Newsletter of Coastal Bend India Association
Editor: Margie Dalvi, ph: 643-5585, e-mail:
Shabari - The Choice Offerings
For those of you who do not know why our newsletter is named Shabari, here’s the story:
The old woman Shabari was so happy that she would see Ram on his way to the forest. So when Ram came around with Sita and Lakshman, she offered him the sweet berries she had picked for him with great devotion and love. That is all she could afford. When Lakshman noticed that the berries had teeth marks on them, he demanded how could she offer such berries to Ram. Shabari told Ram, "I have personally tasted each and every berry to make sure that they are all sweet."
They were Shabari's CHOICE OFFERINGS.
We dedicate our newsletter to Shabari's love and devotion to carry forth her spirit.
Friendliness and Kindness
Elsewhere in this issue you will see the schedule of CBIA events planned for the coming year. I trust, you the members, will participate and enjoy the programs in a spirit of Friendliness, while treating each other with kindness. If our Association has prospered since its inception 9 years ago,it is primarily due to the sense of belonging that has been kept alive due to the selfless work by the volunteers involved. Occasionally, someone, who might not have a good understanding of how the volunteers arrive at decisions and plan for the programs, might feel aggrieved and make a mockery of the efforts of others. Most certainly there is room for improvement in anything we do, therefore I invite also such persons to get involved at their level of comfort to contribute ideas and action.
Let us maintain the highest standard for self, but be willing to accept others’ ideas. Finally, while we are working for the Association, let us not take ourselves too seriously, nor feel self-important. Let us have some fun while we exercise our obligations toward our community. Let us try to leave our ego out while working with others in this Association. True, we are not saints, but they present the ideals, which exhort us on the path of karma-yoga. Let us improve the quality of our Associationby promoting friendliness and kindness in dealing with each other. Let us leave no room for pettiness or rancor……………………………………Nandu Dalvi, President
Arise! Awake! Stop not till the goal is reached……..Swami Vivekanand
Executive Committee and Sub-committee assignments
On Feb 14th the new Executive Committee held its first meeting and assignments were established as listed on the back page. The EC sincerely appreciates the spirit of the volunteers who have come forward to work on the Sub-Committees, and urges others to join them to strengthen our Association. Names of the volunteers collected at the Republic Day function are being forwarded to the Sub-Committee chairpersons. They will soon be contacted.
Republic Day Program
Our Republic Day Program on Jan 27th got off to a little late start. However, it was worth the wait.
Our youth really belted out the patriotic song “Hum Hindustani.” It’s always a wonder how they practice and perform so well! We noticed some new and upcoming dancers, and that some H.S. Seniors danced for the last time before they go off to college. The awards ceremony went off without a hitch. We are blessed with such talented youngsters. Dinner was delicious and well organized. Thank you again to our outgoing Food Sub-Committee and all the volunteers who helped.
Upon election, we welcomed our new EC members and the new President Nandu Dalvi.
At many of our functions, the entry fee for the students from India has been covered through the generosity of a few solid supporters of this association. For these students, the best way to express their gratitude is by similarly helping atleast two other students upon own graduation and having settled down!
Congratulations to Satyajit Verma for his appointment as a director on the Board of the Asian Cultures Museum. Satyajit with his solid knowledge of Indian traditions and Sanskrit, and his action-orientedness is a most proper choice. He wishes to encourage your.participation in the museum activities. He is also this year’s chairperson of the CBIA Volunteer Programs Sub-Committee. I trust you will support him in his tasks.
Let us also recognize Peggy Ahuja who has devoted many years of solid support for the Museum.
To those who have not so far renewed membership, or not become members, may we urge you to do so?
------cut and mail ------cut and mail------
Membership Fee – January 1999 through December 1999
I have enclosed ______$20 Family, or______$15 Individual, or______$5 Student.The names of the members covered by this fee and our mailing address is indicated below.
Names: Address:
Phone No: e-mail Address:
Please mail or deliver the application with a check to: CBIA PO Box address, or
Trupti Nadkarni (ph: 994-7261) 5529 Fox Run Circle , Corpus Christi, TX 78413
Lead me from unreal to truth, from darkness to light, from death to immortality!… Vedas
Upcoming CBIA Events
Three up-coming events are announced below and the year’s schedule is provided on a separate page for you to save for referral. No program will be taken up unless there is sufficient interest in it from the general membership. Therefore it is important for you to give us the timely feedback to help us in planning.
Saturday, March 6th Join the crowd for our eagerly awaited traditional Spring Festival of Holi.
This day in India, people light up bonfire to commemorate the destruction of the evil aunt Holika, who jumped into fire holding the boy Pralhad, an ardent devotee of God. She thus planned his death, while claiming own immunity from fire; but By God’s grace, it was she who was consumed by fire, leaving Pralhad unscathed. The arrogant and powerful king Hiranya-kashyapu had ordered his own son burnt alive, because Pralhad continued disobeying the king by worshipping only God, not the king. The story illustrates how God protects the true devotee. The next day, people celebrate the onset of Spring by smearing friends with colors.
Place & Time: Flour Bluff Park, at 654 Graham off Waldron Rd., after HEB, 11:30-4 pm.
Activities: Keep traditions alive by Playing Color, while enjoying camaraderie, Washable colors provided. Media coverage to be planned. Nostalgic Indian Games – Lagori/Nargoli, Kabaddi/Hututu, Kho-Kho, Dodge ball, Dog & the Bone, and of course Volleyball and Basketball, etc and a finale of Rassi-khech.
RSVP for LUNCH: Prakash Patel (949-8111), Shobha Venkatraman (992-6311) by Feb 28th. Your cooperation helps food planning, reduces wastage and saves money.
Admission: $3 for 5 to10 yrs old; $4 for 11 yrs & above, if RSVP by 3/28; $7 at door & for non-members.
Stocks/Mutual Funds Investing for Savings/Fun/Challenge
Sunday 1 – 4 pm, March 28th. The workshop will be conducted by two very knowledgeable friends simply for the benefit of members. No brokers involved. Nothing expected in return except to fulfill your desire to learn more. A nominal fee of $12 per person, or total $ 18 for two members of the family to cover costs, excess going to CBIA.
Please confirm by February 28th by e-mail or phone to: Nandu Dalvi (ph. 643-5585) - , or John Abraham (ph. 993-8665) - . Your check should be received with CBIA by March 7th.
Types of vehicles– Growth, Value, Momentum, International;
Criteria/Techniques – PE, PEG, PS, Limit Orders, Stop Loss;
Investor’s Needs – Retirement, Custodial a/c, Age, Aggressive, Conservative;
+investing Styles – Buy & Hold, Trading.
Investment Themes – Blue Chips, Small Stocks, Emerging Markets;
Portfolio Development;
Tax-Advantaged Investing;
Portfolio Monitoring and Adjustments – Read Charts, Technical Analysis;
Web Sites/Tools.
Smile! It takes only 13 muscles. Frowning takes 64.
Saturday, April 17: Depart CC Moore Plaza early morning. Arrive Monterey early afternoon. Visit Museum & Brewery, City tour, Curio shop, Dinner Theater @ the famous LaPalenque (optional:$ 27/person), free time.
Sunday, April 18: Hotel check out, Sightseeing, tonga trip to HorseTail falls (optional: $ 8 per person), Shopping at Los Cavasos mall, Mexican buffet (Optional: ~$4/person), Leave for CC early afternoon.
Cost: $ 114/bus seat. Double occupancy hotel room included in price; $ 75/seat for Children up to 12 years age staying in parents’ room. Food is excluded.
RSVP: by February 28th by e-mail or phone to: Nandu Dalvi (ph. 643-5585) - , or John Abraham (ph. 993-8665) - . Your check for $ 25 deposit should be received with CBIA by March 7th. To be finalized upon membership response... Provide names and be specific about children age 12 years and below.
First come first served basis. Total 47 bus seats. For Visa questions, Contact Rakesh Patel, ph: 949-1049.
Kriyayoga Classes
Satyajit is planning to invite a Kriyayoga teacher to our city for a short course. For that, he would need feedback from those interested. He explains, Kriyayoga as the simplest form of meditation that combines meditation with controlled breathing and light exercise. Some of you might know that Paramhans Yoganand, one of the early spiritual teachers to come to America popularized this form of meditation here. Please confirm your interest in such a course to Satyajit Verma, ph: 993-2857.
India’s Contribution to World Civilization ……Continued
Will Durant: “India was the mother of our race and Sanskrit the mother of Europe’s languages. She was the mother of our philosophy, mother through the Arabs, of much of our mathematics, mother through Buddha, of the ideals embodied in Christianity, mother through village communities of self-government and democracy. Mother India is in many ways the mother of us all.”
Submitted by: Satyajit Verma
Invitation from the Editor
Your ideas and articles will make this newsletter more interesting, therefore please keep them coming. It will be appreciated if the articles are in “Word” format and sent to my e-mail address: , or you
may mail them to my home address: 1521 Skyline, Portland, Texas 78374. Please submit the contributions by the first week of the month to be included in the same month’s Shabari.
A boy asks God, “How much is a million rupees to you?” God says, “Like one rupee.” The boy asks, “How much is a million years to you?” And God answers, “It’s like one second.” The boy asks, “Can I have one rupee?” God answers, “Sure, just give me a second to finish what I am doing.”
Calendar of other regular community events:
Swadhyay-B : Every third Sunday, 11 am-12:30 pm. Religion Self study assisted thru GuideBooks for adults and youth, bhajans and Aarti. Host by turn. Call Gopal Pathikonda 991-1912 for location.
Raag Manch (Music Club): Generally every third Sunday, 3-5:30 pm, Practicing popular Hindi songs for enjoyment and relaxation. Host by turn. Call Shobha Venkatraman 992-6311, Satyajit Verma 993-2857 for location.
Swadhyay-A: Every fourth Sunday, 11am-12 noon Athavale Guruji’s video/audio tapes; Call Harish Shah 991-4274.
Shree Swaminarayan Mandir: Sunday Sabha, 5-7 pm. Call Jitendra Patel 884-1629, or @ Temple 985-1957
A Guru to his disciple, “Yes, I know all the answers to everything. Why do you ask?”
Executive Committee Sub-Committee Chairpersons
Legend: Liaison responsibilityLegend: Coordinator
Sub-Committee Chairpersons and Coordinators
Support/Courtesy:Bakula Dave854-8950
…Host Family: Gopal Pathikonda991-1912
Ananth Venkatraman992-6311
Hall:…Reservation: Harish Shah991-4274, Audio/video: Ananth Venkatraman992-6311
…Stage: K. Venugopal985-6654, Decorations: Minal Patel851-8523
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Coastal Bend India Association
P.O. Box 271612
Corpus Christi, Texas 78413 6