La Vega High School Reading
Mrs. Summey
Room 111
The purpose of this course is to help high school student improve their reading and writing skills. We use a curriculum published by Fountas and Pinnell. It is a researched based program that meets the needs of student readers. It addresses all dimensions of literacy: word identification, spelling, vocabulary, grammar and usage, reading comprehension, speaking and writing. It is highly interactive and requires strong student participation. Each lesson includes the following six steps:
1. Phonemic awareness and phonics
2. Word recognition and spelling
3. Vocabulary and morphology
4. Grammar and usage
5. Fluency
6. Listening and reading comprehension
7. Speaking and writing
What I expect from students:
1. Attend class every day
2. Respect yourself and others
3. Be responsible for your behavior
4. Be on time to class and be prepared
5. Do your best every day
What students can expect from me:
1. Do whatever it takes to help you to be successful
2. Provide clear and consistent expectations
3. Be well prepared and ready to teach
4. Be responsible for your learning and behavior
5. Respect myself and others
You will be evaluated on class participation, writing notebook, assignments/tests and homework. There will be at least 2 daily grades per week for every 6-weeks grading period that make up 70% of your class average. There will also be 2 test grades per grading period that make up 30% of your class average.
Classroom Rules and Procedures
Food: No food or drink is allowed in class other than water. The outside buildings have a tendency to attract animals and our reading class will not contribute to that.
Electronic Devices: Electronic devices are not allowed in the classroom. If you bring an electronic device to class, the device will be given to an administrator. You or your parent/guardian can contact the administrator to have the device returned.
Dress Code: Students must be in La Vega High School dress code all of the time.
Materials: You must have a pen or pencil to write with every day. We will be using interactive notebooks in class that stay in room 111 at all times. Please do not leave with the notebook that I give you because we will write our word exercises in them daily.
Seating: Each student will have an assigned seat in class. A chart will be made after the second week of school.
Entrance/Exit Tickets: An entrance and exit ticket will be completed daily.
Missed classes: If you miss a class it is your responsibility to make up the work within a week of your absence. All assignment pages will be filed in the assignments box at the front of the classroom.
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