Maun Valley Citizens: Monday 25th April the MVC Accountability Assembly at West Notts College, 5.30 for 6.00pm. Syrian Refugees: Needed: people trained to teach English as a foreign language, Play helpers to give assistance to parents taking English language courses and TV/Satellite engineers. If you can help please contact the parish office.

The following is information and Mass times for next week:

Please keep in your prayers the sick and housebound of our parish:

Peter Kudelasz, Winnie Bukowski, Paul Hayton, Ian Moore, Tony Corcoran, Helen Dignam, Roy Geeves, Catherine Phillips, Sheila Lowe, Annie O’Brien, Angela Ward, Joe McHugh, Thomas Smith, Mary McMonigle, Rose Lycett, Garry Jones, Maureen Turner, Kathleen Kyne, Kathleen McHugh, Peggy Hazledine, Mary Elizabeth Phillips, Tess Reardon, Lilian Doyle, Christine Dickinson, Wendy Holland.

All items for the newsletter to be received by Wednesday noon please


The Presbytery, 3 Chesterfield Road South, Mansfield, NG19 7AB

Telephone (01623) 623458 Parish Email:

Parish Website:

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NRCDT: Charity Number 1134449, Company Number 7151646


27th March 2016


Money Matters weekend of: 20th March 2016

P.G: £694.20 + Loose: £379.43 = £1073.53 + Standing Orders

Collection this weekend: Easter Offering

Please remember in your Prayers: Those who have died recently, especially Malcolm Crofts, whose funeral is at Mansfield Crematorium on Wednesday 30th March at 2.30pm, and Mary Phillips; please remember them and their families at this very sad and difficult time.

Many thanks: For your Easter Offerings, cards, gifts, prayers and good wishes. May you all have a blessed and peaceful Easter. Fr Paul and Fr Raphael

Thank you: To all who attended our Lent and Holy Week Liturgies and who helped with the preparation – names and groups would be too numerous to list, thank you; it is greatly appreciated. Fr Paul and Fr Raphael

Parish Giving: If you haven’t collected your box of envelopes or SO 2nd Collection envelopes please find them at the back of Church, any queries please contact the parish office.

Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: A message from Fr Greg Tobin: In this Jubilee Year of Mercy why not come this year on the Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes? The dates are 11-16th July and there are options for travel and accommodation. Booking forms are available at the back of Church or ask at the parish office, or they can be obtained from ; or from Fr Simon Gillespie. Bishop Patrick will lead our pilgrimage, which will include our own Mass in the Grotto, a visit to the Baths, processions and passage through the Holy Door of Mercy. There is a chartered flight from East Midlands Airport, or an overland coach journey which includes transfers and insurance. Lourdes is the perfect tonic for restoring your faith in humanity and Church. If I didn’t think it would do you good, I wouldn’t bother inviting you! Bursaries are available for the sick, and young people, where needed; health care professionals are very much encouraged to come along too, and bursaries are available. I look forward to welcoming you all to Lourdes in the summer! Fr Greg

Mary & Martin McMonigle: Would like to thank everyone who organised and attended Mary’s recent 90th Birthday Celebrations. They also express grateful thanks for the many Mass Cards, gifts and good wishes received. Mass will be offered for everyone’s intentions.

Baptism: Please speak to Fr Paul after Mass to request Baptism for your child, pick up and complete a Baptism Form then attend the next Baptism Meeting which will be on Wednesday 27th April at 6.00pm. Please note there is no meeting during March. After attending the course call into the parish office and book the Baptism date.

First Holy Communion: The next Family Mass will be this Sunday 24th April at 11am – and the meeting for the children and parents at St Philip’s Primary School on Monday, 25th April at 3.45pm. 1st Holy Communion - Saturday 14th May at 10am.

Confirmation in 2016: The next meeting, which is for candidates and catechists only is on April 20th at 6.30pm. Please bring along your letter of permission from your parish priest and a copy of your baptism certificate if you don’t live in St Philip’s Parish. Thank you.

Weddings 2016/17: A reminder for couples intending to marry in 2016/17 that they should make contact with the priest as soon as possible. Diocesan Policy states that at least SIX MONTHS’ notice should be given. Please also remember to book the Church first before booking the reception. Marriage Preparation: The course will run on 9th and 23rd April and 7th May; it is essential that all couples who intend to marry in 2016 should have made contact with the parish office and completed all initial paperwork and have all relevant documentation ready, before the start of the course.