The NCMA-ET Board of Directors held the regular monthly board of directors meeting at Scientific Sales, Oak Ridge, TN onThursday April 17, 2014.
Katherine Bumgardner / Landon HillJerome Hicks / John Phelps
Courtney Dyer / Granda Humphrey
Heidi Timmerman
Allen Wash
Heidi Timmermancalled the meeting to order at11:30 a.m.
President Report – Judy Franklin
No report.
President Elect – Heidi Timmerman
Heidi reported the Subcontract Training she attended was a good course and that it may be held again next year in Atlanta.
Secretary – Granda Humphrey
No Report.
Treasurer – Laura Davis/Assistant Treasurer - Brooks Baldwin
No report.
Education –Faye Orick/Allen Wash
The four (4) hour webinar was held during March with around 13 attendees. Allen Wash reported the webinar went well. Faye Orick continues with the certification study groups.
NES – Katherine Bumgardner
Katherine plans to contact Nick Crowe to obtain the member name tags so she won’t have to make new ones. She will only make the name tags for the non-members attending. She needs someone to pick up the Speaker from the airport. She also needs to know who all from the Board will be joining her and the speaker for dinner the night before NES. Judy Franklin will speak about the benefits of being an NCMA member at NES.
Programs – Landon Hill
The May meeting will consist of the Contracts mentoring session in which Charles Crowe will be the Facilitator and Steve Bowman, Jeff Burgan, Judy Franklin, Granda Humphrey, Sonny Rogers, Faye Orick, and Heidi Timmerman will be the speakers/mentors.
Membership –Nick Crowe
No report.
Newsletter – Tracie Rucker
Courtney needs the articles by April 25, 2014.
Scholarships and Community Relations – John Phelps/Rose Weaver
John reported he is not receiving responses as expected. The Scholarship committee has only received one response so far. The cut-off date for submission of essays is April 28, 2014. John and Rose plan to contact the local schools again. Courtney Dyer will list this announcement on our FB page and the newsletter.
Social – Vicki Dyer
Vicki has scheduled the New Hope Center and Cateror for the June social for June 5, 2014. John Phelps will hand out the awards again this year. Someone needs to create the Programs.
Nominations and Elections – Sonny Rogers
Sonny Rogers asked for someone to make the announcement of the election of officers at NES.
Honors and Awards – Justin Keck/Rich Brown
No report.
Public Relations and Webmaster – Stephanie Davis
No Report.
Employment – Al Guidry/Justin Keck
John Phelps announced that DOE has open positions. Landon Hill will post the job openings on our website.
Graalman – Jerome Hicks/Heidi Timmerman/Landon Hill/Sonny Rogers/Judy Franklin
There is a committee meeting scheduled for May 2014.
Sponsorship Chair – Nathan Cross
No report.
Old Business
Laura Davis suggested that we begin using Constant Contact to schedule the annual NES and for the monthly membership meetings. She will look into the actual cost and report back to the Board. On-going.
Courtney Dyer volunteered to create a Face Book page for our Chapter. This will be announced in our monthly newsletter. Complete.
New Business
The board discussed the location we should store all of our Awards. John Phelps plans to submit an application for the CMLDP. The board agreed we would consider request(s) for financial support for CMLDP applicants, but specific requests would need to be voted on and approved.
The next board meeting will be May 22, 2014 at SCI.