Nobby State School
P & C Meeting Minutes
17th September 2013
Present Melissa W, Tim Y, Wendy N, Trish B, Vicki G, Kylie E, Matthew G
Apologies Richard B, Kylie S, Kathy N, Matt S
Stand In Chair Person Vicki G
Meeting opened 6.15pm
Previous Minutes Distributed
Business arising from previous minutes
· Internet banking is all ready to go we just need to activate the new account
· All book club outstanding amounts have been sorted thanks to the hard work of Kylie E
· We were not successful with our application for the Cadbury Chocolate Grant
· Bus issue has been sorted very quickly with all students waiting for buses told to stay in the bus area
· Working bee was a great success thank you to everyone for their great support and hard work in getting the extra jobs done on the day which shows as the school is looking fantastic
· Motion moved by Wendy N to accept the previous minutes Seconded Tim Y Carried
Correspondence In
· School Products Australia Catalogue
· Festive Homestyle Fundraiser
· Election of Directors 2013 P & C QLD
· Charity User name and password received from the Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commission
· Dobson’s School Uniforms
· Mr. Showbags
· Philp Brodie Grain Community Growth Program
· Masters Sausage Sizzles
· Bonnets Gifts
· Harlequin School Bags
· LW Reid
Outgoing Correspondence
· See Attachments
· Motion moved by Melissa W to accept the ingoing and outgoing correspondence Seconded Kylie E Carried
Treasurer Report presented by Kylie E
· We gave a cheque of $ 4000 To the principle Tim Y for the senior room school camp which was a great success and the P & C is happy to have contributed to this event
· We need to pay Book club which is $194.50
· The school has paid for the sausages and bread for the working bee
· A motion was moved by Kylie E to pay the remaining Bookclub amount of $194.50 Seconded Tim Y Carried
Principal Report presented by Tim Y
· See Attachment
· Motion moved by Tim Y to accept the principal report Seconded Melissa W Carried
General Business
· Chappy Mat was present at tonight’s meeting we discussed the positive impact his programs have been having on the school community. We were all happy to provide a letter of support from the Nobby School P & C for the continued access of these programs for the students of our school
· Chappy Matt brought up future ideas that he would like to get the school involved in this included Shoe Boxes for Christmas. This involved the school community getting involved in packing shoe boxes full of gifts for the less fortunate. There was also and excess in funding for Chappy Matt who decided to donate this to the Chaplain of Clifton State High School this will cover his wage for a year
· Motion Moved by Wendy N to provide a letter of support for the chaplaincy program at the Nobby State School Seconded Trish B Carried
· Christmas Raffle
o We have decided we will need to collect ticket books before the end of the school term; we will also need to collect any other books in other locations such as Rudds Pub, Clifton Post Office and Nobby Shop. We need people to volunteer to sell tickets at Nobby market days and we will also be purchasing the wheel burrow with a voucher that has been kindly donated to us. The tickets have been completed thanks to the hard work of Vicki G and her husband Andrew we will need to keep track of who takes what book and this will be done through the office. We will be telling the community who buys tickets that we recommend that they do not put the names of children on the tickets as there is alcohol within the prize and we cannot give the prize to anyone under age.
· We would like to express our gratitude for all the efforts of Kylie E over the last year she has been a driving force within the P & C and for this we are very grateful. Thanks Kylie =)
· Tim Y shared with us all the success of the senior room camp he said a lot of kids had a lot of first time experience and were all eager to learn on each adventure they undertook
· Vicki G moved a motion for the P & C to provided catering to a small event the Cambooya Field Day she may need the use of soft drink and may need to be reimbursed for some expenses this was seconded Melissa W Carried
· The grants workshop was very good. A lot of new information came from it with a lot of great suggestion that our P & C may take on board. Thank you to the Ladies for attending this event on behalf of the P & C. A subscription to is available at a cost of $85. Brief discussion of ideas for grants- we need a list of things we want. Grants include SSS- covered walkways perhaps. Lauren Ford is a development officer who can help with grants. TRC grants are also available.
· Polar Fleece Jumper- possible solution. Trish’s mum Josie put a full length zip into one of the polar fleece jumpers for the P&C to look at. The cost of this was $25.30. There was discussion about what to do with the jumpers and how much to charge families for the polar fleece jumper if we are to put a full length zip in each one. Discussion moved to October meeting.
Meeting closed at 8:10pm.