ZNZ PhD Fellowship application
ZNZ PhD Fellowship application
ZNZ PhD Fellowship application
The details and conditions are:
- Only ZNZ group leaders can apply. Students cannot apply directly.
- A maximum of one grant per group per year finances the salary for one Ph.D. student.
- Funding is possible for up to three years according to Swiss National Science Foundation salary standards.The fourth year cannot be funded.
- The project proposal should be clearly and simply written and be intelligible to readers in other disciplines. The significance and originality of the proposal should be stated.
- Please use this form for your application:
The application must contain the following items (min. font size 11):
- Summary (max. 1 Page),
- Research Part of max. 4 pages (incl. Background, specific aims and experimental design & preliminary data)
- References (max 1 page)
- Lay Summary (max. 200 words)
- Desired funding period and budget (max. 1 page).
- It should also include a cover letter, a shortcurriculum vitae (including a publication list) of the ZNZ group leader and the student (when known), diploma report (if available) and the names of two potential referees not collaborating with the applicant.
- The complete application in English should be sent as one PDF file including all required documents by the ZNZ group leader directly to the ZNZ secretariat. Simultaneous submission to other granting agencies should be mentioned in the proposal. Incomplete applications cannot be considered.
- The selection criteria are the applicant's achievements, the qualifications of the PhD candidate and the quality/originality of the project.
- Annual reports are required. The student must present his/her research at the annual ZNZ symposia.
Applicant:(Name, surname, email)
PhD Student:(Name, surname, email)
Lab-Address:(incl. phone and fax)
Title of the project:
Application date:
RESEARCH PART(use only three consecutive pages (max 4 pages), single spaced, font 11)
Format at follows
Reference list (1 Page limit)
Milestones and Timeplan (max 1 page)
Lay summary (max 200 words)
Budget: (1 Page limit)