Name of the competition: GRAND PRIX MULTIHULLS of BREST
Complete dates: 2, 3 & 4 may 2014
Place: Lake of Ty-Colo in Saint Renan (29290) France
Authority Organizer: Centre Nautique of Relecq-Kerhuon (C.N.R.K.)
Rank: 5A
1.1 The regatta will be governed by:
1.1.1 the rules as defined in the racing rules of the sailing (RRs), including the annex E,
1.1.2 the requirements national brother ' applying to foreign competitors specified in annex 'Requirements' if needed.
1.1.3 the Federal regulations,
1.1.4 the HMS cam into force system,
1.1.5 where necessary, addendum Q
1.1.6 if necessary, the SyRNIn.
1.2 The RRs E2.1 (b) is deleted and the RRs E.8 (b) (3) is amended in the sailing instructions as follows: ' when the sail number in the '00' to '09' range, the initial '0' may be removed and the remaining digit must be positioned so as to leave a space for both a prefix and a suffix.
1.3 In case of translation of this notice of race, the french text shall prevail.
In accordance with Regulation 20 ISAF (Advertising Code), as amended by the advertising regulation of the FFVoile, boats may be required to display advertising chosen and supplied by the organizing authority.
3.1 The regatta is open to all boats of the MULTIHULLS 2 M & MINI 40 class.
3.2 Eligible competitors, members of the relevant class association, can register by completing the attached form and sending it together with the registration fee required, fixed at 35 EUROS at the latest on April 4, 2014.
3.3 Competitors with a licence FFVoile must submit their registration:
-their FFVoile licence valid medical or accompanied by a medical certificate of non counter-indication postmarked in the sport of sailing in competition dating from less than a year, as well as a parental authorization for minors
-If necessary, the authorization of advertising
-certificate of tonnage or conformity of the vessel validated by the national leader of the gauge. (it only 'there will be no meeting of gauge before l' test but an unannounced during the regatta can be made)
3.4 Foreign competitors with no licence FFVoile must submit their registration:
proof of their belonging to a national authority member of l'ISAF,.
the tonnage or conformity certificate validated by the national leader of the gauge,
valid proof of insurance civil liability with a minimum cover of€ 1.5 million,
a medical certificate of no contraindication for the sport of sailing in competition dating from less than a year (written in french or English) as well as a parental authorization for minors.
Required fees are as follows: 35 EUROS
The distribution of the fleets of the first race will be displayed at 12:00 from 01/01/14 riders ranking.
6.1 Confirmation of registration:Day and date 02/05/14 from 08:00 to 11:00
6.2 Identify the equipment used during the test and control:Day and date 02/05/14 from 08:00 to 11:00.
6.3 Days of racing (including if necessary training race):
1 Signal of warning time
Fleet /Courses of the day 02/05/14 > 1:00 pm13 h 00 to 17 h 30 fleets to follow
03/05/14 > 10 h 00-17 h 30 fleets to follow
04/05/14 > 10 h 00 10 h 00 to 16 h 00 fleets to follow
6.4The last day of the regatta no warning signal will be given after 4:00 pm
The sailing instructions and any annexes will be:
Displayed according to the federal requirement.
Addendum Q "Direct arbitration of fleet of radio controlled sailing races" will apply.
10 races will have to be validated to validate the competition.
The competitors must ensure that their radio control equipment complies with the rules laid down by the Administration.
Prizes will be distributed as follows:
> classification class 2 M
> classification class MINI 40
The decision of a competitor to participate in a race or to remain in the race is his sole responsibility. Accordingly, by agreeing to participate in the race or to stay in the race, the competitor unloads the organising authority from liability in case of damage (material and/or body).
For further information, please contact:
Philippe Moreau (C.N.R.K.)
phone: (0033) 6 86 94 79 59
FFVoile Prescriptions to RRS 2013-2016
Applying to foreign competitors
RRS 64.3 (*):
The jury may ask the parties to the protest, prior to checking procedures, a deposit covering the cost of checking arising from a protest concerning class rules.
RRS 67 (*):
Any question about or request of damages arising from an incident involving a boat bound by the Racing Rules of Sailing or International Regulation to Prevent Collision at Sea depends on the appropriate courts and will not be dealt by the jury.
RRS 70. 5 (*):
In such circumstances, the written approval of the Fédération Française de Voile shall be received before publishing the notice of race and shall be posted on the official notice board during the event.
RRS 78 (*):
The boat’s owner or other person in charge shall, under his sole responsibility, make sure moreover that his boat comply with the equipment and security rules required by the laws, by-laws and regulations of the Administration.
RRS 86.3 (*):
An organizing authority wishing to change a rule listed in RRS 86.1 in order to develop or test new rules shall first submit the changes to the FFVoile, in order to obtain its written approval and shall report the results to FFVoile after the event. Such authorization shall be mentioned in the notice of race and in the sailing instructions and shall be posted on the official notice board during the event.
RRS 88 (*):
Prescriptions of the FFVoile shall be neither changed nor deleted in the notice of race and sailing instructions, except for events for which an international jury has been appointed.
In such case, the prescriptions marked with an asterisk (*) shall be neither changed nor deleted in the notice of race and sailing instructions. (The official translation of the prescriptions, downloadable on the FFVoile website , shall be the only translation used to comply with RRS 90.2(b)).
RRS 91 (*):
The appointment of an international jury meeting the requirements of Appendix N is subject to prior written approval of the Fédération Française de Voile. Such notice of approval shall be posted on the official notice board during the event.
Appeals shall be sent to the head-office of Fédération Française de Voile, 17 rue Henri Bocquillon, 75015 Paris – email: