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Challenge of Champions 2006 - 4/1/2006
St. Paul's School in Mobile, AL
Girls 100 Meter Dash Invitational
Meet Record: M 11.24 1999 Erica Whipple, Suncoast, FL
Name Year School Finals Wind
1 Lowery, Santana Starkville 11.99 NWI
2 Goodman, Chalondra Newnan 12.13 NWI
3 Wilson, Tennille Foley 12.20 NWI
4 Richardson, Saravia J.W.North 12.26 NWI
5 Sims, Alyson Leflore 12.43 NWI
6 Silver, Chalonda Rocky Mount 12.45 NWI
7 James, Salidia Bishop Kenny 12.57 NWI
8 Fancher, Kyndal Hoover 13.11 NWI
Girls 200 Meter Dash Invitational
Meet Record: M 23.24 1999 Erica Whipple, Suncoast, FL
Name Year School Finals Wind
1 Lowery, Santana Starkville 24.18 +0.0
2 Goodman, Chalondra Newnan 24.55 +0.0
3 Richardson, Saravia J.W.North 24.76 +0.0
4 Thurmond, Karla Baker High Schoo 25.61 +0.0
5 James, Salidia Bishop Kenny 25.74 +0.0
6 Wilson, Tennille Foley 25.87 +0.0
Girls 400 Meter Dash Invitational
Meet Record: M 52.98 2001 Stephanie Smith, N. E. Macon, GA
Name Year School Finals
1 Stroy, Kamelia Northwood 55.93
2 Cobb, Miriam Smiths Station 56.15
3 Richards, Kirsten Hoover 56.31
4 Goldfarb, Aly Mountain Brook 58.98
5 Brown, Allyson Houston 1:00.42
Girls 1 Mile Run Invitational
Meet Record: M 5:02.3h 2000 Sara Graybill, Owensboro, Ky
Name Year School Finals
1 Reese, Emily Chamblee 4:57.50M
2 Jorgensen, Rita White Station 4:59.18M
3 Johnston, Mary Carleton St.Paul's, Al. 5:08.58
4 Pelligini, Mary Grace Dupont Manual 5:14.19
5 Gilmore, Sarah Ums-Wright 5:24.59
6 Gilmore, Leigh Ums-Wright 5:26.20
7 Muldowney, Nicole Hoover 5:26.35
8 Thompson, Emliy Scottsboro 5:28.75
9 Williams, Redd Ruston 5:31.05
10 Alcorn, Katherine Conner 5:33.30
11 Fischer, Emilie Smiths Station 5:34.16
12 Loraas, Meghan Auburn 5:43.25
Girls 2 Mile Run Invitational
Meet Record: M 10:23.05 2002 Laura Zeigle, Bingham, UT
Name Year School Finals
1 Drouin, Jackie Collins Hill 10:49.32
2 Traylor, Maggie Episcopal 10:52.15
3 Molen, Elisabeth Altamont 10:59.13
4 Taylor, Shelly N.W.Whitfield 11:04.14
5 Erskine, Sediah Rhoades 11:19.19
6 Wright, Lacey Scottsboro 11:28.03
7 Guglielmo, Erin Collins Hill 11:35.03
8 Collins, Emily St.Paul's, Al. 11:35.33
9 Nichols, Nichols Collins Hill x11:44.09
10 Serna, Ashtin Creekwood 11:47.55
11 Wool, Caroline Choudrant 11:50.02
12 Norman, Lelia Walton 11:54.78
13 Wool, Sarah Mont Academy 11:58.94
14 Smith, Amanda Auburn 12:03.22
15 Crushan, Kayla Conner 12:09.95
16 Medley, Elise Dupont Manual 12:11.01
Girls 800 Meter Run Invitational
Meet Record: M 2:12.14 4/4/2004 Kirby Patterson, Daphne High Scho
Name Year School Finals
1 Hall, Brittany Meadowcreek 2:10.19M
2 McGee, Corie Pass Christian 2:14.07
3 Nichols, Jessica Berkeley 2:14.72
4 Harper, Jordan Mountain Brook 2:14.90
5 Johnson, Mary Glen Oaks 2:15.67
6 Hine, Virginia White Station 2:15.72
7 Roman, Jennifer Rhoades 2:18.33
8 Curry, Krishna Univ Sch Nash 2:21.41
9 Shaffer, Amy Auburn 2:22.71
10 Newton, Mary Sulphur 2:23.77
11 Kneip, Allison St.Paul's, Al. 2:24.04
12 Johnson, Ciera Redemptrist 2:25.58
13 Sheffield, Jasmine Smiths Station 2:28.00
Girls 100 Meter Hurdles Invitational
Meet Record: M 13.6h 1995 Char Foster, Clearwater Catholic, FL
Name Year School Finals Wind
1 Castlin, Kristi Chapel Hill 13.94 2.4
2 Okolo, Nicole Collins Hill 14.28 2.4
3 Rose, Bridgette Leeds 14.49 2.4
4 Blair, Bianca Austin East 14.50 2.4
5 Vaughn, Caroline Blessed Trinity 14.76 2.4
6 Schultheis, Judith Blenk 15.26 2.4
7 Luce, Lindsey Collins Hill 15.41 2.4
8 Fancher, Kyndal Hoover 20.87 2.4
Girls 300 Meter Hurdles Invitational
Meet Record: M 42.12 1997 Char Foster, Clearwater Catholic, FL
Name Year School Finals
1 Vaughn, Caroline Blessed Trinity 43.63
2 Blair, Bianca Austin East 44.27
3 Doucett, Janessa Iowa 44.38
4 Rose, Bridgette Leeds 45.08
5 Castlin, Kristi Chapel Hill 45.16
6 Moore, Tiffani Auburn 46.43
7 Schultheis, Judith Blenk 47.15
Girls 4x100 Meter Relay Invitational
Meet Record: M 46.06 2003 J. W. North- Riverside, J. W. North- Riversi
School Finals
1 Collins Hill 48.44
2 Foley 48.61
3 Hoover 48.67
4 Baton Rouge Magnet 49.79
5 Auburn 50.14
-- Woodham DQ
Girls 4x400 Meter Relay Invitational
Meet Record: M 3:40.41 Wilson- Long Beach, CA, Wilson- Long Beach
School Finals
1 Baton Rouge Magnet 3:56.00
2 Smiths Station 3:57.54
3 Hoover 3:58.98
4 Auburn 4:08.79
5 University School of Nashville 4:09.53
Girls 4x800 Meter Relay Invitational
Meet Record: M 9:04.54 2003 Wilson- Long Beach, Wilson- Long Beach
School Finals
1 Collins Hill 9:31.49
2 Auburn 9:44.74
3 Ums Wright 9:49.59
4 Maclay 9:50.24
5 Scottsboro 9:53.33
6 Bishop Kenny 10:01.63
7 Hoover 10:11.12
8 Dupont Manual 10:11.66
9 Houston 10:12.43
10 McGill Toolen Catholic 10:17.63
11 Walton 10:41.40
Girls High Jump Invitational
Meet Record: M 5-09 4/4/2004 Carmia Carrol, Southern Lab
Name Year School Finals
1 Merriweather, Jessica Bartlett 5-08.00
2 Williams, Danielle Pensacola 5-04.00
3 Young, Shaquita Oconee County 5-04.00
4 Williams, Daphne Smiths Station 5-04.00
5 Whitby, Erica Smiths Station 5-02.00
-- Jones, Noelle Woodham NH
-- Smith, Angela Leflore NH
Girls Pole Vault Invitational
Meet Record: M 12-06 2001 Lacy Janson, Cardinal Mooney, FL
Name Year School Finals
1 Rodrigue, Katelyn Dominican 12-03.00
2 Tisher, Neil St.Paul's, Al. 12-00.00
2 Peoples, Mauri Carrolton 12-00.00
4 Peters, Annalise Greater Atl. Chr 11-06.00
5 Spurling, Claire Bishop Kenny 11-06.00
6 Goldfarb, Aly Mountain Brook 11-00.00
7 Frappier, Catherine South Walton 10-06.00
8 McGee, Brenna St.Paul's, Al. 10-06.00
9 Henderson, Jourden McGill Toolen 10-06.00
10 Register, Katherine South Walton 10-06.00
11 Maybry, Lizzie Gulfbreeze 10-00.00
12 Hayes, Heather Landmark 9-00.00
-- Watson, Katie Walker NH
Girls Long Jump Invitational
Meet Record: M 19-07.50 2002 La Clair Carter, Sydney Lanier, AL
Name Year School Finals Wind
1 Richards, Kirsten Hoover 18-02.00 1.1
2 Wright, Asia West Feliciana 18-01.50 NWI
3 May, Ashley Hoover 17-11.50 NWI
4 Rose, Bridgette Leeds 17-07.00 1.0
5 Silver, Chalonda Rocky Mount 17-06.00 1.6
6 May, Simone Guntersville 17-04.00 NWI
7 Doucett, Janessa Iowa 17-00.00 NWI
7 Millender, Millicent-Bro Alexander 17-00.00 NWI
9 Scott, Jasmyne Chapel Hill 16-00.50 1.3
10 McCarver, Shayna Scottsboro 16-00.00 NWI
11 Udeh, Zommie Ruston 15-10.00 NWI
Girls Triple Jump Invitational
Meet Record: M 41-01.25 4/4/2004 Gayle Hunter, J. W. North CA
Name Year School Finals Wind
1 Okolo, Nicole Collins Hill 39-00.75 -0.2
2 Udeh, Zommie Ruston 37-10.25 NWI
3 May, Ashley Hoover 37-08.25 NWI
4 Richards, Kirsten Hoover 37-06.75 -0.1
5 May, Simone Guntersville 37-05.50 NWI
6 Wright, Asia West Feliciana 36-06.50 NWI
7 Castlin, Kristi Chapel Hill 36-06.25 -0.1
8 Trejo, Erica South Walton 36-05.50 -0.4
9 Rowser, Marcy Satsuma 36-02.00 NWI
10 Lewis, Brittany Sulphur 36-01.00 NWI
11 McCarver, Shayna Scottsboro 35-09.00 NWI
Girls Shot Put Invitational
Meet Record: M 45-08.50 4/4/2004 Khadija Talley, Columbus High Sc
Name Year School Finals
1 Baker, Tiphanie Leeds 38-10.25
2 Cleveland, Caitlin Mount Carmel Hig 37-10.75
3 Pitney, Lashelle Dupont Manual 37-10.25
4 Howard, Angelica St.Paul's, Al. 36-10.75
5 Dollinger, Kate Gulfbreeze 35-09.50
6 Lucious, Denise Tuscaloosa Cty 35-06.25
7 Harrison, Jennifer Glen Oaks 34-06.00
8 Simmons, Kendra Iowa 34-02.50
9 Grandbarry, Brittany Houston 33-10.00
10 Lang, Ivy Escambia 32-11.50
11 Moore, Brittany B.C.Rain 32-03.50
12 Williams, Kim Alexander 30-10.25
Girls Discus Throw Invitational
Meet Record: M 140-02 4/4/2004 Khadija Talley, Columbus High Sc
Name Year School Finals
1 Baker, Tiphanie Leeds 123-04.50
2 Elmore, Pookie Ruston 116-11
3 Billstrom, Sarah Chapel Hill 113-09
4 Strickland, Brandie Alexander 105-08
5 Hunnicutt, Christian Landmark 101-06.50
6 Lang, Ivy Escambia 101-05.50
7 Brown, Jenise Woodham 100-08.50
8 Lucious, Denise Tuscaloosa Cty 95-11.50
9 Williams, Kim Alexander 94-11
10 Dollinger, Kate Gulfbreeze 91-02
11 Gibson, Sara P'Cola Catholic 90-05
12 Pitney, Lashelle Dupont Manual 87-08.50
Girls Javelin Throw Invitational
Meet Record: M 130-03 4/4/2004 Jane Johnson, Mountain Brook
Name Year School Finals
1 McCord, Angela McGill Toolen 129-09
2 Schubert, Yvette Walker 124-08
3 Austin, Megan St.Paul's, Al. 121-09
4 Perry, Catherine West Feliciana 116-05
5 Deshazo, Jessica Leeds 112-11
6 Elmore, Pookie Ruston 111-02
7 Mund, Elizabeth Foley 106-05
8 Gonzales, April Iowa 104-10
9 Lucious, Denise Tuscaloosa Cty 103-05
10 Ruiz, Britney Parish Unified 102-09
11 Brumley, Maura Scottsboro 96-05
12 Buxton, Jordana Iowa 96-01
13 Jahl, Marianna Sequoyah 94-11
-- Baker, Tiphanie Leeds FOUL
Boys 100 Meter Dash Invitational
Meet Record: M 10.34 1999 Casey Combest, Owensboro, Ky
Name Year School Finals Wind
1 Banks, Brandon Garner 10.66 0.9
2 May, Kendall Tuscaloosa Cty 10.75 0.9
3 Woods, Ladarius Homewood 10.76 0.9
4 Munnerlyn, Captain Murphy 10.78 0.9
5 Owens, Kenny Theodore High Sc 10.91 0.9
6 Williams, Greg Cahokia 10.95 0.9
7 Guy, Trenton West Charlotte 10.97 0.9
8 William, Jerdo Cahokia 11.05 0.9
Boys 200 Meter Dash Invitational
Meet Record: M 21.03 2000 Fernando Bryant, Blount, AL
Name Year School Finals Wind
1 Banks, Brandon Garner 21.53 1.0
2 Hayes, Armanti Colquitt County 21.61 1.0
3 Woods, Ladarius Homewood 21.99 1.0
4 Guy, Trenton West Charlotte 22.33 1.0
5 Williams, Greg Cahokia 22.37 1.0
6 William, Jerdo Cahokia 22.46 1.0
7 Watson, Lewis St.Paul's, Al. 22.83 1.0
Boys 400 Meter Dash Invitational
Meet Record: M 45.88 2003 Xavier Carter, Palm Bay, FL
Name Year School Finals
1 Harts, Trey Barbe 47.44
2 Guiterrez, Nevin J.W.North 47.82
3 Hayes, Armanti Colquitt County 48.04
4 Spradley, Brandon Leflore 48.56
5 Bilbrew, Chris Smiths Station 49.58
6 Spivey, Benard Central,P.C. 49.78
7 Hendricks, Anthony New Bern 50.35
Boys 1 Mile Run Invitational
Meet Record: M 4:14.27 2003 Anthony Chuilli, Christian Bros., TN
Name Year School Finals
1 Sorrell, Rob Bolton 4:14.79
2 Harris, Alex Univ Sch Nash 4:25.54
3 Houser, Josh Blessed Trinity 4:25.88
4 Lepley, Nicholas Mountain Brook 4:29.41
5 Van Zile, Kyle Choctawhatchee H 4:31.72
6 Landry, Tim Hoover 4:33.34
7 Schmuck, Jeremy P'Cola Chriistia 4:35.19
8 Brown, Sean Spain Park 4:35.59
9 Lewis, Brett Landmark 4:38.52
10 Koenck, Johnathan Anacoco 4:39.15
11 Hunter, Cory Walton 4:43.52
12 Churley, Matt Collins Hill 4:54.87
Boys 2 Mile Run Invitational
Meet Record: M 9:03.7h 2001 Scott Fugua, Oak Mountain, AL
Name Year School Finals
1 Heller, Jay Walton 9:18.09
2 Graves, Griff Abington 9:25.93
3 Matthews, Bill Mountain Brook 9:30.21
4 Guidry, Brett Jesuit,N.O. 9:35.93
5 Russell, Luke Bishop Kenny 9:39.69
6 Stickler, Allen Pineville 9:40.65
7 Moujoodi, Jeremy Hoover 9:46.35
8 Frasier, Nathan Collins Hill 9:47.75
9 Clay, Ryan Alexander 9:51.22
10 Parks, Jason Dupont Manual 9:53.27
11 Gilmer, Lee St.Paul's, Al. 9:56.36
12 Baker, Casey Choudrant 9:59.59
13 Rigdon, Corey West Lauderdale 10:02.85
14 Willis, Bob Hoover 10:05.07
15 Reed, Benton Scottsboro 10:08.14
16 Adams, Roland Collins Hill 10:10.63
17 Pierce, Kenneth Sulphur 10:18.78
Boys 800 Meter Run Invitational
Meet Record: M 1:50.8h 1999 Brendon Mahoney, Marist, GA
Name Year School Finals
1 Bailey, Lee Mountain Brook 1:55.55
2 Gilbreth, James Bartlett 1:56.41
3 Carter, Kirk Oconee County 1:56.76
4 Walker, Toma Stradford 1:57.30
5 Kunimoto, Jesse Riverwood 1:57.54
6 Payne, Stephen Hoover 1:57.95
7 Davis, Lamar East Wake 1:58.62
8 Lee, Reese Walker 1:59.56
9 Ferguson, Spencer Smiths Station 1:59.66
10 Justice, Chris Parkview 1:59.86
11 Smith, Grant Houston 2:00.22
Boys 110 Meter Hurdles Invitational
Meet Record: M 13.66 2000 De Andre Eiland, Tupelo, MS
Name Year School Finals Wind
1 Reynolds, Daryl New Bern 14.16 1.7
2 McMillian, Reginald Tuscaloosa Cty 14.37 1.7
3 Lovick, Tim Garner 14.62 1.7
4 Castro, William Choctawhatchee H 14.77 1.7
5 Oliver, Michael Homewood 14.78 1.7
6 Young, Clyde Cahokia 15.17 1.7
7 Roberts, Corey St.Thomas Aquina 15.35 1.7
8 Walker, Tyler Tuscaloosa Cty 15.40 1.7
Boys 300 Meter Hurdles Invitational
Meet Record: M 36.33 2001 Bershawn Jackson, Miami Central, FL
Name Year School Finals
1 Reynolds, Daryl New Bern 38.18
2 Weams, Reggie Redemptrist 38.96
3 Hines, Martavis Cahokia 39.07
4 Hewitt, Mark Anthony Tuscaloosa Cty 39.27
5 Roberts, Corey St.Thomas Aquina 41.00
6 Lovick, Tim Garner 45.83
Boys 4x100 Meter Relay Invitational
Meet Record: M 41.54 1999 Tri-Cities- East Point, Tri-Cities- West Poi
School Finals
1 Cahokia 41.75
2 New Bern 41.91
3 Redemptrist 42.30
4 Homewood 42.34
5 Tucaloosa County 42.68
6 Auburn 42.98
Boys 4x400 Meter Relay Invitational
Meet Record: M 3:16.34 Vineland, NJ, Vineland, NJ
School Finals
1 J.W.North 3:17.74
2 Cahokia 3:21.08
3 Leflore 3:21.67
4 Smiths Station 3:22.93
5 New Bern 3:25.85
Boys 4x800 Meter Relay Invitational
Meet Record: M 7:55.5h 1998 West Charlotte, West Charlotte
School Finals
1 Smiths Station 8:00.75
2 Collins Hill 8:04.92
3 Walton 8:05.92
4 Hoover 8:12.29
5 New Bern 8:22.76
6 Chapel Hill 8:24.96
7 Alexander,GA. 8:39.91
8 Bishop Kenny 8:41.19
Boys High Jump Invitational
Meet Record: M 6-11.25 2001 Josh Reed, Suwanee, GA
Name Year School Finals
1 Nall, Donte Chapel Hill 7-00.00M
2 Lovick, Tim Garner 6-08.00
3 Boswell, Tyler Hoover 6-08.00
4 Burkes, Nathan Ruston 6-06.00
5 Walker, Tyler Tuscaloosa Cty 6-06.00
6 Sebastian, Tim J.W.North 6-06.00
7 Robinson, Luke Scottsboro 6-04.00
8 Oliver, Jo Alexander 6-02.00
-- Green, William Spain Park NH
Boys Pole Vault Invitational
Meet Record: M 16-03 2001 Brad Smith, Franklin Co., GA
Name Year School Finals
1 Scott, Jordan Oconee County 16-06.00M
2 Dominquez, Josh Ponchatoula 16-00.00
3 Hughes, Michael Greater Atl. Chr 15-00.00
4 Rowland, Donnie Walker 15-00.00
5 Smith, Ryan Scottsboro 14-00.00
6 Rose, Kyle Jesuit,N.O. 14-00.00
7 Buster, David Hoover 14-00.00
7 Mathieson, Casey Collins Hill 14-00.00
9 Reed, Adam Oconee County 14-00.00
10 Bowers, Brady Auburn 13-06.00
10 Lee, Michael Hoover 13-06.00
12 Mccutcheon, Casey Houston 13-00.00
-- Williams, Travis West Feliciana NH
-- Garrett, Todd Hoover NH
-- Spear, Chris Spain Park NH
Boys Long Jump Invitational
Meet Record: M 24-03 1999 Jonathon Brown, Union Co., KY
Name Year School Finals Wind
1 Young, Clyde Cahokia 22-09.75 +0.0
2 Jones, Phelon McGill Toolen 22-09.25 +0.0
3 Mims, Adam Spain Park 22-08.75 1.1
4 Burkes, Nathan Ruston 22-06.25 0.8
5 Jones, Julio Foley 22-05.50 +0.0
6 Allen, Terry J.O.Johnson 21-10.50 -0.7
7 Haslom, Reggie Southern Lab 21-09.00 2.4
8 Jackson, Kali Cahokia 21-08.50 0.4
9 Jordan, Alfonso Hopewell 21-08.50 1.1
10 Lipsomb, Antoine Starkville 21-07.00 +0.0
11 Rheams, Michael Walker 21-07.00 0.9
12 Munnerlyn, Captain Murphy 21-03.00 0.9
13 Mullen, Bradley West Feliciana 21-02.00 1.0
14 Davis, Carlos Beau Chene 20-08.50 -1.2
Boys Triple Jump Invitational
Meet Record: M 49-07.50 2000 Maurice Robinson, Blount, AL
Name Year School Finals Wind
1 Jones, Phelon McGill Toolen 50-04.50M 0.2
2 Jackson, Kali Cahokia 50-01.00M 0.7
3 Jordan, Alfonso Hopewell 47-11.50 NWI
4 Jones, Julio Foley 46-02.50 1.8
4 Rheams, Michael Walker 46-02.50 2.2
6 Haslom, Reggie Southern Lab 45-11.00 1.3
6 Davis, Carlos Beau Chene 45-11.00 1.6
8 Mims, Adam Spain Park 45-03.50 0.5
9 Merkerson, David Woodham 45-02.00 -0.7
10 Lipsomb, Antoine Starkville 43-06.50 NWI
11 Spry, Ralph Auburn 43-03.00 NWI
-- Gibson, Brandon Ums-Wright FOUL NWI
Boys Shot Put Invitational
Meet Record: M 62-10 2003 Andy Fryman, Mason Co., KY
Name Year School Finals
1 Clayton, Zach Opekika 58-09.00
2 Stone, Matt Ruston 55-11.75
3 Wright, Wes Villa Rica 55-08.00
4 Turner, Bryant Daphne 54-10.00
5 Coleman, Brian Stradford 52-06.50
6 Bell, Ryan Spain Park 51-00.75
7 Chatham, Preston St.Paul Catholic 50-11.25
8 Bowen, Gerald Houston 50-04.00
9 Purnell, Marquis Central,P.C. 49-02.75
10 King, Westly West Feliciana 46-09.50
11 Odom, Trevor Baker High Schoo 46-09.25
Boys Discus Throw Invitational
Meet Record: M 175-01 2003 Raben Fox, Vanderbilt, LA
Name Year School Finals
1 Clayton, Zach Opekika 190-03M
2 Gill, Eric Collins Hill 154-05.50
3 Bell, Ryan Spain Park 151-06
4 Wright, Wes Villa Rica 151-05
5 Clayton, Mark Opekika 145-09
6 Poision, J.P. Stradford 145-06
7 McWethy, Tyler Stradford 142-11
8 Nettles, Victory Woodham 134-10
9 Sayyad, Omar Ums-Wright 127-02
10 Turre, Ryan Houston 123-08
11 Chapman, Josh Hoover 120-11
Boys Javelin Throw Invitational
Meet Record: M 196-10 2003 Cody Fillinck, South LaFourche, LA
Name Year School Finals
1 Cheramie, Josh S.Lafourche 194-04
2 Chatham, Preston St.Paul Catholic 190-04
3 Davis, Alfred Auburn 186-06
4 Holmes, Anthony Auburn 180-01
5 Oakley, Lucas Ruston 175-03
6 Jones, Larry Ruston 171-09
7 Krentel, Eric St.Paul Catholic 165-05
8 Tidmore, Jake Guntersville 160-00
9 Bailey, Jim Ums-Wright 156-08
10 Lawrence, Jamar Tuscaloosa Cty 149-04