Honors English 11
Course Overview
Mr. Daly
Course Description
The eleventh grade program offers an overview of American literature with emphasis upon the themes and styles of the different literary periods. The class reads several novels. The course acquaints students with the works and lives of the foremost American poets, dramatists, novelists, and short story writers. In addition, the study of the conventions, functions, and uses of the English language are explored. Vocabulary and writing (literary analysis) are also major components of the course.
Course Learning Objectives (Essential Questions)
1. How do authors infuse belief or tradition into a story?
2. How are story genres different? How are they similar?
3. Why are classic stories important to our modern society?
4. How can style contribute to a story?
Course Resources
Course Website(s) and Contact Information
· Mr. S. Daly
Course Supplies
1. 3-ring binder 2. loose leaf paper 3. Pens/Pencils (black or blue only)
4. pocket folder 5. highlighters 6. FLASHDRIVE
Grading – Please check Home Access for updated grades.
All assignments are weighted equally, but will be given varying point value. Daily work including scheduled and pop quizzes will range between 5-25 points per assignment. Tests and Projects will range from 25- 100 points.
** Please do not think that a couple of zero’s will not affect your grade.
To receive important text alerts from Mr. Daly,
please find your class period and send the attached message to 81010:
English 11 P.4@daly2
English 11 P.6 @daly3
(Remind isa safe, free way for teachers to text message students and keep in touch with parents.
Personal information is not viewed by either user)
We will be using the computer writing program turnitin.com. More details will be forthcoming, but you must have a personal email to sign up for this. Please see me if you have any questions/concerns.
Late Assignments
Daily work and projects are created by teachers in order to see which concepts you fully understand and which areas you still need to review. If you do not understand an assignment, you need to see us before/after school, or during a mutual time in our schedules. Not handing in your assignment is NOT a wise option.
If you are absent, a makeup policy will be followed. You will receive one school day for each day missed. For example, if you miss 3 days of school, you receive 3 days to make up the work. Class work is posted on my website by the end of each day. Additionally, class handouts are found in the bin in G-205. If there is a situation you would like to speak to us about, please do as soon as possible in regards to missing work.
Overarching Student Expectations for English 11 (and all of NHS)
#1 Be where you’re supposed to be…when you’re supposed to be there! This includes coming to class on time everyday with all classroom materials needed for the day. In order to get the most out of class, you must make the best effort to be here on time. All late students entering the room must have a signed pass from a teacher. Being on time also means in your seat when bell rings...not sliding into class as bell rings. NO EXCEPTIONS! LATES WILL BE ENTERED INTO HOME ACCESS!
#2 Follow direction/directives…the first time given!
#3 Accept and appreciate differences among us! Come to class ready to treat others the way you expect to be treated. Talking while we or another students is talking is disrespectful and will not be tolerated. This is a classroom of mutual respect and we will act accordingly.
#4 Lead by doing the “Next Right Thing”!
Cell Phone Policy
NO cell phones are permitted!! WHY? Because this is a distraction to the learning environment and can also be used for cheating. You are permitted to use cell phones in the halls between the changing of classes and during lunch. If a cell phone is out during class, the student will be warned ONE time. A second incident will involve you handing in the cell phone to the teacher. If there is no issue, the cell phone may be handed back to the student at the end of class; however, if an issue arises, the phone will be taken to your grade level office. To help assure that this rule is followed, and stop any distractions there, all belongings such as BOOK BAGS, PURSES, JACKETS are NOT to be on your desk. PLEASE hang all items on side hook of desk, under chair or on the floor.
Leaving the classroom
Leaving the room consistently puts students at risk for missing important instruction and instructions. There are times it may be necessary to leave the room. Students will be given 6 passes per marking period to use the bathroom or locker. Once the passes are used up, you must wait for the next month. If there is a special circumstance, we can discuss it. If you do not have your hall pass slip, you may not leave the classroom. You may only use your pass, not a friend’s. At the last use of pass, it will be collected. Any unused pass slots will be given bonus points that will be added on each marking period grade.
I look forward to working together and teaching you the skills you needed to be successful. I also look forward to you teaching me things too!
Honors English 11
Student and Parent Acknowledgement
I have read the Course Syllabus for English 11 and understand and agree with the classroom policies:
Student Name: ______Class Period:______
Student Signature:______Date:______
E-mail Address (if different from school account):
By signing below, I affirm that I have read the Course Syllabus for English 11, understand and
agree that my child will follow the classroom procedures.
Parent/Guardian Name:
Please Print
Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent/Guardian E-mail Address:
Parent Daytime Telephone Contact (best number, please):
If there are any special circumstances (e.g.: limited internet access, lengthy commute, etc.) or other questions or concerns I should know about your child, feel free to share them on the back of this paper, or e-mail me (). Thank you.