Marketing Audit

The following questions are for informational use only and your profile will be held in strict confidence. The purpose of this marketing profile is to help us better understand your business and future goals so we may assist you in your marketing and advertising efforts. Thank you.

1. Please select the organizational type of your business.

 Sole Proprietor Corporation Partnership Other ______

2. What are your core products/service? ______

3. Major brand names carried: ______

4. What are your store hours? ______

5. What days are you open? ______

6. Credit cards accepted? Yes No

7. Store charge accounts available?  Yes No

8. How long have you been in business at this location? ______

9. What are your business objectives? (Example: revenue increase, profit maximization) ______


10. What have been your major problems during the past year? ______


11. What are your major opportunities/problems during the next year? ______


12. What are your year-to-date sales results versus the previous year? Increase/decrease ______%

13. How important is advertising to your business? (check only one)

 Very Important Important Somewhat Important Not Important

14. Who is involved in the advertising decisions? ______

15. Are you familiar with Co-op advertising funds? Yes No  Would like more info on

16. How much of your annual gross sales are invested in advertising? ______% $______

17. Current advertising budget by media (per month):






18. How do you measure your advertising effectiveness? (check all that apply)

 Comments Phone Calls Average Dollar Sales

 Coupons Redeemed Other ______

19. How many times per month would you say your core customers frequent your business?______

20. What would you say is the average $ purchase in your store? $______(Sales $/by number of sales transactions)

21. What are your peak traffic days? (check all that apply)

 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

22. What are your peak selling months? (check all that apply)

 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

 Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

23. What other marketing methods do you use to promote your business? ______




24. At what times do you have sales or special promotions? ______


25. Do you have a company logo?  Yes No Would like to create one

26. Do you have a slogan?  Yes No Would like to create one

27. What type of marketing information would you like to have about your industry? (Demographics, buying trends, market potential, etc.) ______



28. Customer identification: Percentage of your customers:

Men ______%Women ______%

29. Customer identification: Percentage of your customers:

Ages: 12-17 ______% 45-54 ______%

18-24 ______% 55-64 ______%

25-34 ______% 65 + ______%

35-44 ______%

30. What percentage of your clients are:

Home owners ______%Renters ______%

31. Residential ZIP codes of clients:

32. What is the average income level of your customers? ______

33. How far do your customers drive to do business with you? ______

34. What percentage of your business volume is military? ______

35. Are you satisfied with your current military business volume?  Yes No

36. What product lines do you feel offer you the best future growth opportunities? ______


37. Who do you consider your major competitors? ______


38. What are your competitive advantages? ______


39. If another business such as yours opened, why would your customers choose your business? _____



40. How is your store different from your competition? (check all that apply)

 Product Service Experience

 Price Access Other ______

41. How do you feel we can help you the most? ______




42. Is there anything else we should know about your business that would help us understand you and your business better? ______



Thank you!