BIBLE CLASS – April 19 - October 10, 2005
Lesson 23n The Book of Revelation
Addendum with Handout # 4 – Doctrine of Cosmic One & Cosmic Two
The Doctrine of Cosmic One & Cosmic Two -Satan’s Plan and Policy for the Human Race
Satan is a super creature and the most brilliant of all God’s creation. Satan is what he is referred to after his great sin and rebellion, which took one third of the angelic population of heaven with it. Before he fell he was known as Lucifer, which meant “Star of the Morning.” He was the highest ranking Cherub among the angels and the guardian of the throne of the second Person of the Trinity’s throne. Lucifer was our Savior’s right hand man in heaven. Since his fall from the POG and his sin of arrogance and his fall from God’s grace; he has been our Savior’s arch enemy and the entire cause of the angelic conflict and the reason for the creation of mankind! He was extremely angry after the supreme court of heaven judged him, found him guilty, and sentenced him to the Lake of Fire (which does not exist yet). He claimed that God was unfair in the sentence He gave Satan and Satan has been appealing that judgment since his fall. God created mankind to prove to Satan that He was JUST in handing down the punishment that he received. Human history is the appeal trial of Satan, who is defending himself. God is the prosecutor and all of mankind is God’s witnesses!
God is the Almighty Sovereign Ruler and His authority is the end all for creation. God is also just and cannot be unfair. He cannot have anything to do with sin or allow sin to go unpunished in His integrity and perfection. In His integrity, which includes His righteousness and justice, God told Satan that even if one creature of His lesser creations, man, obeyed His plan and chose God that he, Satan, had no chance…the rest is history. Many human beings have believed God and proven that God was just and righteous in handing down this sentence to the fallen super creature. However, Satan did not take this lightly and his anger accelerates as each century passes and as he moves closer to his fiery destination at the end of human history!
Satan tried in his first attack on the human race to prevent the salvation plan of God for man, the birth of Christ, the first advent from happening. Satan is a genius and devised a diabolical plan to dilute the purity of the human race so that humanity would no longer be a completely human creation and thus, Christ would not be born a pure human being as He had to be. Genesis 6:1-2 “When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, (2) the sons of God (angels) saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married (had sex with them) any of them they chose (rape in many cases).” In spite of his diabolical plan, God stopped Satan and Christ was born a man, lived sinlessly for 33 years and in perfection went to the cross and died spiritually for our sins…for all mankind. His strategic victory soundly defeated Satan at the cross and in His resurrection from the physical death. This infuriated Satan even more and since he was unable to defeat the POG and stop Christ from coming to earth as the God/Man and Savior of the world, he has escalated his plans stop the POG by attempting to destroy mankind (Christians and Jews) and keep them from personally fulfilling the POG on earth.
Demonic Attacks
Being the super genius that he is, Satan has formed many plans of attack. He used his vast armies of fallen angels or demons to bring about his plans. There are five demon attacks on the human race throughout human history. Let’s look at them and focus on the ones that affect you today in the Church Age. You won’t be on earth or a part of his attacks in the Tribulation period. They are as follows:
A. The first demon attack was the genetic attack in the anti-diluvium civilization to prevent the birth of the Messiah. This attack was by demons with visible bodies. Gen 6:1-2 (see above).
B. The second attack is demon possession and involves unbelievers only by disembodied or invisible demons.
C. The third attack is demon influence or telepathy (mental and soul intrusion as well as the personality of the target) and involves believers and unbelievers alike by disembodied or invisible demons.
D. The fourth attack includes three assaults by demon armies that occur in the middle and in the last days of the Tribulation period by visible demon armies.
E. The fifth and last attack is called the Gog and Magog Revolution started by Satan at his release from prison after 1000 years. This attack includes his demons (both of which will be visible), and unbelievers at the end of the millennial period.
In this doctrine we are going to focus mainly on the third demon attack occasionally referring to the second demon attack. The other attacks have been discussed to some extend in previous lessons and will be further discussed in the remaining chapters of the Book of Revelation as they occur.
Principle: all violence in human history is related to demonism through demon possession or demon influence. From Adam until now, the ruler of this world, Satan, which includes his cosmic system, has schemed and is scheming continuously to keep you from your divine destiny in Christ!
Opposing Power Systems
Just as our Father in heaven has designed a perfect plan for each of the dispensations in which mankind would live, Satan has devised a counter plan for mankind as well and it is not only diabolical, it is a genius plan of deceit and cunning.
God’s power system is perfect and gracious in all dispensations because it makes mankind dependent on God. He loves that. Let’s focus on our dispensation, the one we live in now…the Church Age. God had given to mankind in the Church Age a unique and most magnificent and perfect plan by which to live…Christianity. His plan consists of:
A. An entrance to the plan: salvation by grace…faith alone in Christ alone…a gift…never earned or deserved and never by man’s ability or works.
B. After salvation He has given us 40 things to sustain us in this world and the divine power system by which to live…the filling of the Spirit…empowerment by God the Holy Spirit to understand spiritual things from God. He empowers us to learn the Word, live in God’s plan, which consists of daily study of God’s Word, believing it and applying it in life situations and everyday living.
C. All of this is possible through God’s grace: daily grace (logistical) for the necessities to stay in the plan; blessings as we grow spiritually, which honor God; ability to pass all God’s momentum tests for spiritual growth; and super abundant blessings at spiritual maturity in time and in eternity…maximum function and service to Christ.
Of course none of this is possible apart from the believers’ and unbelievers’ volitions...their choices for or against the POG, which includes salvation for the unbeliever. 2 Pet 3:9 “The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance (a change of mind about the LJC and receive salvation through Christ).” You must choose this; God never makes us do anything and never coerces our volition…but graciously offers His plan to all mankind.
Satan’s power system is the total opposite of God’s system in that he stresses man’s ability to make a perfect world. It is made up of two powerful spheres…Cosmic One and Cosmic Two. These are powerful systems and the means by which Satan administers the rulership of this world. No one can enter these power systems without the use of their volition. If you are not in God’s divine system…His plan, then you are in one of Satan’s two systems…there is NO in between.
Using our volition is the most powerful thing we have to resist temptation and using it in connection to what we know is critical…remaining in the POG. Staying out of the Cosmic Systems involves daily decisions on your part just as daily decisions must be made to stay in the POG and even hourly decision to remain in the filling of the Spirit. You have to have some understanding of life but the more you know and understand life, the better you can be at using your volition for the POG. You have more options through knowledge…to that extent then, knowledge is POWER! And knowledge of Bible doctrine, God’s Word, is GREAT POWER because it opens up huge options in the use of your volition, the most powerful instrument in your soul. Its proper use in relation to your knowledge is absolutely fantastic. However, its use in relation to emotion makes it disastrous! When emotion overcomes your mentality, your thinking based on knowledge of God’s Word in your soul, it is horrible and produces terrible pressures and consequences in life’s circumstances. It becomes either an active or passive system for the unbeliever to be demon possessed or the believer and unbeliever to be demon influenced.
Getting into the cosmic system involves your volition and getting out of the cosmic system involves your volition also. For the unbeliever, the solution is faith alone in Christ alone…a salvation decision to believe in Him as their personal Savior. For the believer, the solution is rebound or confession of sin to regain spiritual fellowship with God. These volitional decisions by unbelievers and believers are the only way of escape from the cosmic system. This is critical.
Why Two Cosmic Systems?
A. Cosmic One emphasizes the function of arrogance… the great enemy of the believer…in the life of the individual. It also emphasizes the pre-occupation with self. This is the key to Cosmic One. Cosmic Two emphasizes hatred and antagonism toward the person of God and the Word of God.
B. The target of Cosmic One is the ego of the soul (into egocentricity). The target of Cosmic Two is the LJC (living Word) and Bible doctrine (the written Word). So each one has a different target.
C. Therefore, Cosmic One emphasizes self in contrast to God. Cosmic Two emphasizes human viewpoint in contrast to divine viewpoint and antagonism toward the divine viewpoint in life.
D. Cosmic One emphasizes Satan’s attitude at the time of his fall. Cosmic Two emphasizes the attitude of Satan during the course of man’s fall.
E. Cosmic One represents the philosophy of Satan in the pre-historic angelic conflict. Cosmic Two represents the philosophy of Satan during the course of human history.
F. When the believer enters Cosmic One, he becomes inculcated (saturated) with the attitude of Satan at his fall before man was created. When the believer enters Cosmic Two, he becomes inculcated (saturated) with the attitude of Satan after his fall and after man was created.
G. Cosmic One reflects the philosophy of Satan as the ruler of all fallen angels. Cosmic Two reflects the philosophy of Satan as the ruler of the world after man’s fall.
H. Involvement in either Cosmic One or Cosmic Two is the demonization of the human race.
What Is the Purpose of Satan’s Cosmic Systems?
A. The cosmic system is a vehicle for Satan’s administration of the world system.
B. The cosmic system is a warehouse so to speak and classroom for satanic doctrine…Satan’s thinking.
C. The cosmic system is a tactical trap for the inculcation and enslavement of the human race...believers and unbelievers alike.
D. It is a factory for the manufacture of “losers” in the Christian way of life or the POG who will be caught up in this trap.
What is a Loser?
A. A loser is a believer out of fellowship with God (no confession…no rebound…no studying God’s Word, and ignoring the POG completely) living in the cosmic system, a slave to Satan’s thinking and plan, the worst form of slavery.
B. A loser is a believer who has been demonized into thinking like Satan. There are different degrees of demonization just like there are different degrees of spiritual growth.
C. A loser is a believer out of fellowship and out of the POG, who sits in the classroom of the cosmic system…the world…where he gets thought transference or telepathy from doctrines of demons. 1 Tim 4:1 “The (Holy) Spirit clearly says that in later times some (believers) will abandon the faith (divine POG and Bible doctrine) and follow deceiving spirits (demons) and things taught by demons (religious false teachers).” 1 John 2:15-17 “Do not love the world (cosmic system) or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. (16) For everything in the world…the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does (all demon influence)…comes not from the Father but from the world (cosmic system of Satan). (17) The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God (born again and residence and function in the POG) lives forever.”
The best way to remain out of Satan’s genius plan, Cosmic One, and Cosmic Two and to REMAIN IN the POG is to make daily even hourly decisions to reside and function in the POG and in the filling of the Spirit. God’s divine system is perfect and He has clear commands for believers in the Church Age. They are as follows:
A. Be filled with the Spirit. Eph 5:18 “Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery (Cosmic One and Two). Instead, be filled with the Spirit.”
B. Walk by means of the Spirit. Gal 5:16 “I say then: Walk by means of the Spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh (the old sin nature).”
C. Do not grieve the Holy Spirit. Eph 4:30 “And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.” (This is a command that refers to Cosmic One).