DECEMBER 15, 2010

The meeting was called to order by President David Lashua with the following members present: Shirley Blazer, Fay Fisher, Ellie Fricker, Pat Johnstone, Harry Smith and Cathie York.

Resignations & Elections


Reading of the Minutes

Minutes of the November 17, 2010 minutes were read by the Secretary. Pat Johnstone noted the minutes were incorrect in that she did not move to approve the ratifications as a whole. Harry Smith moved to approve the minutes as corrected and was seconded by Fay Fisher. Vote taken. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Shirley Blazer reported current assets of $341,587.77 and current liabilities of $68,111.89. Ellie Fricker moved to accept the report and was seconded by Cathie York. Vote taken: Motion carried.


A letter from Steve Hobbs was received and the office immediately responded with a letter.

Darlene Sholtz’s letter was read in which she stated there were necessities in the Park that should be met before we undertake the expansion of the clubhouse, noting that the expansion is a matter of convenience. Harry Smith moved to accept the letter and was seconded by Cathie York. Vote taken: Motion carried.

A letter from the Bonfire Social Assoc. reminded the Board had tabled its request for a new bulletin board for the exterior of the clubhouse. They ask the Board to consider this request plus a request that electricity be installed to and in the storage shed in the compound. The Social Club has gotten cost quotes for these projects for purpose of inclusion in the 2011 Budget. Harry Smith moved to accept the letter and was seconded by Cathie York. Vote taken: Motion carried.

Discussion held reference bids received back in the April of 2010 and current bids.. Harry Smith moved to approve funding $2500 to purchase a new Clubhouse Events Message Board and was seconded by Pat Johnstone. Vote taken: Yeas: Fisher, Fricker, Johnstone, Lashua and Smith. Nays: Blazer. York abstained. Motion carried.

Reference the request of electricity for the storage shed, President Lashua said this project requires compiling specifics and getting contractor bids which include a necessary county permit.

Maxine Gurdo and Jack Reynolds requested the Board consider repairs to the shuffleboard courts. They have discussed their needs with contractors familiar with shuffleboard courts and have three bids for the Board’s review. The repairs would include concrete to make courts level and then painting with acrylic paint. A second coat of paint with glass beads would be applied to obtain smoothness. Not all the bids include the paint portion of the repairs needed. David Lashua stated he is reluctant to act on this project until a decision on a clubhouse expansion has been reached. It was reported that there is $9000 plus in reserve funds for the shuffleboards. Cathie York moved to wait until we have complete bids with paint costs and for the voting results regarding clubhouse expansion at the 2011 Annual Shareholders Meeting. Fay Fisher seconded. Vote taken: All yeas. Motion carried.

Committee Reports

Showing Homes – One sale in progress.

Finance – No formal report.

Boat/Slip Dock – 2011 fees are due and be sure the office has your boat registrations. Harry

Smith said all fishermen using the fish house MUST clean up after

themselves. They must wrap the fish cleaning debris securely and place

in the freezer until disposal on trash day.

Paul Waddles asked the Board to consider the tabled issue of the boat ramp.

The Board agreed this project should go forward and appointed Paul as chair-

man of a committee to research the process and get prices for the repairs.

Beautification - No report.

Sewer/Water/Location – Wayne Matheny is working on getting a bid on the Sewer Spray Field

water tank. David Lashua is getting bids on improving the electric

wiring and relocation of the breaker box in the Water Pumphouse.

They did have a problem last night at the well house. The glass water

gauge broke and water was spraying everywhere. David Lashua was

able to shut off the valve to that gauge.

Health – Lydia Flansburg displayed the new blood pressure cuff.

Communications/Tidbits/Website/ Technology- No report.

Compound Cleanup - No report.

Long Range Planning – They are setting up their first meeting of this season and waiting for the

rest of the members to return to Bonfire.

Manager’s Report

Mgr. Sue France reported that there are solicitors coming into the Park. Everyone (not just the Board members) should tell them to leave. Our Park is duly posted with “Solicitors are Prohibited” signs.

Sue advised she had found “Boat Dock Rules” as approved by the Board of Directors on December 14, 2005 and no other action after that date. Therefore, these will be the rules that will be followed and enforced. Copies can be picked up at the office.

The second mailing re. the Annual Shareholders Meeting on January 8, 2011 have been mailed. Everyone is encouraged to attend and committee volunteering would be appreciated.

A-Line Fire & Safety has completed its semi-annual inspection of the kitchen fire suppression system. They found no problems.

The report that the mail boxes near the gazebo are loose was forwarded to the Leesburg Post Office. They stated they would have their carrier check them out and get them secured.

Sue repeated the need for cleaning the Fish House. Motto is: If fish parts are left, you’re not done cleaning.

Lights at Tammi and Lisa Lakes have been replaced.

The Wish List Committee is meeting on Dec. 28, at 10 a.m.

President’ Report

Year End Bonuses were discussed. Ellie Fricker moved to give a $200 bonus each to Sue France and to Tom Thomas and a $100 bonus to the cleaners, Mr. & Mrs. Worley. Seconded by Shirley Blazer. Vote Taken: All yeas.

2011 Pay Raises were discussed at length. Various amounts were suggested along with opinions voiced. Ellie Fricker moved to raise Sue France’s hourly rate to $19.50 with a future increase of 50 cents upon being issued a CAM license and to increase Tom Thomas’s hourly wage to $18.00. Cathie York seconded the motion. Vote taken: All yeas. Motion carried.

President Lashua informed the residents that the pool had been shut down recently because feces had been found in the pool and the water contamination had to be treated. All present were disgusted that someone in our Park would do this, no matter what method it came to be in the pool. We hope this will never happen again. If you have any knowledge of this violation, contact the office.

The pool cover is here but cannot be put into use until we receive a couple of replacement parts for the roller apparatus.

Research regarding the need to lock entrances to the pool area when the cover is on the pool says the rule does not apply when there is access to the pool area through a building, like our double doors.

The President described the problem in the fish house. The wet fish innards were put in unsealed plastic bags. The fish remains and water froze to the floor of the freezer. The ice and fish guts just kept building into a really unpleasant and time consuming job to remove for disposal. Please do your best to keep this amenity in order.

Old Business

Review of Delinquent Accounts. Three accounts were sent to Scott Gordon for collection. Others received certified letters stating past due payment is expected or their accounts will be forwarded to the lawyer. A few residents who were late with their December payments were notified by the Manager and rectified the oversight.

Compound Automatic Gate. Bill Carroll reported the gate is installed and card readers are available.

How to get your card: Each shareholder can sign for a free numbered card reader in the office. You will be responsible for that card. If you lose it or give it to someone, you will have to pay $25.00 for a replacement.

How it works: Swipe your card reader to open the gate. After you drive your vehicle and it clears the gate, the gate closes and locks automatically. When you wish to leave, sensors (much like loops used at traffic lights) will cause the gate to open. You must approach the exit in a straight on direction for the sensors to detect your vehicle. After you have driven out of the compound, the gate will close and lock behind you.

New Business

Approval of Proposed 2011 Budget. Harry Smith moved to adopt the 2011 Budget as proposed in the amount of $406,308.00 and was seconded by Pat Johnstone. Vote taken: All yeas.

Item 2 was deleted from the Agenda.


Earl Lynne – concrete pad request was reconsidered per legal advice. Ellie Fricker moved to ratify action taken to approve this request; seconded by Fay Fisher. Vote taken: Motion carried.

Harry Smith – request to place a storage shed under roof of his carport. Ellie Fricker moved to ratify the approval action taken of this request; seconded by Shirley Blazer. Vote taken: 6 Yeas and Harry Smith abstained. Motion carried.

Jimmie York – request to use the Clubhouse for non-denominational Sunday services. Shirley Blazer moved to ratify the approval action taken and was seconded by Pat Johnstone. Vote taken: 6 Yeas and Cathie York abstained.

Three Past Due Accounts – approval to send to Park Attorney for collection. Pat Johnstone moved to ratify the approval action taken and was seconded by Harry Smith. Vote taken: All yeas.

Clubhouse Expansion – request approval to spend $2500 for engineering plans. Ellie Fricker moved to ratify the approval action taken and was seconded by Fay Fisher. Vote taken: All yeas.

Paid Holiday – Asking Board approval to make Friday, November 26th, 2010 a paid holiday for the Office Manager & Maintenance Man. Harry Smith moved to ratify the approval action taken and was seconded by Pat Johnstone. Vote taken: All yeas.

Buyers of 406 Kristi Drive – Approval for prospective buyers as Park shareholders. Harry Smith moved to ratify approval action taken by the Board. Seconded by Pat Johnstone. Vote taken: All yeas.

Dare Nestlerode – request approval for expansion of storage shed. Harry Smith moved to ratify the Board’s approval action and was seconded by Shirley Blazer. Vote taken: All yeas.

Tom Eddy – request approval to add a shed at 613 Misti Dr. Harry Smith moved to ratify the Board’s approval action on this request and was seconded by Pat Johnstone. Vote taken: All yeas.

Shareholders Comments

Jim Heid stated he had trouble navigating ingress and egress of the Fish House. He asked if he and his friend could install a walking ramp. Dave Lashua advised the Board had no problem with allowing this as long as it was done right. Some discussion took place. Materials used can be reimbursed by the Park.

Adjournment – Fay Fisher moved to adjourn and was seconded by Harry Smith. All yeas.


Date Secretary

Posted unapproved.