Graduate Programs Committee

End-of-Year Report to the Academic Senate (DRAFT)


During the 2001-2002, academic year, the Graduate Programs Committee took action on the items below. In most cases, the items listed were sent to the Academic Senate as recommendations for final action.

I.  Recommended the approval of 84 individuals as graduate faculty

A)  The Graduate Programs Committee reviews the credentials of individuals who have been nominated for appointment to the Graduate Faculty and makes recommendations for their appointment as graduate faculty to the Senate.

II.  Reviewed the credentials of 3 individuals who were approved as Visiting Graduate Faculty.

A)  These individuals taught 900 level professional development courses which do not apply to a graduate degree. For this level of appointment, the GPC reviews credentials and then notifies the Senate to provide a record of the review process.

III.  Recommended changes in the M.S. degree programs in the following departments:

A)  English

B)  Engineering Technology


D)  Nursing

IV.  Recommended approval of new graduate courses, deletion of courses, or revision of bulletin description of courses in the following departments:

A)  Biology

i)  BI 520 Systematics (new course)

ii)  BI 518 Gene Structure and Function (revision of title and bulletin description)

iii)  BI 515 Biochemical Genetics (revision of bulletin description)

B)  Education

i)  ED 563: change from 2 to 3 credits

C)  Engineering Technology

i)  Revisions in the following courses:

(1)  TDV 530 Integrating Learning Technology into Training: change from 3 to 2 credits; change bulletin description

(2)  TDV 540 Marketing Training and Development Programs: change from 3 to 2 credits; change bulletin description

(3)  TDV 550 Managing the Training and Development Function: change from 3 to 2 credits; change bulletin description

ii)  Introduce the following new courses

(1)  TDV 555 Evaluating Training;

(2)  TDV 565 Performance Consulting;

(3)  TDV 590 Field Research in Training and Development

D)  English

i)  EN 405 (existing course approved for graduate credit)

ii)  EN 592 Portfolio Development Project (new course)


i)  MSED 594m Master’s Project in Mathematics Education (new course)

ii)  MSED 594s Master’s Project in Science Education (new course)

iii)  MSED 597s Directed Studies in Science Education (revision of course description)

iv)  MSED 598m Directed Studies in Mathematics Education (revision of course description)

v)  MSED 598s Directed Studies in Science Education (revision of course description)

F)  Nursing

i)  Add the following courses:

(1)  NE 543 Practicum – 1

(2)  NE 545 Practicum – 2

(3)  NE 512 Statistics for Health Care Professionals

ii)  Delete the following courses:

(1)  NE 520 Nursing Service Administration Seminar I

(2)  NE 522 Nursing Service Administration Seminar II

(3)  NE 525 Financial Management and Budgeting of Health Care Systems

(4)  NE 526 Nursing Service Administration Practicum

(5)  NE 530 Practicum in Advanced Health Assessment

(6)  NE 531 Role Dimensions of the Clinical Nurse Specialist

(7)  NE 532 Advanced Adult Health Nursing I

(8)  NE 534 Advanced Adult Health Nursing II

(9)  NE 536 Advanced Adult Health Nursing III

(10)  NE 551 Clinical Diagnosis by Laboratory Methods

(11)  NE 504 Clincial Judgement

iii)  Change the course titles, descriptions, and credit allocations for:

(1)  NE 540 Professional Role Development, 2 cr (2-0-0)

(2)  NE 541 Advanced Health Assessment, 3 cr (2-0-4)

(3)  NE 542 Primary Care Management – 1, 3 cr (3-0-0)

(4)  NE 544 Primary Care Management – 2, 3 cr (3-0-0)

(5)  NE 547 Practicum – 3, 4 cr (0-0-16)

(6)  NE 506 Contemporary Issues in Professional Nursing, 3 cr (3-0-0)

(7)  NE 552 Advanced Clinical Pathophysiology, 3 cr (3-0-0)

G)  Psychology

i)  PY 400 (existing course approved for graduate credit)

V.  Reviewed 40 courses of unspecified content.

A)  The Graduate Programs Committee reviews courses of unspecified content each time they are offered and then notifies the Senate to provide a record of the review process.

VI.  Reviewed 2 Master’s Degree programs in Individualized Studies.

A)  The Master’s Degree program in individualized studies is designed to accommodate students with special needs that are not met by existing programs. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the program, each student is required to have a plan of study approved by all participating departments and by the Graduate Programs Committee. GPC notifies the Senate of this review in order to provide a formal record of the program approval for each student.

VII.  The GPC revised the NMU Guide to the Preparation of Master’s Theses. The GPC notified the Senate of this revision, although no action was required by the Senate.