
. Books .Thesis TB= Textbook 4R= Reference Book

מס מערכת
System number / מחבר / כותר / מס. מיון
LC Call no.
002087818 / Vladimir Zorich ; translated by Gerald Gould. / Mathematical analysis of problems in the natural sciences / Q 172.Z6713 2011
002088485 / Peter Gardenfors. / Conceptual spaces : the geometry of thought / Q 335.G358 2004
002087826 / Ben Andrews, Christopher Hopper. / The ricci flow in Riemannian geometry :a complete proof of the differentiable 1/4-pinching sphere theorem / QA 3.L28 2011
002049828 / edited by Bharath Sriraman, Christer Bergsten, Simon Goodchild, Gudbjorg Palsdottir, Bettina Dahl, Lenni Haapasalo. / The first sourcebook on Nordic research in mathematics education : Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Denmark, and contributions from Finland / QA 14.S34F57 2010
002087577 / Kumiko Tanaka-Ishii / Semiotics of programming / QA 76.7.T35 2010
002085620 / [edited by] Jean-Marc Seigneur, Adam Slagell. / Collaborative computer security and trust management / QA 76.9.A25C6145 2010
002087710 / Ian H. Witten, Eibe Frank, Mark A. Hall. / Data mining : practical machine learning tools and techniques / QA 76.9.D343W58 2011
002088097 / Andreas Zeller. / Why programs fail : a guide to systematic debugging / QA 76.9.D43Z45 2009
002084937 / Francesco Ricci... [et al.], editors. / Recommender systems handbook / QA 76.9.I58R43 2011
002057289 / Marinos Ioannides ... [et al.]. / Heritage in the digital era / QA 76.9.V5I58 2010
002089767 / Eiichi Bannai, Tatsuro Ito. / Algebraic combinatorics I : association schemes / QA 164.B36 1984
002087823 / Irena Peeva / Graded syzygies / QA 247.P43 2011
002087822 / Gregor Kemper / A course in commutative algebra / QA 251.3.K456 2011
002089725 / Ian Chiswell / A course in formal languages, automata and groups / QA 267.3.C45 2009
002088077 / Lawrence Weinstein and John A. Adam. / Guesstimation : solving the world's problems on the back of a cocktail napkin / QA 276.8.W4 2008
002087825 / Haim Brezis. / Functional analysis, Sobolev spaces and partial differential equations / QA 320.B73 2011
002085462 / William L. Briggs, Van Emden Henson, Steve F. McCormick. / A multigrid tutorial.2nd ed. / QA 377.B75 2000
002083930 / Christopher D. Hacon, Sandor J. Kovacs. / Classification of higher dimensional algebraic varieties / QA 564.H21 2010
002083905 / Paul Arne Ostvaer. / Homotopy theory of C*-Algebras / QA 612.7.O88 2010
002087820 / John M. Lee / Introduction to topological manifolds / QA 613.2.L44 2011
002087828 / Sigurdur Helgason. / Integral geometry and Radon transforms / QA 672.H45 2011
002058337 / Vladimir I. Arnold, Valery V. Kozlov, Anatoly I. Neishtadt ; translator E. Khukhro. / Mathematical aspects of classical and celestial mechanics / QA 805.A67913 2006
002086315 / E.L. Feinberg ; editor, I.M Dremin ; translator, A.V. Leonidov. / Physicists :epoch and personalities / QC 15.F46613 2011
001431736 / Robert M. Wald / General relativity / QC 173.6.W35 1984
002085667 / Lev Dorman. / Solar neutrons and related phenomena / QC 793.5.N462D67 2010
002087653 / edited by Rolf Ekman ... [et al.]. / Mass spectrometry : instrumentation, interpretation, and applications / QD 96.M3M345 2009
002087836 / edited by Jean-Pierre Sauvage and Pierre Gaspard. / From non-covalent assemblies to molecular machines / QD 381.F76 2011
002088665 / Mats Hillert / Phase equilibria, phase diagrams, and phase transformations : their thermodynamic basis / QD 503.H554 2008
002088089 / Kenneth K. Kuo. / Principles of combustion / QD 516.K86 2005
002088082 / Thierry Poinsot, Denis Veynante. / Theoretical and numerical combustion / QD 516.P58 2005
002088657 / Helmut Colfen, Markus Antonietti. / Mesocrystals and nonclassical crystallization / QD 549.2.C64C64 2008
002085656 / Salman (Zamik) Rosenwaks / Vibrationally mediated photodissociation / QD 716.P48R67 2009
002084330 / Livio Vezzani, Andrea Festa, Francesca C. Ghisetti. / Geology and tectonic evolution of the central-southern Apennines, Italy / QE 272.V49 2010
002087845 / Stuwe, Kurt / Die Geologie der Alpen aus der Luft. / QE 285.G42 2011
002057722 / edited by Manuel Sintubin ... [et al.]. / Ancient earthquakes / QE 539.2.P34A53 2010
001480149 / Joseph I. Goldstein ... [et al.]. / Scanning electron microscopy and x-ray microanalysis / QH 212.S3S29 2003
002088663 / Thomas M. Nordlund. / Quantitative understanding of biosystems : an introduction to biophysics / QH 505.N67 2011
002087842 / edited by Peter J. Hudson ... [et al.]. / The ecology of wildlife diseases / QH 540.E32 2002
002006749 / Benjamin M. Bolker / Ecological models and data in R / QH 541.15.S72B65 2008
002087923 / Hamlyn G. Jones, Robin A. Vaughan. / Remote sensing of vegetation : principles, techniques, and applications / QK 63.J66 2010
002087950 / Gordon B. Bonan / Ecological climatology : concepts and applications / QK 754.5.B66 2008
002087862 / Sharon Chester. / A wildlife guide to Chile :continental Chile, Chilean Antarctica, Easter Island, Juan Fernandez Archipelago / QL 243.C44 2008 (4R)
001938467 / edited by Tony J. Pitcher. / Behaviour of teleost fishes / QL 638.B44 1993
002087870 / text & maps by Lars Svensson ; illustrations & captions by Killian Mullarney & Dan Zetterstrom ; with a significant contribution by Peter J. Grant ; translated by David Christie & Lars Svensson. / Birds of Europe / QL 690.A1S9413 2009 (4R)
002087869 / Ken Simpson [editor] & Nicolas Day [illustrator], with Peter Trusler. / Field guide to the birds of Australia / QL 693.F54 2010 (4R)
002087867 / Nigel Cleere / Nightjars of the world : potoos, frogmouths, oilbird and owlet-nightjars / QL 696.C2C54 2010 (4R)
002055447 / edited by J. Sponer and F. Lankas. / Computational studies of RNA and DNA / QP 623.C65 2006
002088275 / Claire L. Wendland / A heart for the work :journeys through an African medical school / R 822.W4 2010
002088480 / עורך ראשי: אבי עורי ; עורכי משנה: אברהם לזרי, רפאל חרותי. / יסודות ברפואה שיקומית / RM 930.5.I8Y45 2011
002087987 / Janine de la Salle & Mark Holland [eds.] with contributors. / Agricultural urbanism : handbook for building sustainable food & agriculture systems in 21st century cities / S 494.5.U72A419 2010
002087984 / Dickson Despommier / The vertical farm : feeding the world in the 21st century / S 494.5.U72D47 2010
002088531 / Jason Clay / World agriculture and the environment :
a commodity-by-commodity guide to impacts and practices / S 589.75.C53 2004
002087874 / Helmut Meuser / Contaminated urban soils / S 592.17.U73M48 2010


. Books .Thesis TB= Textbook 4R= Reference Books

מס מערכת
System number / מחבר / כותר / מס. מיון
LC Call no.
002092333 / רוברט פ' קריז ; מאנגלית: חנה עמית. / המשוואות הגדולות : פריצות דרך במדע מפיתגורס עד הייזנברג / Q 175.C88412 2011
002088273 / Helen Tilley. / Africa as a living laboratory :
empire, development, and the problem of scientific knowledge, 1870-1950 / Q 180.A5T55 2011
002085611 / M. Vidyasagar. / Learning and generalisation : with applications to neural networks / Q 325.5.V53 2003
000092381 / Brian Straughan / Stability and wave motion in porous media. Vol. 165. Applied mathematical sciences (Springer-Verlag New York Inc.) / QA 1.A647
002089761 / Lipman, Joseph / Foundations of Grothendieck duality for diagrams of schemes / QA 3.L28 1960
002089787 / Jeff Edmonds. / How to think about algorithms / QA 9.58.E36 2008
002089788 / Brian Goetz, with Tim Peierls ... [et al.]. / Java concurrency in practice / QA 76.73.J38G588 2006
002084799 / Penny Grubb, Armstrong A. Takang. / Software maintenance : concepts and practice / QA 76.76.S64G78 2003
002089444 / Orna Filo, Noah Lotan. / Information processing by biochemical systems : neural network-type configurations / QA 76.884.F55 2010
Allan Borodin, Ran El-Yaniv. / Online computation and competitive analysis / QA 76.9.A43B67 1998
002089786 / Peter Brass. / Advanced data structures / QA 76.9.A43B73 2008
002088109 / edited by Panayiotis Zaphiris and Chee Siang Ang. / Social computing and virtual communities / QA 76.9.C66S619 2010
002087344 / Kevin B. Bennett, John M. Flach. / Display and interface design : subtle science, exact art / QA 76.9.U83B458 2011
002089740 / Reinhard Diestel. / Graph theory / QA 166.D51413 2010
002089765 / Peter Orlik, Volkmar Welker. / Algebraic combinatorics : lectures of a summer school, Nordfjordeid, Norway, June, 2003 / QA 167.O749 2007
002089781 / Jean-Pierre Serre / Algebraic groups and class fields / QA 171.S52613 1988
002087817 / H.E.A. Eddy Campbell, David L. Wehlau. / Modular invariant theory / QA 177.C37 2011
002089738 / Jean-Pierre Serre ; translated from the French by Leonard L. Scott. / Linear representations of finite groups / QA 177.S4713 1977
002089783 / edited by Umberto Zannier. / Diophantine geometry :proceedings / QA 242.5.D56 2007
002089697 / Patrice Tauvel, Rupert W.T. Yu. / Lie algebras and algebraic groups / QA 252.3.T38 2005
002090975 / Alan Bain, Dan Crisan. / Fundamentals of stochastic filtering / QA 274.B35 2009
002088073 / Sergej Rjasanow, Wolfgang Wagner. / Stochastic numerics for the Boltzmann equation / QA 274.2 .R58 2005
002090979 / Ruben A. Martinez-Avendano, Peter Rosenthal. / An introduction to operators on the Hardy-Hilbert space / QA 331.M38 2007
002087831 / Hershel M. Farkas, Shaul Zemel. / Generalizations of Thomae's formula for Zn [Z subscript n] curves / QA 345.F367 2011
002089298 / Alexander Arhangel'skii, Mikhail Tkachenko. / Topological groups and related structures / QA 387.A74 2008
002090974 / David A. Cox, John Little, Donal O'Shea. / Ideals, varieties, and algorithms :an introduction to computational algebraic geometry and commutative algebra / QA 564.C688 2008
002089760 / R. Stekolshchik. / Notes on Coxeter transformations and the McKay correspondence / QA 601.S74 2008
002090941 / John Stillwell ; illustrated with 312 figures by the author. / Classical topology and combinatorial group theory / QA 611.S84 1993
002085561 / V.G. Boltyanskii, V.A. Efremovich ; translated by Abe Shenitzer. / Intuitive combinatorial topology / QA 612.B6513 2001
002089744 / Victor M. Buchstaber, Taras E. Panov. / Torus actions and their applications in topology and combinatorics / QA 613.2.B83 2002
002085560 / W.B. Raymond Lickorish. / An introduction to knot theory / QA 612.2.L53 1997
002089746 / Marcelo Aguiar, Swapneel Mahajan. / Coxeter groups and Hopf algebras / QA 613.8.A384 2006
002089749 / Kenneth Stephenson. / Introduction to circle packing : the theory of discrete analytic functions / QA 640.7.S74 2005
002089731 / Krzysztof Galicki, Santiago Simanca editors. / Riemannian topology and geometric structures on manifolds / QA 649.C655 2009
002089753 / edited by T. Bisztriczky ... [et al.]. / POLYTOPES : abstract, convex, and computational / QA 691.P65 1994
002089592 / Marc Kaufman. / First contact : scientific breakthroughs in the hunt for life beyond Earth / QB 54.K38 2011
002089638 / Harry Y. McSween, Jr., Gary R. Huss. / Cosmochemistry / QB 450.M37 2010
002089600 / G. Faure, T.M. Mensing. / Introduction to planetary science :
the geological perspective / QB 455.F38 2007
002089390 / Dmitry S. Gorbunov, Valery A. Rubakov. / Introduction to the theory of the early universe : hot big bang theory / QB 991.B54G6713 2011
002088072 / Carlo Cercignani. / Ludwig Boltzmann : the man who trusted atoms / QC 16.B64C47 1998
002088664 / David S. Sholl, Janice A. Steckel. / Density functional theory : a practical introduction / QC 20.7.D43S55 2009
002090396 / ולדימיר שוחט. / מבוא לפיסיקה בתרגילים / QC 32.S49 2010
002090570 / Gregory Falkovich. / Fluid mechanics : a short course for physicists / QC 145.2.F35 2011
002089391 / Marcis Auzinsh, Dmitry Budker, Simon M. Rochester. / Optically polarized atoms : understanding light-atom interactions / QC 173.A95 2010
002091612 / Gordon Baym. / Lectures on quantum mechanics / QC 174.12.B38 1990
002089451 / J. Michael Hollas. / Modern spectroscopy / QC 451.H65 2004
002085661 / Lev Dorman. / Cosmic rays in magnetospheres of the Earth and other planets / QC 485.D5575 2009
002085666 / Lev I. Dorman. / Cosmic ray interactions, propagation, and acceleration in space plasmas / QC 485.9.G34D67 2006
002090424 / ולדימיר שוחט. / פיסיקה (חשמל ומגנטיות) :
כיצד פותרים תרגילים? : המדריך לסטודנט / QC 532.S48 2011
002089397 / Francis Halzen, Alan D. Martin. / Quarks and leptons :an introductory course in modern particle physics / QC 793.5.Q2522H34 1984
002088536 / [edited by] Charles J. R. Williams, Dominic R. Kniveton. / African climate and climate change :
physical, social and political perspectives / QC 981.8.C5A37 2011
002089673 / Pier A. de Groot, editor. / Handbook of stable isotope analytical techniques / QD 75.4.S73H36 2004
002089432 / edited by Shengming Ma. / Handbook of cyclization reactions / QD 197.H36 2010
002089430 / Jerry R. Mohrig, Christina Noring Hammond, Paul F. Schatz. / Techniques in organic chemistry :
miniscale, standard taper microscale, and Williamson microscale / QD 261.M65 2010
002089439 / Reinhard Bruckner ; edited by Michael Harmata ; with a foreword by Paul A. Wendert ; translation : Karin Beifuss. / Organic mechanisms : reactions, sterochemistry and synthesis / QD 262.B7813 2010
002089443 / edited by Petri M. Pihko. / Hydrogen bonding in organic synthesis / QD 262.H94 2009
002089460 / K.C. Nicolaou and E.J. Sorensen ; with a foreword by E.J. Corey. / Classics in total synthesis : targets, strategies, methods / QD 262.N51 1996
002089461 / K.C. Nicolaou and J.S. Chen ; with a foreword by E.J. Corey. / Classics in total synthesis III : further targets, strategies, methods / QD 262.N522 2011
002089459 / Louis D. Quin, John A. Tyrell. / Fundamentals of heterocyclic chemistry :
importance in nature and in the synthesis of pharmaceuticals / QD 400.Q46 2010
002089441 / Jie Jack Li, Gordon W. Gribble. / Palladium in heterocyclic chemistry : a guide for the synthetic chemist / QD 400.5.S95L52 2007
002089424 / edited by Zvi Rappoport and Ilan Marek. / The chemistry of organocopper compounds (PT. 1 & 2) / QD 412.C9C44 2009
002089379 / Sam Boggs, Jr. / Petrology of sedimentary rocks / QE 471.B6818 2009 (TB)
002089895 / Rudolph A.J. Trouw, Cees W. Passchier, Dirk J. Wiersma. / Atlas of mylonites - and related microstructures / QE 475.M95T76 2010
002093067 / edited by Andreja Bakac. / Physical inorganic chemistry : reactions, processes, and applications / QD 475.P488 2010
002089423 / edited by Andreja Bakac. / Physical inorganic chemistry : principles, methods, and models / QD 475.P49 2010
002089692 / Tibor J. Dunai. / Cosmogenic nuclides : principles, concepts and applications in the earth surface sciences / QE 501.4.N9D864 2010
002089602 / edited by F. Lisker, B. Ventura and U.A. Glasmacher. / Thermochronological methods : from palaeotemperature constraints to landscape evolution models / QE 508.T44 2009
002089682 / edited by M. Coltorti ... [et al.]. / Petrological evolution of the European lithospheric mantle / QE 509.4.E927 2007
002089610 / edited by K. Gallagher, S. J. Jones, and J. Wainwright. / Landscape evolution :denudation, climate and tectonics over different time and space scales / QE 511.L238 2008
002089681 / edited by S.M. Reddy ... [et al.]. / Palaeoproterozoic supercontinents and global evolution / QE 511.P334 2009
002089679 / edited by R. D. Law, ... [et al.]. / Continental tectonics and mountain building : the legacy of Peach and Horne / QE 511.4.C6 2010
002089640 / Geoffrey F. Davies. / Mantle convection for geologists / QE 511.4.D376 2011
002089634 / edited by T.M. Kusky, M.-G. Zhai and W. Xiao. / The evolving continents : understanding processes of continental growth / QE 511.4.E963 2010
002089678 / edited by P. Leturmy and C. Robin. / Tectonic and stratigraphic evolution of Zagros and Makran during the Mesozoic-Cenozoic / QE 511.4.T42 2010
002089684 / edited by U. Ring and B. Wernicke. / Extending a continent :architecture, rheology and heat budget / QE 511.44.E98 2009
002089674 / Craig M. Bethke. / Geochemical and biogeochemical reaction modeling / QE 515.5.G43 2011
002089380 / Sam Boggs. / Principles of sedimentology and stratigraphy / QE 571.B66 2011 (TB)
002089603 / edited by J. Poblet and R.J. Lisle. / Kinematic evolution and structural styles of fold-and-thrust belts / QE 606.K56 2011
002089685 / edited by J.B. Murphy, J.D. Keppie and A.J. Hynes. / Ancient orogens and modern analogues / QE 621.A535 2009
002089614 / edited by P.J. Treloar, M.P. Searle. / Himalayan tectonics / QE 634.H55H54 1993
002089598 / Howard A. Armstrong, Martin D. Brasier. / Microfossils / QE 719.B72 2005
002089680 / edited by M. G. Bassett. / Early Palaeozoic peri-Gondwana terranes :
new insights from tectonics and biogeography / QE 725.E37 2009
002089900 / edited by Pietro Ferraro, Adam Wax, Zeev Zalevsky. / Coherent Light Microscopy : Imaging and Quantitative Phase Analysis / QH 205.2.C64 2011
002088656 / Handbook of biomineralization. 3vol. / QH 512.H363 2007
002089538 / edited by Timothy E. Fulbright and David G. Hewitt. / Wildlife science : linking ecological theory and management applications / QH 541.W449 2008
002087838 / edited by Richard S. Ostfeld, Felicia Keesing, and Valerie T. Eviner. / Infectious disease ecology : the effects of ecosystems on disease and of disease on ecosystems / QH 541.15.E265I54 2008
002087561 / Zvy Dubinsky, Noga Stambler, editors. / Coral reefs :an ecosystem in transition / QH 541.5.C7C573 2011
002085911 / Ezekiel Gebissa. / Leaf of Allah : khat & agricultural transformation in Harerge, Ethiopia 1875-1991 / QK 495.C385G43 2004
002089526 / Dov Koller ; edited by Elizabeth Van Volkenburgh. / The restless plant / QK 771.K58 2011
002087865 / David Attenborough. / Life in cold blood / QL 644.A88 2008 (4R)
002086396 / Patrick F. Houlihan ; with the collaboration and a preliminary checklist to the birds of Egypt by Steven M. Goodman. / The birds of ancient Egypt / QL 692.E3H68 1986
002089539 / Michael R. Conover. / Predator-prey dynamics : the role of olfaction / QL 758.C69 2007
002055538 / editors, John A. Bullinaria, Will Lowe. / Connectionist models of cognition and perception : proceedings of the seventh Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop, Brighton, England, 17-19 September 2001 / QP 363.3.N395 2001
002091900 / כריס פרית' ; תרגום: עדנה כהן. / מוח ונפש : איך בורא המוח את עולמנו הנפשי / QP 376.F68612 2011
002088461 / William R. Uttal. / The new phrenology : the limits of localizing cognitive processes in the brain / QP 385.U86 2003
002090714 / Michael F. Land, Benjamin W. Tatler. / Looking and acting : vision and eye movements in natural behaviour / QP 477.5.L36 2009
002089529 / edited by Torsten Schwede, Manuel Peitsch. / Computational structural biology :
methods and applications / QP 551.C714 2008
002089676 / editors, Sudhir K. Jain, Abdul Arif Khan, Mahendra K. Rai. / Geomicrobiology / QR 103.G455 2010
002089542 / edited by Dongyou Liu. / Molecular detection of human bacterial pathogens / QR 201.B34M6 2011
002086361 / Bashar Saad, Omar Said. / Greco-Arab and Islamic herbal medicine :
traditional system, ethics, safety,efficacy, and regulatory issues / R 143.S23 2011
002088258 / Charles M. Good, Jr. / The steamer parish : the rise and fall of missionary medicine on an African frontier / R 722.G66 2004
002088368 / Arthur W. Frank. / The wounded storyteller : body, illness, and ethics / R 726.5.F726 1997
002089450 / Yuri Gerelli. / Lipid/saccharide complexes for drug delivery :Structure and Dynamics / RS 199.5.G47 2010
002089446 / edited by David J. Hauss. / Oral lipid-based formulations :
enhancing the bioavailability of poorly water-soluable drugs / RS 201.E87O73 2007
002089453 / edited by Jie Jack Li and Douglas S. Johnson. / Modern drug synthesis / RS 420.M6325 2010
002090694 / משה יואל פינטהוס. / תולדות המחקר החקלאי בישראל בתקופת המדינה-בדרך (1949-1920) / S 542.I8P55 2011
002087958 / Jitendra Behari. / Microwave dielectric behavior of wet soils / S 592.3.B44 2005
002087875 / Marc Pansu, Jacques Gautheyrou. / Handbook of soil analysis :mineralogical, organic and inorganic methods / S 593.P20813 2006
002089557 / edited by George G. Khachatourians ... [et al.]. / Transgenic plants and crops / SB 123.57.T7315 2002
002089013 / Robert W. Berger and Thomas F. Hedin. / Diplomatic tours in the gardens of Versailles under Louis XIV / SB 466.F83P3727 2008
002089587 / edited by B.T. Grenfell ; co-ordinating editor, L.H. Chappell. / Ecology of wildlife host-parasite interactions / SF 996.4.E36 1995