Richlands Elementary School

Transportation Procedures


Morning Bus Riders:

  • Bus riders off the bus either go straight to their classrooms or if they are eating breakfast, they are to report straight to the cafeteria.

Morning Drop Off:

  • If you choose to drop off your student in the front parking lot, drop off is 8:20-8:40 and parking is limited. Parents must obtain a visitors pass from the front entry and students should report straight to class.

Morning Car Rider Line:

  • Operates from 8:20 am – 8:40 am. Students will remain in their vehicle with parent supervision until 8:20 am.
  • Supervision provided by RES staff: Please watch and listen for the supervising staff’s directions. Parents should not get out of their vehicles for any reason nor talk on cell phones while in drop off line. Please do not have a conference/conversation with the supervising staff; if you need to come inside for any reason, please park in designated visitors parking. Children should remain in child restraint seats any time the vehicle is moving. Please remain in the same lane throughout the car rider process.
  • Exiting vehicle: Students will exit their vehicle when greeted by RES staff. Please ensure that your child is prepared to exit by having your child’s money, notes, book bag, etc. ready before you enter the drop off area. Students should walk in front of the vehicle exited.
  • Exiting drop off area: Do not move your vehicle until RES staff has given you the ok to move. When exiting, please look ahead and behind when moving your car. Please be patient. Children are precious cargo and will be provided the safest environment possible. When exiting please take a right on East Foy St. to continue with the flow of traffic and to avoid backups in traffic.
  • Students:go straight to their classrooms or if they are eating breakfast, they are to report straight to the cafeteria.

Student Afternoon Procedures

Starting at 3:35 dismissal will begin.

  • Car riders will go to the auditorium (stage) and will be dismissed from there to rear kiss & drive (See below for more information).
  • Walkers will go to outside library to Ms. Anita Norris.
  • Hand-to-hand students will go to the auditorium to be picked up. (See below for more information)

Afternoon Car Rider Procedures:

  • Operates from 3:35 pm – 4:00 pm: Car rider registration forms should be completed and returned as soon as possible (*may have been completed at open house). Each family will be issued a car rider number as forms are returned. RES will furnish two car rider permits per family for use in various vehicles. If you need additional permits, please request extras on the registration form.
  • Supervision provided by RES staff: Please clearly display the car rider number as you enter the car rider line. Students will be dismissed to vehicles as the car rider number appears. Please ensure that your student(s) know their number. If you or the person picking up your child does not have an official RES permit, you will be asked to pull forward and show identification.
  • Loading vehicle/Exiting car rider line:Students should know their car rider number and listen for supervising RES staff members to call their number as vehicles move into the loading zone. Once vehicles are loaded, they will not be allowed to leave the line by driving around others. All loaded vehicles will be dismissed in an orderly fashion. Please pull forward when directed to do so by the staff and be attentive of when the line is stopping.Parents should remain in their vehicle at all times and should not talk/text on cell phones while in the pick-up line.
  • Any adult who does not have a student’s car tag on their rear view mirror will be required to:
  • park their vehicle and enter the school
  • be prepared to show a photo ID to the front office personnel
  • sign the student out and wait for him/her in the main office

RES has instituted these car rider procedures for the safety of our students. Please follow these procedures to help us maintain safe and secure areas during drop-off/pick-up.

Hand to Hand Pick up Procedures:

  • Operates from 3:35 pm – 3:50 pm: Parents picking up students hand-to-hand are to park in the front parking lot and report directly to the lobbyof the auditorium. To avoid the traffic in the front office traffic, please utilize the sidewalk to the left of the building, using the outside entrance to the auditorium (in front of classroom trailers).
  • Supervision provided by RES staff: Students will be provided 2 colored “card” tags which must have their assigned number on them. At dismissal, school officials will dismiss students one by one from the auditorium by pairing student card with parent card (approved designated person). Anyone designated to pick up a child must have the pickup card to present in order for a child to be dismissed to them.
  • Any adult who does not have a hand-to-hand tag will be required to show photo identification.