Vocabulary Terms 5
- Party Plank—Term that refers to what the party’s policy is on a single issue.
- National Party Convention—Meeting held every four years when Presidential candidates are chosen and the party develops official policy beliefs.
- Grassroots Movement—Movement that is begun by common people
- Non-Partisan Elections—Elections are do not allow the use of political parties---usually for position that are seen as non-political such as school boards.
- Public Opinion—Generic term for what the majority of the public may believe about an issue—can be very misleading as a majority may represent only 51%.
- Interest Groups—Group of people with similar beliefs about an issue.
- Bias—Term that refers to a person is has already formed an opinion or listens only to one side.
- Impartial—Term that refers to a person who has not made a decision and is willing to listen to all sides of an issue.
- Lobbying—Act of trying to influence legislators to support a certain issue.
- Electorate—All the people who are eligible to vote in an election.
- Apathy—Term that refers to the idea that people do not care about political issues.
- Nominating—Process of selecting candidates to run for office---usually done by primary elections.
- Primary—Special elections that are usually held arounf May that are used to nominate candidates.
- Negative Advertising- Process of using advertisements that focus on the faults and shortcomings of your opponent rather than your goals.
- PACs—Groups that are formed in order to raise money for candidates running for office---they are limited to a 5,000 donation to an individual candidate.
- Campaign Finance Reform—Proposed legislation that would limit the amount of money used by candidates to run for office because of the influence that campaign donors may receive.
- Plurality—Term that refers to the way most elections are won---not my majority vote but by getting the most votes.
- Initiative—Process where voters in certain states are able to put proposed legislation on the general ballot to be approved or rejected by voters.
- Referendum—Process whereby legislators place proposed bills on the general ballot for approval after the legislators have already passed the bill.
- Exit poll—A voter may encounter one of these as he leaves the polls so that the media may better predict the winner of elections.
- Straight Ticket—Voting only for the same political party all the way through a ballot.
- Split Ticket—Voting for candidates from either political party.
- Absentee Ballot—Voting that is done before election day because a voter is going to be unable to vote on election day.
- Run-Off—Special election between two candidates who did not achieve a majority of the vote—usually done in primary elections.
- Governor—Head of the state executive branch and leader of state government.
- Lieutenant Governor—Elected position that is similar to the Vice President but on the state level.
- Council of State- 8 departments that work directly under the governor that are elected by voters.
- General Assembly—Name for the North Carolina Legislature
- Leandro Case—Recent North Carolina case about funding issues in local school districts.
- State v. Mann-NC case that allowed slave holders to kill their slaves
- Charter—Local version of a Constitution—It is given to local governments by the State.
- CountyCommissioners—Group of people who govern the affairs of county government.
- Manager—Hired official who runs the day-to-day operations of county or city government.
- Sheriff—Local law enforcement officer for a county.
- Coroner—Local medical official who establishes the cause of death and conducts autopsies.
- Clerk—Local official who is responsible for the upkeep of all county records such as birth certificates and land deeds.
- DA—Local official who is in charge of prosecuting criminal cases on the local level.
- Ordinances—Term for local laws—also referred to as blue laws in some areas
- Incorporation—Official recognition from the state of a local government’s power.
- Annexation-- Term that refers to the addition of more land into a city or town.