TournamentRequest & Approval Form(2014/2015)– GUIDANCE NOTES
‘NAME of TourniHERE’ Tournament2014/15
Tournament Hosting Team :Auto Fill(Note: Venue to be assumed as hosts official Home Rink)
Tournament Director:Auto FillTeam Manager Running the Competition. NOTE: These events can only be organised by the officially recognised Club Contacts of an Affiliated EIHA Rec. Section Team
Tournament Date & Time StartingDD/MM/YY + hh/mm– Finished DD/MM/YY + hh/mm (24hr Clock)
Entry Costs: Entry fee if applicable
Tournament Style: Checking OrNon-Checking
Last Date for Player Registrations:Last date at which players can be registered and eligible to play in the Competition
Age/Player Restrictions: e.g. 18 and over only or None (If U18’s are allowed full EIHA CP Applies)
Tournament Format: e.g. Number of Groups & Teams, Round Robin Stage Home & Away & Play-offs etc
Invited Teams:Insert all invited Teams here e.g. Team 1, etc NOTE: These will need to be confirmed to the Rec. Section once they have accepted and returned the signed Rules
Tournament Rules
Rules are as per the current version of the EIHA Rec. Section Rules & Procedures Handbook (Mandatory Rules), EIHA In-House Rules & the IIHF, with the following Competition Specific Rules asadditions:
1.1 Mandatory Rules(from EIHA Rec Section Rules & Procedures Handbook)
1) Players may only play for one team within the Tournament; once a multi registered player has iced for a Team in the Competition, he will be ‘Cup-tied’ to that Team for the duration of it
2) Suspended players are not eligible for Tournaments
3) Players must have played at least one game on each day of Tournament, to be eligible for ANY subsequent days
4) Tournaments must be logged via the EIHA Rec. Website using the Tournament Name as above for the ‘Game Type’ once approved
5) Game Sheets & Rosters must be sent to the EIHA Rec. Section within three days of the fixture if ANY Match penalties are given
1.2 FullTournament Specific Rules
1.2.0) Attached Rules in addition to those above, that are Tournament specific i.e. No Icing etc.
Approved by the EIHA Rec. Section
By: ......
Date: ......
Participating Team Acceptance of Rules
Each participating team Manager must sign a copy of these rules and return it to the Tournament Director before any of the fixtures are booked
Team: ......
Manager Name: ......
Signed: ......
Date: ......