English II Pre-AP 2017-2018
Ms. Rice/Ms. Johnson/Ms. Tucker
Room 2307/Room 2305/Room 2309
Email: or or
Welcome to English II Pre-AP; we look forward to working with each of you this year. This course will be a challenging journey through a variety of literature from around the world. Please familiarize yourself with all of the information below; if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Course Description:
Students enrolled in English II PAP continue to increase and refine their communication skills. High school students are expected to plan, draft, and complete written compositions on a regular basis. Students edit their papers for clarity, engaging language, and the correct use of the conventions and mechanics of written English and produce final, error-free drafts. In English II PAP, students practice all forms of writing. An emphasis is placed on persuasive and expository forms of writing such as logical arguments, expressions of opinion, personal forms of writing, and research. These forms of writing may include a response to literature, a reflective essay, autobiographical narrative, or research paper. English II PAP students read extensively outside of class with intense focus in the classroom in multiple genres from world literature such as fiction, nonfiction, dramas, poetry, media literacy, expository, persuasive, and procedural texts originally written in English or translated to English from Asian, classical Greek, European, African, South American, and North American cultures. Students learn literary forms and terms associated with selections being read. Students interpret the possible influences of the historical context on a literary work.
(Pearland I.S.D)
The following is a brief list of the literature that we will be reading this year. Feel free to purchase these books in advance if you so choose. Please note that if you cannot purchase these texts because of financial need, a copy will be provided to you. *In most cases we have enough books to accommodate roughly ½- 2/3 of the need for each book. However, you should expect to purchase The Things They Carried as it is our first year reading this book and we have fewer copies to go around.
· 1984 by George Orwell
· Anthem by Ayn Rand
· Lord of the Flies, by William Golding
· The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien* (see above)
· Othello by William Shakespeare
Course Assignments:
Assignments count either as daily grades or major grades.
Daily grades include in-class assignments and homework (single-day activities, quizzes, quick-writes, class discussion). There is NO LATE WORK ACCEPTED for daily grades. Only students who are absent may turn in daily work the next day. Furthermore, do not expect everything you do to be a grade. Some things are done just for the pleasure of learning and/or practice.
Major grades include writing assignments (timed writings, essays), projects and tests (over the novels, concepts, and vocabulary). Expect at least 4 Major grades per nine weeks. Tests and In-class timed writings need to be made up within 3 class days. Major essays/projects are DUE on the due date. Points will be taken off for late work (25 the first day late, 50 the second day, and it will be a ZERO on the third day). This is the policy that you will be expected to follow on your AP track, so it is best to adjust to these expectations this year.
Please see next page for exceptions:
Major Grade Submission Policy:
· If a student is marked “Unexcused” absent or is skipping, the assignment will be counted late.
· If a student is marked “Excused” absent, the assignment is due immediately when they return to class.
· If a student is excused on a school trip, they are technically present in school and the assignment must be turned in before they miss class or on that day via the front office.
· If a student is absent from English class, but is present for a portion of the day, the assignment is due on the due date.
· Please remember that you or your parent/guardian can drop off assignments in the front office at any time during the day, and they will be brought to us.
*Note about our Grading Policies: when a student misses an assignment due to an excused absence, often, the teacher will enter the grade as a Zero and mark “Missing.” This is a placeholder to remind the student to turn in any assignments when they return.
Classroom Expectations:
Students should expect at least 30 minutes to one hour of homework a night. Most reading will take place outside of class, so the students, if nothing else, will always have an independent novel to read at home. Examples might include 30 pages of reading, reading an essay and analyzing it, or writing a first draft of an essay. The students will be provided with an overview of each grading Term, and it will be posted on my website, so students will know in advance about upcoming due dates for daily and major assignments.
While in class, your behavior should reflect these 5 guidelines:
1. Be Respectful. (Do not talk while I am talking; use proper language; do not touch anyone’s belongings, including mine!)
2. Be on Time. (Be sitting in your correct seat when the bell rings.)
3. Be Prepared. (Have all required materials and be ready to learn!)
4. Be Accountable. (You are responsible for yourself and your actions!)
5. Be Productive. (Be helpful, encouraging, and positive.)
Course Supplies:
Students should buy these for their own personal use. They should be brought to class every day.
1. Novels (see list p.1) (recommended to purchase)
2. Interactive Notebook (We will put this together in class)
a. This requires a Composition book: 100 pages (200 counting both sides), COLLEGE rule, no spirals.
3. Blue or Black Pens (no colored pens or pencils allowed)
4. Multi-colored highlighters-1 pack (blue, yellow, green, pink and orange)
5. Post it Notes for annotations
6. Notebook paper (college rule) Composition book (100 pages, COLLEGE rule, no spirals)
7. Flash/pen drive (can be shared with your other classes)
Please purchase the following items for our classroom (these supplies will be utilized by all students)
2nd period: one box of tissues (no lotion, please)
3rd period: Pack of 5 or more glue sticks
4th period: Pack of 5 or more glue sticks
5th period: Hand sanitizer
6th period: pack of 5 colored highlighters
7th period: one box of tissues (no lotion, please)
Plagiarism/Cheating/Homework/Helping/Working Together:
Unless you are notified otherwise, any test and writing assignment is a personal assignment. It should show no evidence or reflection of anyone but the student. Any written assignment given for homework follows the same guidelines. Consider everything in this class to be individual work unless it is officially written in the directions for you.
Please review the official DHS Cheating and Plagiarism Policy:
Dawson High School’s
Cheating/Plagiarism Policy
Dawson Parent/Student Handbook 2017-2018
Academic Dishonesty
Academic dishonesty is any form of cheating and/or plagiarism which results in students giving or receiving unauthorized assistance in an academic exercise or receiving credit for work which is not their own.
Cheating includes, but it not limited to the following:
1. Using any sources not authorized by the teacher (textbooks, notes, the work of other students, etc.) to complete examinations or other assignments.
2. Using unauthorized electronic equipment (including cell phones) during an examination or other assignment.
3. Altering or tampering with grades
Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to the following:
1. Using the ideas and/or words of another person without giving that person appropriate credit;
2. Representing another’s artistic or scholarly works as your own
3. Submitting a paper purchased from a paper research service, including the Internet
4. Using undocumented Web sources
Other specific examples of Academic dishonesty
1. Allowing another student to copy from your paper
2. Knowingly giving your homework, term paper or other academic work to another student to plagiarize
3. Having another student submit any work under your name
4. Lying to improve your grade
5. Stealing tests, assignments, or answer keys
6. Forging signatures on documentation
7. Collaborating without the permission of the teacher
8. Providing material or information to another person with the knowledge that such aid could be used in any of the violations stated above.
Consequences are outlined below:
· Daily Grade
o First infraction: Zero(0) on assignment; Two (2) hours Detention Hall; Notification of parent by teacher
o Second infraction: Zero(0) on assignment; Referral to Assistant Principal; Six (6) hours Detention Hall; Notification of parent by teacher and Assistant Principal
o Repeat infractions: Zero(0) on assignment; Referral to Assistant Principal; Three (3) day assignment to ISS; Notification of parent by Assistant Principal; Conference with student, parent, and teacher
· 2BMajor Grade
o Zero (0) on assignment
o Unsatisfactory (U) in conduct for marking period
o Opportunity for retake is forfeited
o Weighted GPA is removed (Advanced Academics)
o Must take final exam (Not allowed to exempt)
o Second infraction in same course: Weighted GPA is removed (PreAP/AP)
o Findings of academic dishonesty reported on college application
o Removed from National Honor Society, National Junior Honor Society and any other Honor Society that is an organized school program.
o The zero may not be dropped and must factor into the term average
Name______Class Period______Due Date:______
PAP English II Classroom Expectations Contract
Read each of the following guidelines then initial below each statement. Please returned signed contract to PAP English II Teacher
ASSIGNMENTS: All assignments are due at the beginning of the class period. They are to be turned in ready, meaning it has to be printed out on paper if the requirement is to be typed. You will not be allowed to print in class, use a library or hall pass to go to a computer lab or use your pen/flash drive. Major assignments will lose 25 points if not turn-in ready, and daily assignments will not be accepted resulting in a grade of 0 (zero). Assignments that are not turned in with the appropriate rubric will receive a minus 20. Assignments done in pencil will receive a minus 20. Assignments done in a colored pen will receive a minus 50. No exceptions.
______(Student Initial) ______(Parent Initial)
BEHAVIOR: All students are required to adhere to the rules and regulations as outlined in the Parent/Student Handbook.
______(Student Initial)______(Parent Initial)
CHEATING/PLAGARISM POLICY: Academic Dishonesty is any form of cheating and/or plagiarism which results in students giving or receiving unauthorized assistance, including discussions outside of class, in an academic exercise or receiving credit for work which is not their own. ALL assignments are considered INDIVIDUAL assignments unless otherwise stated. Students who are caught sharing answers will be penalized just as harshly as those who are receiving the answers.
______(Student Initial)______(Parent Initial)
COMMUNICATION: Parents are welcome to email any questions or concerns, however, PAP classes are learner-centered and we encourage the students to communicate directly with the teacher regarding tutorials, make-up work, attendance issues, grades, questions regarding an assignment, etc. Please discuss any concerns you have with your student prior to emailing the teacher, as he/she may be able to answer your questions. Please give the teacher at least 24 hours to respond to an email as many circumstances prevent an immediate response. Note to parents: As a teacher, it is our privilege to work with our students; therefore, we will not meet with a parent without the student being informed. This is a violation of the trust the students have for us and that we share with our students which contributes to a positive learning environment.
______(Student Initial)______(Parent Initial)
DETENTION: When a teacher detention is assigned to a student, he/she will be issued a D-Hall slip in which the student will serve the detention in the D-hall room afterschool. D-halls must be served on or before the due date specified by the teacher and can be served Monday through Thursday after school in the D-hall room beginning at 2:25pm. Saturday detention is offered 8am-12 noon. Students must bring work to complete during detention. Refer the Parent/Student Handbook.
______(Student Initial)______(Parent Initial)
GRADING POLICY AND ASSIGNMENTS: Please refer to Report Cards and Grades section in the Parent/Student Handbook.
Additionally, there is no late daily work accepted. Due dates for major assignments/projects are given well in
advance, and therefore, must be turned in on or before the due date. Failure to do so will result in 25 points taken off the first
day and 50 points taken off the second day. No credit will be given after the 2nd day. All major assignments must be written in
blue/black ink pen or typed (if specifically required). ALL assignments must have a complete heading: Full Name, Date, Class
Period and a Title. Papers missing a Heading and/or Title will have -5 points deducted for each. Each term will consist of 4
major grades @ 60% and 2 daily grades per week in the term @ 40%. PAP does not offer any type of extra credit or alternate assignments for novels.
______(Student Initial)______(Parent Initial)
MAKE-UP WORK: When you have been absent from class, you missed something. It is YOUR responsibility to acquire and turn in all make-up work. Refer to the Parent/Student Handbook regarding making up work. If you will miss class for a school-related event, you MUST get the work ahead of time and/or turn in any assignments BEFORE missing class. Be sure to see the teacher to make arrangements for any missed tests/quizzes.
______(Student Initial)______(Parent Initial)
MEET THE TEACHER NIGHT: This night is an opportunity to briefly meet your student’s teacher and put a name with a face. As a courtesy to other parents, please refrain from discussing any in depth concerns you have regarding your student. If you have questions or concerns, you may email or request a conference at another time.
______(Student Initial)______(Parent Initial)
REASSESSMENT: Any individual student who fails an assignment or assessment may ask for the opportunity for re-teaching and