Lunchtime and afterschool revision timetable – Spring Term 2 2017 - 2018

Week A and Week B
Weekday / Club / Year group / Room / Times / Leader
Monday / Geography ‘drop in’ / GCSE students / T11 / Lunchtime / Mrs Whitaker
Catering ‘drop in’ / GCSE students / T22/T12 / Lunchtime / Ms Mason
Science C1/C2 revision / GCSE students / T23 / Lunchtime / Miss Nutter
English GCSE / GCSE students / B1 – B4 / Lunchtime / Ms Ellwood
GCSE Drama Catch up / GCSE students / Drama Studio / Lunchtime / Ms Power
Maths ‘open door’ / All students / B11-B14 / Lunchtime / All staff
Tuesday / Year 13 English Lit / Year 13 students / B2 / Lunchtime / Mrs Lewis
CTEC Unit 3 revision / CTEC students / C8 / Lunchtime / Mrs Tarjanyi
Science C1/C2 revision / GCSE students / T24 / Lunchtime / Mr Langan and Miss Nutter
English ‘drop in’ / GCSE students / B1 – B4 / Lunchtime / All staff
Catering ‘drop in’ / GCSE students / T22/T12 / Lunchtime / Ms Mason
Maths ‘open door’ / All students / B11-B14 / Lunchtime / All staff
Psychology Clinic / A Level students / T3 / 3.30 – 5.00 / Mr Wiggans
A - Level French / A Level students / T2 / 3.30 – 4.30 / Mme Bataller
Art ‘drop in’ / GCSE & 6th Form / C14 / 3.30 – 5.30 / Ms Watt
GCSE & A Level revision club / All students / Library / 3.20 - 5.20 / SLT
Wednesday / GCSE Science Chemistry
Higher tier after CAs are finished / GCSE students / T23 / Lunchtime / Miss Nutter
GCSE PE – Badminton / GCSE students / Hall / Lunchtime / Mr Harrison
English GCSE / GCSE students / B1- B4 / Lunchtime / Mrs Ellwood
A Level Drama / A Level Students / Drama Studio / Lunchtime / Ms Power
Catering ‘drop in’ / GCSE students / T22/T12 / Lunchtime / Ms Mason
Maths ‘open door’ / All students / B11-B14 / Lunchtime / All staff
Art ‘drop in’ / GCSE & 6th Form / C14 / 3.30 – 5.30 / Ms Watt
GCSE PE drop in / GCSE students / C8 / 3.30 – 4.30 / Mrs Tarjanyi
RE GCSE Revision / Yr 10 students / T3 / 3.30 – 4.30 / Mr Wiggans
Maths Revision / Yr 11 students / B11 – B14 / 3.30 – 4.30 / All staff
Thursday / GCSE Physics, foundation tier
after CAs are finished / GCSE students / T23 / Lunchtime / Miss Nutter
Catering ‘drop in’ / GCSE students / T22/T12 / Lunchtime / Ms Mason
GCSE Physics (Higher tier) / Year 11 / T15 / Lunchtime / Mr Hudson
English ‘drop in’ / GCSE students / B1- B4 / Lunchtime / All staff
English Lit (Week B only) / Yr 12 & Yr 13 / B1 / Lunchtime / Ms Lewis
Maths ‘open door’ / All students / B11-B14 / Lunchtime / All staff
A - Level French / A Level students / T2 / 3.30 – 4.30 / Mme Bataller
English revision / GCSE / B1-B4 / 3-30 – 4.30 / All staff
Art ‘drop in’ / GCSE & 6th Form / C14 / 3.30 – 5.30 / Ms Watt
Friday / GCSE Business- Unit 1 / GCSE Students / C3 / Lunchtime / Mr Murphy
Geography ‘drop in’ / GCSE students / T11 / Lunchtime / Mrs Whitaker
Catering ‘drop in’ / GCSE students / T22/T12 / Lunchtime / Ms Mason
Maths ‘open door’ / All students / B11-B14 / Lunchtime / All staff
GCSE PE Revision / Y10-11 / C8 / Lunchtime / Mrs Tarjanyi
GCSE & A Level revision club / All students / Library / 3.20 - 5.20 / SLT

Specific dates:

History intervention: Medicine Friday 23/2 and 9/3 and German Monday 26/2 and 12/3.