November Meeting - 11/14/17, 4pm, Library
Start Time: 4:07pm
1. Opening Business
- Roll Call:
- Ben Bruni (Chair) ____X______
- Tracy Naylor (Vice Chair)___X______
- Andrew McLean (Secretary)____X______
- Pat Kemp (Teacher Rep)___X______
- Angela Todd (Parent Rep)_____X_____
- Amy Alford (Parent Rep)____X______
- Agenda Approval
- Motion _Tracy Naylor___Second _Pat Kemp__ Vote __6-0 in favor__
- Approval of minutes of meeting on October 18, 2017 (Attached)
- Motion _Andrew McLean_Second __Angela Todd_ Vote _6-0 In favor_
- Good News Report
- Russellville Jr./Sr. HS has made it abundantly clear that reading is a big deal at both the Middle and High schools. The Middle School has recently adapted the Accelerated Reader program and the competition for top class in terms of AR points earned is underway. The 7th Grade took the midterm honors for the 2nd quarter and enjoys the fruits of a rewards day on Friday.
- The RHS Marching Band competed in the Class A State Semi Finals this Saturday at Bullitt Central High School as one of the State’s top 16 Class A Bands. The Marching Panthers finished 9th in the state while marching through the muddy conditions. This group of Panthers improved on last year’s Regional score by 8 points and finished as one of the highest finishers in Panther Marching Band history. The Panther Percussion team finished their marching season undefeated. The future is bright as these Senior Band Members close out their final Panther campaign. Band Director Brian Brown and Assistant Director Trevor Cardwell has numbers climbing in participation including an astounding 40+ members in the 5th Grade Band at Stevenson. Congrats to a truly exceptional group of young men and women as well as the best leadership and community support a school could ask for!
- Russellville Jr./Sr. HS’s Fellowship of Christian Athletes and First Priority Clubs helped to sponsor the Fields of Faith Youth Rally at Rhea stadium on Wednesday of this past week. The event featured guest speaker and RHS grad Christian Naylor as well as several representatives from Campbellsville University. The event wasn’t just for Russellville students though. Students from all five of the Logan Co. School feeder schools as well as LCHS were in attendance and teams were recognized in conjunction with one another, an act of solidarity celebrating the sacrifices of the many young men and women of the Russellville/Logan Co. community. Over 500 community members and students attended the event.
- Opportunity for Public Comment
2. Student Achievement Report/Data
- Star Trend Data
- December testing is the benchmark for all tiers.
- Data received from this testing will be reviewed during December meeting.
- Attendance Report (attached)
- CCR and Transition Readiness Update - Mr. Bruni
- Committees will be created in the future to help align kids with career path, Panther Academy, and LCTC classes.
- Accountability Measurements Update for 2017-18
- Will continue as it has in the past, how this data will relate to the new star ranking system is still to be determined.
- EOCs - Field Tests + On Demand Writing
- We are On-Demand Scrimmage testing our 8th and 11th graders on November 27th
- Faculty will grade these attempts during December meetings.
3. Action Items - New Business
- Office has been decorated and is now suitable for viewing for projected school-wide painting.
- Administration is adding lots of new student pictures and will continue adding more.
- Clarification on Wall Art.
- Some of the current paintings will be kept after hallway update, Administration will have final say on which will be painted over.
- Calendar Committee Meeting Update
- The state mandates that schools must start prior to August 26 and include 170 instructional days.
- RISD is considering aligning our calendar with the Logan County School District calendar.
- This will allow better alignment of JROTC, LCTC, SKY programing.
- Continue to email and/or text updates, consultation (as needed), etc.
- School Safety Report has been entered in eProve.
- The Missing Piece Report has been entered in eProve
- The Equitable Access Diagnostic in currently being done and will be in eProve by Wednesday, November 22nd in draft form.
- Presentation of RJSHS SBDM Policy Manual and consideration for recommendations (December 2017). - Attached
4. Old Business
- Website Info - The School Website and SBDM links have been updated. .
- Needed updates to the school website are currently being made, all current SBDM information has been added to the available links as well as minutes from each meeting.
- SBDM Bylaws were given to each council member to review. The Bylaws will be discussed and amended, if needed, at December meeting.
5. Budget Report
- November Munis Report (Section 6 and 7 allocations) comparative analysis with 2016 (attached)
- Activities Account report for October
6. On-Going Learning
- Mandated Civics Test - Update
- Editing and Mechanics Field Test Cancelled
7. Upcoming Deadlines
Pending District Approval —Needs Assessment due in eProve
8. Adjournment
Motion _Angela Todd_ Second __Andrew McLean__ Vote _6-0 in favor_
The next scheduled meeting will be on Wednesday, December 13th, 2017 at 4:00 pm in the school library.