Art 1 - Keansburg High School – Visual Arts Department
Teacher - Mrs. Helen Cole 732-787-2007,
what to expect… WORLD CRAFTS 1
In world Art 1 you will:
This class is the prerequisite for all other art classes at Keansburg High School.
Course Description
. ART 1 - What to EXPECT
Designed for the novice, no previous artistic talent is needed for this course. This course is the first of four levels, designed for students interested in Art . The aim of this preliminary course, is to guide students in self discovery and creativity through the Visual Arts. Emphasis is placed upon developing students perceptual skills and utilizing these skills through a variety of Art projects: (pencil drawings, charcoal renderings, pastels drawings, watercolors paintings, perspective drawings, cartooning, etc.). Incorporating studies in historical and cultural art forms, students will also develop a working understanding of the periods and trends Art and Artists have explored through time. Students will experiment in a variety of approaches in Art from abstraction ( design, color and form) to Realism (contour drawing, tonal renderings and perspective illustrations). Studies in artistic terminologies, techniques and tools are integrated into each project objective.
ART 1 - Course Overview:
Viewed in its entirety, the Fine Arts program is structured to provide creativity and aesthetic awareness by empowering student’s perceptual, physical and technical skills within a theater of artistic exploration. Students will work within a diverse assortment of materials and media enabling them to create Artistic products, which exemplify a mastered proficiency in drawing, painting, linear perspective, color theory, and design. In addition, students will implement technology-based applications demonstrating 21st. century skills utilizing graphic software, scanners, digital photography, and video in ways, which present new avenues of artistic expression.
Students will engage in projects, which are focused in planning the form and function of space, structures and objects of Art. Students will utilize critical and logical thought through self -evaluative critiques, which focus on one’s ability to access, identify, and judge their progress by assembling a comprehensive Art portfolio, illustrating their creative and aesthetic growth.
Students will explore various historical, social, and cultural Art forms and traditions employing comprehensive reading, journals, computer research, film, and video resources. Students also participate in hands on exploration through field trips, college/career presentations, and guest speakers. Students are also encouraged to participate in the Art Society entering contests and exhibitions. Advanced students are encouraged to participate in a college articulation program earning college credit prior to graduation from Keansburg High School. As such, it is a paramount goal of this program to continually evolve in response to the changing trends in educational and careerdevelopment, which shape our world. As such, integrated applications in technology in the form of project-based learning have become common practice in this department.
Instructional Philosophy
The instruction is a balance of interrelated studio and research. Studio projects will involve sketching, painting, modeling, and constructions. Computer software, the Internet, and digital photography will be utilized for planning projects, research, and project presentations. Students will often work in teams, but will be expected to complete individual assignments in relation to the team’s assignment. The classroom studio is to be regarded by students as a workplace as well as a production studio where students will demonstrate employability skill and work habits by participating actively in a cooperative facility.
Assessment will be based on two portfolios; one being visual arts projects, the other being applied academics based on written reports, WebQuests, web searchs, reading assignments, and presentations. Classroom performance regarding adherence to work place readiness and studio maintenance standards rules as outlined in classroom rules will be accessed each marking period. A comprehensive final presentation portfolio project is required of all students.
A. The ability to correctly employ the following measuring tools: rulers, compass, T-squares, triangles and protractors.
B.Demonstrate the ability of knowing and applying valued tone in a variety of drawing and painting mediums.
C. Demonstrate the ability of employing a drawing grid.
D. Demonstrate a proficiency in the knowledge and application of color and color theory.
E.The ability to understand and apply linear perspective in drawing and painting.
F. The recognition of select Art vocabulary and Design Terminologies in both written and oral platforms. ( geometrical, symmetrical, a symmetrical, natural etc...)
G. Demonstrate proficient color mixing and application in the production of : charts, design theories, posters, drawings and paintings.
H.The ability to comprehend and appreciate illustrated movements in Art through provisional studies in Art and cultural history.
I.The ability to analyze and critique a record of aesthetic growth through the development of a student portfolio.
J.The ability to correlate and apply appropriate math, reading and writing skills within the context of Art related objectives.
K.The ability to grow and develop an aesthetic awareness of past and contemporary achievements in Art.
L.The ability to correlate correct tool and media applications.
M.To understand and follow all illustrated safety procedures as instructed.
N.The ability for further development within the field of Art through educational and career guidance. (Work Place Readiness Skills)
O.The ability to develop personal growth through self discovery and aesthetic awareness.
What is expected of you-
Class work
The class work is divided into five categories;
And graded as follows toward 100%
Homework - / 10.0%QUIZ - Quizzes, Test, Exams / 20.0%
PROJECTS - Studio Work / 40.0%
WORKPLACE - WORK Place Readiness Skills / 10.0%
PORTFOLIO - Portfolio Work / 10.0%
WRITINGS - Analysis, Journal, Research / 10.0%
There are posted opportunities for bonus work.
EXTRA HELP is available after school on Monday and Friday each week by appointment.
Work Place Skills
This class functions as an active production studio. 10% of your class grade is based on your performance as a learner in a cooperative work place. You are expected to follow all classroom and school rules regarding attendance and behavior in the classroom. Maintaining your work area, safe use of all tools and materials, and performing class maintenance tasks are also inclusive.
We all work here cooperatively. A response of “It’s not my mess, ” when asked to help clean up is not acceptable.
Class Rules
1.Listen; Follow directions the first time they are given
2.Respect; others, their feelings, rights, and property.
3.Don’t waste; time, materials, energy.
4.Follow all school rules regarding attendance, behavior, dress, electronics, and no food or drink in class.
Consequences - If you fail to obey the class rules
1.Verbal Warning
2.Last out of Class – teacher/ student conference
3.Parental Contact/ Detention
4.Parental Contact/ Office Referral
Special circumstances - Clean up Duty assigned in Classroom
Loss of Studio Privileges.
Computers and Internet Use – Students must abide by the school’s policy regarding the internet.All students must have access to the internet and their own Genesis and Edmomo accounts.To be successful in class you will need to bring your school issued laptop to class daily and restrict its use to class assignments during class time. Cell Phone use is not permitted during class time.
Personal listening device are to be used only during independent studio time and the privilege will be determined at teacher’s discretion.
Make Up Work - This is a Studio Class. Materials to make up work are not always available outside of class. If a student is absent, in ISS, or OSS they are responsible to make up work within one week of absence. ISS assignments are counted as writing assignments and are not substitutes for studio work.
Infused within the content of all Art Department Course Objectives will be the New Jersey State Core Curriculum Content Standards for Visual Arts:
Standard1.1 The Creative Process: All students will demonstrate an understanding of the elements and principles that govern the creation of works of art in dance, music, theatre, and visual art.
Standard 1.2 History of the Arts and Culture: All students will understand the role, development, and influence of the arts throughout history and across cultures.
Standard 1.3 is rooted in arts performance and thus stands as a corollary to the NAEP Arts process of performing/interpreting. Like Standard 1.1, standard 1.3 is made up of four arts-specific strands: A. Dance, B. Music, C. Theatre, and D. Visual Art.
Standard 1.3 Performing: All students will synthesize skills, media, methods, and technologies that are appropriate to creating, performing, and/or presenting works of art in dance, music, theatre, and visual art.
Standard 1.4 addresses two ways students may respond to the arts, including (1) the study of aesthetics and (2) the application of methodologies for critique. Standard 1.4 provides a corollary to the NAEP Arts process of responding. This standard pertains to all four arts disciplines, and is comprised of two strands related to the mode of response: A. Aesthetic Responses and B. Critique Methodologies.
Standard 1.4 Aesthetic Responses & Critique Methodologies: All students will demonstrate and apply an understanding of arts philosophies, judgment, and analysis to works of art in dance, music, theatre, and visual art
Within the context of all Art Department courses will be the opportunity for students to pursue career guidance, which follows the ideals set forth by the NJ. State Work place Readiness Standards:
1) All Students will Develop Career Planning and Workplace Readiness Skills
2) All Students Will Use Information, Technology, And Other Tools
3) All Students Will Use Critical Thinking, Decision Making And
Problem-Solving Skills
4) All Students Will Demonstrate Self-Management Skills.
5) All Students Will Apply Safety Principles.
Please sign and return ______
If you ever have and concerns or questions Mrs. Cole can be contacted by phone at 732-787-2007 between the hours of 8-9 am and 2- 3 pm .
Her email address is
Please sign and return this part of the packet - FOR 5 BONUS WORK PLACE POINTS
Please check Genesis for grades – they are updated weekly
Parental contact information
Parental email ______
Parental phone ______circle preference time 8-9 am or 2-3 pm
I have read the attached syllabus of this course and understand the requirements and student responsibilities.
Student name ______
Signature ______
Class subject: ______
Parent name ______
Signature ______
Date ______