ± 11.76 / (bc) / n.d
B12 / 8.6 / ± 6.07 / (ab) / 13.5 / ± 11.56 / (ab) / n.d.
B13 / 10.5 / ± 6.11 / (abc) / 15.3 / ± 11.36 / (b) / n.d.
B14 / 7.8 / ± 4.69 / (a) / 8.6 / ± 5.87 / (a) / n.d
B15 / 10.6 / ± 6.4 / (abc) / 15.0 / ± 11.19 / (b) / n.d
B16 / 10.6 / ± 6.3 / (abc) / 14.8 / ± 10.39 / (b) / 39.75 / ± 20 / (a)
Supplementary Table 4. Effect of the bacterial treatment on Syrah plantlets during the second year of field trial (2011) in CB vineyard. Different letters have been used to indicate the significant difference (p ≤ 0.05) among all the treatments. To highlight the data statistically significant (according to the Duncan test) compared to the untreated control are indicated in bold.
T2 / T3 / T5 / T6
Non-inoculated / 10.94 / ± 2.72 / (b) / 12.54 / ± 5.20 / (ab) / 14.7 / ± 6.8 / (a) / 15.11 / ± 11.38 / (a)
B1 / 9.24 / ± 3.59 / (ab) / 12.05 / ± 5.76 / (a) / 18.7 / ± 7.9 / (bc) / 19.30 / ± 11.43 / (ab)
B2 / 8.56 / ± 3.93 / (a) / 12.20 / ± 3.94 / (a) / 16.0 / ± 6.2 / (ab) / 23.11 / ± 10.40 / (b)
B3 / 11.03 / ± 2.80 / (b) / 15.05 / ± 3.40 / (b) / 19.7 / ± 6.7 / (c) / 22.95 / ± 11.50 / (b)
B4 / 9.75 / ± 3.73 / (ab) / 13.90 / ± 5.36 / (ab) / 17.3 / ± 7.0 / (abc) / 19.70 / ± 9.35 / (ab)
B5 / 10.54 / ± 3.30 / (b) / 12.95 / ± 2.72 / (ab) / 18.3 / ± 6.2 / (bc) / 21.27 / ± 8.71 / (b)
Treatment / Shoot diameter (mm)
T3 / T4 / T5
Non-inoculated / 3.64 / ± 1.17 / (a) / 3.80 / ± 0.63 / (ab) / 3.80 / ± 1.40 / (a)
B1 / 4.33 / ± 1.06 / (b) / 3.47 / ± 0.78 / (a) / 4.70 / ± 1.10 / (b)
B2 / 3.55 / ± 1.24 / (a) / 3.81 / ± 1.07 / (ab) / 4.00 / ± 1.20 / (ab)
B3 / 4.13 / ± 0.81 / (ab) / 3.59 / ± 0.79 / (a) / 4.30 / ± 0.90 / (ab)
B4 / 4.77 / ± 1.37 / (b) / 4.15 / ± 0.92 / (b) / 5.20 / ± 1.40 / (b)
B5 / 4.43 / ± 1.08 / (b) / 3.50 / ± 0.73 / (a) / 4.50 / ± 1.00 / (b)
Treatment / Shoot length (cm) at T6
Non-inoculated / 68.94 / ± 64.78 / (a)
B1 / 89.90 / ± 53.38 / (ab)
B2 / 103.74 / ± 55.91 / (b)
B3 / 95.73 / ± 68.01 / (b)
B4 / 96.20 / ± 50.71 / (b)
B5 / 86.09 / ± 35.59 / (ab)
Supplementary Table 5. Effect of the bacterial treatment on Sauvignon plantlets during the second year of field trial (2011) in AC vineyard. Different letters have been used to indicate the significant difference (p ≤ 0.05) among all the treatments. To highlight the data statistically significant (according to the Duncan test) compared to the untreated control are indicated in bold.
T1 / T2 / T3
Non-inoculated / 8.28 / ± 3.14 / (a) / 17.85 / ± 4.19 / (a) / 31.30 / ± 7.2 / (a)
B7 / 9.95 / ± 2.84 / (b) / 23.11 / ± 4.15 / (b) / 34.50 / ± 7.2 / (b)
B8 / 8.11 / ± 3.22 / (a) / 18.51 / ± 4.45 / (a) / 32.10 / ± 7.4 / (a)
B10 / 9.74 / ± 2.63 / (b) / 22.95 / ± 4.32 / (b) / 32.40 / ± 7.7 / (ab)
Treatment / Shoot diameter (mm)
T1 / T2 / T3
Non-inoculated / 4.80 / ± 1.59 / (a) / 7.50 / ± 1.91 / (a) / 8.72 / ± 2.34 / (a)
B7 / 5.59 / ± 1.71 / (b) / 8.10 / ± 1.87 / (a) / 8.74 / ± 2.21 / (a)
B8 / 5.58 / ± 1.93 / (b) / 8.80 / ± 2.16 / (b) / 9.73 / ± 2.47 / (b)
B10 / 5.68 / ± 1.63 / (b) / 8.70 / ± 1.79 / (b) / 9.42 / ± 2.28 / (ab)
Treatment / Shoot length (cm)
T1 / T2 / T3
Non-inoculated / 33.12 / ± 16.90 / (a) / 104.10 / ± 34.16 / (a) / 158.40 / ± 50.00 / (a)
B7 / 39.78 / ± 16.31 / (b) / 126.23 / ± 37.75 / (b) / 188.40 / ± 57.30 / (c)
B8 / 35.35 / ±19.06 / (a) / 124.39 / ± 41.05 / (b) / 183.10 / ± 62.50 / (bc)
B10 / 43.37 / ±16.96 / (ab) / 128.76 / ± 37.59 / (b) / 170.90 / ± 53.50 / (ab)
Supplementary Table 6. Effect of the bacterial treatment on Syrah adult plants during the second year of field trial (2011) in CB vineyard. Different letters have been used to indicate the significant difference (p ≤ 0.05) among all the treatments. To highlight the data statistically significant (according to the Duncan test) compared to the untreated control are indicated in bold.
T1 / T2
Non-inoculated / 10.9 / ± 5.02 / (a) / 18.0 / ± 6.81 / (ab)
B1 / 10.6 / ± 4.84 / (a) / 18.2 / ± 7.90 / (ab)
B2 / 12.3 / ± 3.69 / (ab) / 19.6 / ± 6.91 / (ab)
B3 / 12.9 / ± 4.69 / (b) / 20.3 / ± 6.77 / (b)
B4 / 11.8 / ± 4.84 / (ab) / 17.0 / ± 7.72 / (a)
B5 / 12.1 / ± 4.62 / (ab) / 19.2 / ± 7.23 / (ab)
Treatment / Shoot diameter (mm)
at T3 / Shoot weight (Kg)
at T4
Non-inoculated / 6.3 / ± 2.33 / (a) / 0.49 / ± 0.49 / (a)
B1 / 7.0 / ± 2.41 / (ab) / 1.00 / ± 0.70 / (a)
B2 / 7.1 / ± 2.12 / (ab) / 0.82 / ± 0.47 / (a)
B3 / 7.2 / ± 2.64 / (ab) / 0.67 / ± 0.11 / (a)
B4 / 6.4 / ± 2.58 / (ab) / 0.78 / ± 0.48 / (a)
B5 / 7.4 / ± 2.42 / (b) / 0.52 / ± 0.28 / (a)
Treatment / Shoot length (cm)
T1 / T2
Non-inoculated / 80.5 / ± 50.48 / (a) / 127.0 / ± 78.18 / (a)
B1 / 91.1 / ± 55.05 / (ab) / 159.4 / ± 99.97 / (ab)
B2 / 96.4 / ± 51.84 / (ab) / 153.7 / ± 92.75 / (ab)
B3 / 103.2 / ± 60.92 / (b) / 163.2 / ± 96.35 / (b)
B4 / 87.8 / ± 54.03 / (ab) / 125.8 / ± 85.38 / (a)
B5 / 95.7 / ± 52.35 / (ab) / 143.0 / ± 83.44 / (ab)
Treatment / Number of grape bunches (n) at harvest / Grape production (Kg) at harvest
Non-inoculated / 7.75 / ± 3.53 / (a) / 1.46 / ± 0.47 / (a)
B1 / 9.00 / ± 2.44 / (a) / 1.77 / ± 0.58 / (ab)
B2 / 13.00 / ± 4.59 / (b) / 2.81 / ± 1.29 / (c)
B3 / 11.12 / ± 2.29 / (ab) / 2.40 / ± 1.00 / (bc)
B4 / 7.87 / ± 2.69 / (a) / 1.68 / ± 0.49 / (ab)
B5 / 7.75 / ± 1.98 / (a) / 1.54 / ± 0.38 / (ab)