Idaho State University’s Undergraduate Curriculum Council

Undergraduate Curriculum Council See Members

November 8, 2012 -- 3:00-6:00p.m. in Rendezvous 301

Volume XXIX, Meeting 19 (14-19)

MINUTES – Approved by Curriculum Council on 15 November 2012; accepted by Deans 18 December 2012


1a. Attending: Bigelow, Blakeman (Chair), Fuger, Hertz, Hewett, Hill, Homan, Hunt, Kim, Ruchti, Stuffle, Woodworth-Ney, Young

1b. Pre-notified absences for this meeting: Nehr-Kanet, Nelson, Syme

1c. Guests: Mike Mikitish, Director, Paramedic Science, Emergency Management and Fire Services Administration programs, attending in Meridian; and Pam Edwards, Interim Director of Student Services in the College of Technology, attending in anticipation of becoming an ex officio member of the Council.

2. Hearing no objections or corrections, Blakeman declared the Minutes from the Council’s meeting on November 1, 2012, meeting approved as presented. This and the brief version will go to the deans.

3. Report from the Executive Committee’s meeting on November 5, 2012

1. Discussion of potentially Expedited Proposals:
Proposal 90: issue with 4 credits and 0 credits, no academic credit, not expeditable.
Proposal 89: substantial change in course, not expeditable
Proposal 88: not expeditable, will need to be tabled due to Gened.
Proposal 87: GERC, so tabled, not expeditable
Proposal 85: Chemistry, new course, not expeditable
Proposal 84: not expeditable, dropping a course
Proposal 83: Many issues, not expeditable
Proposal 79: Could be expeditable, [but] because it is GERC, we will still present to the council
2. [CC’s discussions of GERC-forwarded courses] should not be about whether the course meets the objective; rather, they should be about potential confusion with existing courses, degrees, etc, potential dilution, duplication, conflict with accrediting standards, and clarification of UG catalog.
3. Minutes proposed changes:
-- initial misunderstanding on GERC conversation
--discussion about e-mail from Laura W-N was left out
--Was proposal 71 actually tabled? We thought it was approved.
4. David is still putting together a letter for [Susan Swetnam] concerning those GERC approved that were on this last set of minutes, that the council hasn't seen.

4. Woodworth-Ney participated in a statewide conference of administrators of Idaho’s 2- and 4-year higher education institutions to work toward implementing the goal that 60% of Idahoans aged 24-36 will have a college credential by 2020. Disciplinary groups (communication, mathematics, English) met and discussed whether they have common objectives in their institutions’ general education courses. ISU might have two Ph.D. programs on the docket at the December Board of Education meeting. The Provost is very appreciative of this Council’s work and extra efforts. The deans meet on some Tuesdays at 9 a.m. Questions:

·  Who is the webmaster for the General Education Requirements Committee? –Academic Affairs is looking into a website management system, but for now, Susan Swetnam sends materials to Woodworth-Ney’s administrative assistant.

·  What is the process for progression of proposals once the Curriculum Council has approved them? What does it mean for the deans to accept the Curriculum Council’s minutes? If a proposal has been “stopped,” how is the Curriculum Council notified? –The Deans review them and make recommendations to the Provost, who may “stop” proposals and work with a unit. In the current case, the Provost stopped a proposal because a student using the curriculum outlined would have been prevented from finishing by a catalog rule created bythe former Academic Standards Council. The Provost requested that there be a review of the catalog rule or a review of the curriculum that was proposed. The College took the proposal back, and might decide to propose a change in the general catalog rule or to change their proposal to ask for an exception to the rule, or alter their proposal so that the current standards are met. Academic Affairs will notify this council when the outcome is known. Nothing is removed from this Council’s minutes.

·  Possibly the language describing the Deans’ actions regarding this Council’s minutes needs to be clarified; “acceptance” (or not) seems inappropriate. “If we did something, it should be reported in the minutes whether they like it or not.” –They don’t remove anything from the minutes. The Deans are using this Council’s minutes as a means to maintain awareness of undergraduate academic activities. Maybe we need some additional clarification of how the Deans approve what finally gets catalogued.

5. Information from the Chair: Blakeman sent a letter to Susan Swetnam in an effort to begin a flow toward the Council of proposals for General Education language to be added to course descriptions:

Thank you again for sending the UCC the updated version of GERC approved courses. Upon review of the newly approved courses we found seven courses that had not come back through the UCC for approval. (I believe these were done before we implemented the new GERC/UCC flowchart).

November 8, 2012 -- Agenda for 19th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY13-14 catalog

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Obj. 3 MGT 2216
Obj. 5 NDT 2239
Obj. 6 CSED 2256
Obj. 7 CS 1181
Obj. 8 HIST 2291
Obj. 9 EDUC 2204
Obj. 9 WS 2201

November 8, 2012 -- Agenda for 19th meeting of Undergraduate Curriculum Council for AY13-14 catalog

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Prior to sending out an email to each of the perspective college Dean's, I wanted to confirm with you that GERC is not in possession of any UCC proposal forms for these courses. Prior to being added to the catalog as GERC approved courses the UCC must review and approve a proposal from for each of these courses.

With no motion process, Blakeman asked for acceptance of these 7 unchanged courses as General Education objective courses; no vote was taken.

6. Stuffle reported that the Faculty Senate learned from University General Counsel David (E.) Alexander that the Senate is not required to allow recording of its proceedings, and from Provost Adamcik that ISU’s entry standards for international students are lower than those of peer institutions. The Senate discussed tuition benefits for dependents of faculty and staff.

7. MS (Fuger, Young) to revisit the Council’s Bylaws and consider adding another ex officio member from the College of Technology’s advising area.


Two issues arose this week in response to a letter from the University Scheduler. MSC (Ruchti, Bigelow, unanimous) to approve both:

1. Health Care Administration (Appendix 1) needs to “officialize” a semester code change on a course that has been being offered F, S, and Su for over a year: “for the past 12+ months we have been allowing our HCA students to complete the HCA 4495 "administrative internship" in the summer, spring, or fall semesters. This move gives students added flexibility and facilitates their timely graduations. The catalog currently indicates it is only offered in the summer. Somehow we overlooked this when we recommended changes to the 2011-12/2013-14 catalogs. If it's not too late, we would greatly appreciate your noting that the HCA 4495 internship will now be officially offered year round. The 240 hour internship is conducted at health care facilities away from ISU. This change has NO impact on any other persons or programs.” Blakeman suggested that in view of this change, a description change is also in order, and Farnsworth agreed: Remove from the description < "HCA students typically complete the internship in the summer between the junior and senior year." >

2. Medical Assisting (Appendix 2) needs likewise to update a semester code, in: “…a situation I thought had been taken care of years ago but has not. MA 0207 has been taught in the spring for a number of years but was never switched from fall semester, I have found out, so what do I need to do to get this straightened out?” This course is used only in this program’s curriculum.


1.  Council unanimously approved an amended proposal from Health Occupations (Appendix 3), now to change one course.

2.  Remaining tabled is Proposal 58 – Computer Information Systems, to change the description of one course to make it more useful for General Education. Until the course has been approved (or permanently denied) by GERC, the College of Business requests this proposal remain tabled.

3.  Council unanimously approved an amended proposal from Geomatics Technology (Appendix 4) to add RCET course choices to its Bachelor of Science curriculum.

4.  Council unanimously approved a proposal for housecleaning in the Industrial Controls program (Appendix 5).

·  Students could reach their first AAS degree by other previous routes (apprenticeships and programs in other states) than with an AAS at ISU.

·  The ELAP courses are not registerable; they had to be created in order for the apprenticeship completions to be transcripted.

5.  Council unanimously approved an amended proposal from the School of Nursing (Appendix 6), to add information about the Accelerated Nursing program to the catalog.

·  NURS 3375 is available only to LPNs who do not need 3371.

·  Scheduling of courses is not the same here as in Meridian.

6.  Council unanimously approved a proposal from ESTEC (Appendix 7), to revive some eliminated ELTR courses as ESETs.

·  These courses are taught in the high schools as Tech Prep; they are not currently shown in any ISU curriculum. The program will add ESET 0103 through 0105L to all the programs in which they are used; author Beaty will send this information, along with an addition to the articulation information on page 286 saying which courses are equivalent.

7.  Council unanimously approved a proposal from Emergency Management (Appendix 8), to add a Bachelor of Science degree. Proposal author Mike Mikitish answered questions:

·  Why are there so many electives? --Advising will tailor suggested electives to student’s intended field of interest. If s/he is not actually in a field yet, s/he will take the internship for 6 credits.

·  What is the minimum number of credits for the degree? --55 program credits

·  If the internship is conducted over two semesters, it needs to be marked in Banner as repeatable so the students will obtain the full amount of credit.

8.  Council unanimously approved a proposal from ESTEC (Appendix 9), to create a 2nd AAS degree in Critical Infrastructure Security

9.  Council unanimously approved a proposal from Fire Services Administration (Appendix 10), to reduce the B.S. to 120 credits. Mikitish answered questions:

·  Why are 8 credits missing? –15 POLS credits were removed, and 7 elective credits added.

·  Why were the POLS credits included? --People in this field tend to get certified in public administration; this was a path in that direction. Plans for the future include adding a minor or emphasis in emergency management for the fire services students, who are now taking political science courses elsewhere and transferring them.

·  A student without the Associate degree in Fire Services Administration would need to take the courses at that level before taking the upper division courses. So the catalog text above the degree should say that an Associate degree is < recommended > before beginning the bachelor’s degree.

·  Will the currently experimental course that provides bridges for people with an AAS degree become a standard-numbered course? --He is working on alternative options.

10.  Council unanimously approved a slightly amended proposal from Computer Aided Design Drafting Technology (Appendix 11) for substantial curriculum changes.

11.  Council unanimously approved an amended proposal from Languages and Literatures (Appendix 12) for assorted changes.

12.  Council unanimously approved a proposal from English and Philosophy (Appendix 13) for two courses and an update to the BA in English Professional Writing option.

13.  Council unanimously approved a proposal from Sociology, Social Work, and Criminal Justice (Appendix 14) to change the title of SOC 2248 Social Diversity (to meet GERC title and language change request).

14.  Remaining tabled is Proposal 81 – History, to revise courses, curriculum, and program description to comply with GERC stipulations.

15.  Remaining tabled is Proposal 82 – College of Pharmacy, for a HealthCare sequence for the traditional pharmacy program.

16.  Remaining tabled is Proposal 83 – Rogers School of Communication, Media, and Persuasion, (created from two existing departments) for comprehensive catalog re-do that is corollary to an as yet unseen State Proposal.

17.  Council unanimously approved a proposal from Health Information Technology (Appendix 15) to discontinue the PSTC in Medical Transcription.

18.  Council unanimously approved a proposal from Chemistry (Appendix 16) to give a standard number to a successful experimental course.

19.  Remaining tabled is Proposal 87 – Political Science, for a revision to an existing course to make it suitable for General Education use.

20.  Remaining tabled is Proposal 88 – Geosciences, for a new General Education course. Discussion has developed, and more information from the College of Science and Engineering is being sought.

21.  Proposals 89-96 were not discussed.


1.  MS (Hewett, Stuffle) to approve, and automatically table, the following new proposals:

·  Proposal 93 –Criminal Justice, to revise two curricula

·  Proposal 94 –ESTEC, for an internship course.

·  Proposal 95 –Pharmacy, to change one PPRA course

·  Proposal 96 –Pharmacy, to change one PDNT course

E. ADJOURNMENT – declared at 6:01 p.m. upon motion by Homan

APPENDICES – Approved Actions

1. 14-19-01 Content, Semester HCA 4495 201410

Remove from the description < "HCA students typically complete the internship in the summer between the junior and senior year." >

Currently Su; change to < F, S, > Su

2. 14-19-02 Semester MA 0207 201410

Currently F; change to S

3. Health Occupations, COT 2012-05

Paul Peterson, HO Dept. Chair, Ext. 4169

Proposal Summary: [items 2, 3, and 4 have been removed]

1.  To HO 0111 (Anatomy and Physiology), add HO 0106 (Medical Terminology) as a prerequisite. Requiring students to have completed HO 0106 before taking HO 0111will provide a platform of understanding basic medical terminology, and thus increase the likelihood of successfully completing the anatomy and physiology course.