Book Assessment: Literary Elements Book Report

Description of the task:

The student is to read a novel on his/her appropriate reading level. The student is to demonstrate his/her knowledge of their knowledge through the written process. Each student is to thoroughly explain their novel by identifying the literary elements in their novel. The literary elements are as follows: plot, setting, characters, genre, and theme. Each literary element response needs to be supported with evidence from the text, explanations, interpretations, and/or examples. This paper may be typed or neatly hand-written. Use lined paper if hand-written.

Goals of the task:

To demonstrate their understanding of the literary elements.

Key Elements / 40 / 30 / 20 / 10
Grammar/Mechanics / There are no grammatical/mechanics mistakes. / There are a couple grammatical/mechanics mistakes. / There are a few grammatical/mechanics mistakes. / There are several grammatical/mechanics mistakes.
Literary Analysis / Identifies all literary elements correctly. Plot, Setting, Protagonist/Antagonist, Narrator, Narrative method, Point of View, Characters (Static/Dynamic), Characterization (Indirect/Direct), Dialogue, Conflict (Internal/External), Climax, Irony (Verbal/Situational/Dramatic), Atmosphere/Mood, Theme.
-Supports opinions with evidence from the story; organizes ideas well.
-It is complete and accurate and indicates a very good understanding of the novel. Explanation is written with a complete response. All personal responses are relevant to the task. / Identifies most literary elements correctly.Plot, Setting, Protagonist/ Antagonist, Narrator, Narrative method, Point of View, Characters (Static/Dynamic), Characterization (Indirect/ Direct), Dialogue, Conflict (Internal/External), Climax, Irony (Verbal /Situational /Dramatic), Atmosphere/Mood, Theme.
-It is complete and accurate and indicates a good understanding of the novel. Explanation is written with an adequate response. Most personal responses are relevant to the task. / Identifies some literary elements correctly. Plot, Setting, Protagonist/Antagonist, Narrator, Narrative method, Point of View, Characters (Static/Dynamic), Characterization (Indirect/Direct), Dialogue, Conflict (Internal/External), Climax, Irony (Verbal/Situational/Dramatic), Atmosphere/Mood, Theme.
-It is somewhat complete and accurate and indicates a fair understanding of the novel. Explanation is written with a response that is too general. Some or few personal responses are relevant to the task. / Little or no explanation is given for the literary elements. It is not complete and does not offer an understanding of the novel. Few personal responses are relevant to the task.
Organization/Layout / Well-planned; easily readable; ideas are properly organized / Generally thought out; mostly readable; ideas are typically organized / To some extent thought out; somewhat readable; fairly organized / Barely thought out; hardly readable; unorganized

Grading Rubric