Supporting information: Tables 1-6
Table S1. Comparisons of demographic and clinical data in KD patients with/without CALs in the acute and chronic stage.Factor/category / CALs in the acute stage (n = 311) / CALs in the chronic stage (n = 311)
(n = 125) / No
(n = 186) / OR (95% CI) / pa / Yes
(n = 33) / No
(n = 278) / OR (95% CI) / pa
n (%) / n (%) / n (%) / n (%)
Age (mo) (mean ± SD) / 28.3 ± 28.9 / 29.1 ± 29.7 / - / 0.827b / 28.5 ± 26.0 / 28.8 ± 29.8 / — / 0.950b
≤ 12 / 39 (31.2) / 56 (30.1) / 1.00 / 12 (36.4) / 83 (29.9) / 1.00
12–60 / 69 (55.2) / 113 (60.8) / 0.88 (0.53–1.46) / 0.611 / 14 (42.4) / 168 (60.4) / 0.58 (0.26–1.30) / 0.185
> 60 / 17 (13.6) / 17 (9.1) / 1.44 (0.65–3.15) / 0.367 / 7 (21.2) / 27 (9.7) / 1.79 (0.64–5.02) / 0.266
Female / 40 (32.0) / 82 (44.1) / 1.00 / 10 (30.3) / 112 (40.3) / 1.00
Male / 85 (68.0) / 104 (55.9) / 1.68 (1.04–2.69) / 0.033 / 23 (69.7) / 166 (59.7) / 1.55 (0.71–3.39) / 0.270
Times of IVIG treatment
None / 17 (13.6) / 38 (20.4) / 1.00 / 7 (21.2) / 48 (17.3) / 1.00
1 / 87 (69.6) / 142 (76.3) / 1.37 (0.73–2.57) / 0.329 / 17 (51.5) / 212 (76.3) / 0.55 (0.22–1.40) / 0.210
2 / 21 (16.8) / 6 (3.2) / 7.82 (2.68–22.87) / <0.001 / 9 (27.3) / 18 (6.5) / 3.43 (1.11–10.58) / 0.032
ap value was estimated by logistic regression.
bp value was estimated by t test.
CAL = coronary artery lesion; CI = confidence interval; KD = Kawasaki disease; OR = odds ratio; SD = standard deviation.
Values in bold font were statistically significant.
Table S2. Comparisons of laboratory findings in KD patients with/without CALs in the acute and chronic stage.
Factor/category / CALs in the acute stage (n = 311) / CALs in the chronic stage (n = 311)
(n = 125) / No
(n = 186) / Statistics / pa / Yes
(n = 33) / No
(n = 278) / Statistics / pa
Mean ± SD / Mean ± SD / Mean ± SD / Mean ± SD
WBC count (×103/mm3) / 14.3 ± 4.8 / 12.8 ± 4.5 / t = 2.76 / 0.006 / 14.3 ± 4.9 / 13.3 ± 4.7 / t = 1.15 / 0.253
PMN (%) / 60.0 ± 14.0 / 54.8 ± 15.4 / t = 2.99 / 0.003 / 55.8 ± 12.7 / 57.0 ± 15.4 / t = –0.42 / 0.675
Lym (%) / 27.3 ± 12.0 / 31.7 ± 13.6 / t = –2.99 / 0.003 / 30.1 ± 12.8 / 29.9 ± 13.2 / t = 0.10 / 0.923
CRP (mg/dL) / 8.8 ± 7.4 / 8.1 ± 7.6 / t = 0.79 / 0.433 / 9.4 ± 7.9 / 8.3 ± 7.5 / t = 0.76 / 0.450
Plt Count (×1000/Cumm) / 393.8 ± 142.8 / 382.3 ± 119.1 / t = 0.78 / 0.439 / 433.4 ± 169.6 / 381.4 ± 122.5 / Z = 1.45 / 0.148b
Hgb (g/dL) / 11.2 ± 1.4 / 11.1 ± 1.2 / t = 0.60 / 0.549 / 11.0 ± 1.9 / 11.2 ± 1.2 / t = –0.67 / 0.503
ap values were estimated by t test.
bp values was estimated by Mann–Whitney U test.
CAL = coronary artery lesion; CRP = C-reactive protein; Hgb = hemoglobin;KD = Kawasaki disease; Lym = lymphocyte; Plt = platelet; PMN = polymorphonuclear neutrophil; SD = standard deviation; WBC = white blood cell.
Values in bold font were statistically significant.
Table S3. Distribution and odds ratios for KD patients with/without CALs in the acute and chronic stage by various genotypes and alleles of MPO -463G>A.
SNP / CALs in the acute stage (n = 311) / CALs in the chronic stage (n = 311)
Yes (n = 125) / No (n = 186) / Crude / Adjusted / Yes (n = 33) / No (n = 278) / Crude / Adjusted
n (%) / n (%) / OR (95% CI) / pa / OR(95% CI) / pb / n (%) / n (%) / OR (95% CI) / pa / OR (95% CI) / pc
MPO -463G>A
G/G / 98 (78.4) / 143 (76.9) / 1.00 / 1.00 / 27 (81.8) / 214 (77.0) / 1.00 / 1.00
G/A / 26 (20.8) / 40 (21.5) / 0.95 (0.54–1.66) / 0.852 / 0.78 (0.43–1.42) / 0.415 / 6 (18.2) / 60 (21.6) / 0.79 (0.31–2.01) / 0.624 / 0.72 (0.27–1.94) / 0.520
A/A / 1 (0.8) / 3 (1.6) / 0.49 (0.05–4.74) / 0.535 / 0.48 (0.05–4.98) / 0.539 / 0 (0) / 4 (1.4) / — / - / — / -
p for linear trend / 0.658 / p for linear trend / 0.326 / p for linear trend / 0.456 / p for linear trend / 0.406
G/A + A/A / 27 (21.6) / 43 (23.1) / 0.92 (0.53–1.58) / 0.916 / 0.76 (0.42–1.37) / 0.360 / 6 (18.2) / 64 (23.0) / 0.74 (0.29–1.88) / 0.530 / 0.69 (0.26–1.83) / 0.454
G allele frequency / 222 (88.8) / 326 (87.6) / 1.00 / 1.00 / 60 (90.9) / 488 (87.8) / 1.00 / 1.00
A allele frequency / 28 (11.2) / 46 (12.4) / 0.89 (0.54–1.47) / 0.660 / 0.77 (0.45–1.31) / 0.332 / 6 (9.1) / 68 (12.2) / 0.72 (0.30–1.73) / 0.458 / 0.68 (0.27–1.71) / 0.415
χ2 / 0.011 / 0.008
HW p value / 0.916 / 0.930
aCrude odds ratio; p value was estimated by logistic regression.
bOR, adjusted for sex, age (month) (12–60, ≥60 vs. ≤12), WBC (%) (11.20–14.03, ≥14.09 vs. ≤10.98), PMN (%) (51.0–60.0, ≥61.0 vs. ≤50.0), Lym (%) (25.0–32.0, ≥33.0 vs. ≤24.0), and times of IVIG treatment (0, ≥2 vs. 1); p value was estimated by multiple logistic regression.
cOR, adjusted for sex, age (month) (12–60, ≥60 vs. ≦12) and times of IVIG treatment ((0,≥2 vs. 1); p value was estimated by multiple logistic regression.
CAL = coronary artery lesion; CRP = C-reactive protein; Hgb = hemoglobin;HW= Hardy-Weinberg;IVIG = intravenous immunoglobulin; KD = Kawasaki disease; Lym = lymphocyte; MPO = myeloperoxidase; OR = odds ratio; SNP = single nucleotide polymorphism;WBC = white blood cell.
Table S4. Comparison of the age and sex of KD patients with/without IVIG resistance.
Factor/category / 250 KD childrena
Resistant (n = 29) / Responsive (n = 221) / OR (95% CI) / pb
n (%) / n (%)
Age (mo) (Mean ± SD) / 32.3 ± 31.5 / 25.8 ± 26.2 / 0.357c
≤ 12 / 9 (31.0) / 71 (32.1) / 1.00
12–60 / 13 (44.8) / 134 (60.6) / 0.77 (0.31–1.88) / 0.559
> 60 / 7 (24.1) / 16 (7.2) / 3.45 (1.12–10.65) / 0.031
Female / 10 (34.5) / 89 (40.3) / 1.00
Male / 19 (65.5) / 132 (59.7) / 1.28 (0.57–2.88) / 0.550
aA total of 250 KD patients (M/F 151/99, mean age 26.5 ± 26.9 months).
bp value was estimated by logistic regression.
cp value was estimated by Mann–Whitney U test.
CI = confidence interval; IVIG = intravenous immunoglobulin; KD = Kawasaki disease; OR = odds ratio; SD = standard deviation.
Values in bold font were statistically significant.
Table S5. Comparison of the laboratory findings of KD patients with/without IVIG resistance.
Factor/category / 250 KD
Resistant(n = 29) / Responsive(n = 221) / Statistics / pa
Mean ± SD / Mean ± SD
WBC count (×103/mm3) / 15.5 ± 4.6 / 13.6 ± 4.7 / t = 2.10 / 0.036
PMN (%) / 60.3 ± 13.0 / 57.6 ± 15.4 / t = 0.89 / 0.375
Lym (%) / 26.6 ± 10.7 / 29.1 ± 12.7 / t = –1.05 / 0.296
CRP (mg/dL) / 11.0 ± 7.5 / 9.0 ± 7.8 / t = 1.33 / 0.185
Plt count (×1000/Cumm) / 383.3 ± 149.3 / 378.9 ± 120.5 / t = 0.18 / 0.856
Hgb (g/dL) / 10.6 ± 1.3 / 11.2 ± 1.2 / t = –2.66 / 0.008
a p values were estimated by t test.
CRP = C-reactive protein; Hgb = hemoglobin; IVIG = intravenous immunoglobulin; KD = Kawasaki disease; Lym = lymphocyte; Plt = platelet; PMN = polymorphonuclear neutrophil; SD = standard deviation; WBC = white blood cell.
Values in bold font were statistically significant.
Table S6. Distribution and odds ratios for KD patients with/without IVIG resistance by genotype and allelic type of MPO -463G>A.
SNP / 250 KDGenotype / Resistant
(n = 29) / Responsive
(n = 221) / COR (95% CI) / pa / AOR (95% CI) / pb
n (%) / n(%)
MPO / G/G / 22 (75.9) / 169 (76.5) / 1.00 / 1.00
(-463G>A) / G/A / 7 (24.1) / 48 (21.7) / 1.12 (0.45–2.78) / 0.807 / 1.26 (0.48–3.35) / 0.642
rs17860523 / A/A / 0 (0) / 4 (1.8) / — / — / — / —
p for linear trend / 0.897 / p for linear trend / 0.976
G/A + A/A / 7 (24.1) / 52 (23.5) / 1.03 (0.42–2.56) / 0.942 / 1.12 (0.43–2.93) / 0.819
G allele frequency / 51 (87.9) / 386 (87.3) / 1.00 / 1.00
A allele frequency / 7 (12.1) / 56 (12.7) / 0.95 (0.41–2.19) / 0.897 / 0.99 (0.41–2.39) / 0.976
χ2 / 0.08
HW p value / 0.783
ap value was estimated by logistic regression.
bAOR, adjusted for sex, age (month) (12–60, ≥60 vs. ≤12), WBC (%) (11.60–14.55, ≥14.60 vs. ≤11.53), Hgb (10.90–11.48, ≥11.50 vs. ≤10.80); p value was estimated by multiple logistic regression.
AOR = adjusted odds ratio; CI = confidence interval; COR = crude odds ratio; Hgb = hemoglobin; IVIG = intravenous immunoglobulin; KD = Kawasaki disease; MPO = myeloperoxidase; SD = standard deviation; SNP = single nucleotide polymorphism; WBC = white blood cell.