Honors Biology Syllabus 2009 - 2010
Quarter 1
Biology – The study of Life, Scientific Method
Quarter 2
Cell Structure
Cell Transport
Cellular Respiration / Photosynthesis
Cellular Reproduction
Human Reproduction
Quarter 3
DNA and Protein Synthesis
Mendel – Patterns of Inheritance
Human Heredity
Origin of the Earth
Theory of Evolution and Primate Evolution
Quarter 4
Microorganisms: Viruses, Bacteria, Protozoans
Human Biology (if time permits)
HB Course Requirements
1. Beginning of Class: Enter the room and go directly to your assigned seat. Get out the materials needed for Biology class and then place your book bag on the shelf under your chair. Please pack you book bag for class so that it will fit on this shelf. The lab aisles need to be clear for safe passage during activities. Do not trade places or sit in an absent student’s place unless directed by the teacher to do so.
2. Class Notes: you must take notes on class presentations.
Indicate the chapter and the date. Class notes are a diary of
what was discussed in class and, along with the textbook, used as
guide to answer the objectives for each chapter.
3. Answers to the objectives must be hand written in complete sentences which must also incorporate the objective / question. (The objective should be rewritten as part of the answer). Use only blue ink pens for all written work unless otherwise directed by the teacher.
4. When absent: You do not have to make up missed quizzes. You must make up tests and labs and all assignments. You are responsible for initiating contact with the teacher to schedule for make up tests or labs. The appointment for make up work should be made on the day you return. You may be excused from a test you are present for, if you have been absent from class the previous two days. We do not cover new material the day before a test. You are expected to take quizzes you are present for unless the quiz was announced the day before it is given and you were absent for material being assessed.
5. Working together – you may work with a friend to discover answers from resources (textbook) or help each other understand answers to lab work and objectives, however each person should compose her own written answers for objectives, assignments and lab reports. Data and observations for lab reports may be obtained in cooperation with your lab partner. However conclusions, drawings and short answers to questions must be composed individually. Copying objectives, term card definitions (or using another student’s objectives and term cards to turn in as your work), answers to lab questions, lab data, lab conclusions, worksheet answers from another student is a violation of MNDHS integrity policies.
6. Biology Notebook: The notebook must be kept in the order as was presented in class. The order is as follows:
1. Course Information: Syllabus, BEP directives, Lab Template, and other
hand outs regarding course requirement.
2. Class notes (in chronological order with date and chapter indicated.
3. Assignments: Objectives, term cards, worksheets, color plates, and
chapter review sheets.
4. Lab, Course Information.
The Biology notebook will be collected once each quarter. The notebook grade is based on quality of answers, use of complete sentences, order, neatness, presence of assignments, blue ink. The work in the Biology notebook is your study guide for each test. When the quality of the work for assignments is high, the quality of test preparation is also high. Most people do very well on tests in when the notebook is done well.
You must also make vocabulary flashcards for the words listed at the beginning of each chapter. The definition is place on one side of the card and the word on the other side. These should be done in blue ink. Place the cards in and envelope. Use a separate envelope for each chapter. You are encouraged to highlight key parts of the definition with a highlighter as you study the words.
Color Plates: Periodically you will be using a method of learning that involves a hand out that you will color. Follow the directives on the color plate narrative to get the best benefit from this assignment. The letters of the words must be individually colored in rather than highlighted or scribbled across the letters.
7. Grading: Biology Notebook 20%
Tests / Enrichment points / Projects 45%
Quizzes 15%
Lab Reports 15%
Lab Test 5%
8. Class Participation: Learning involves interacting with other. It
is important that you as an individual learn to communicate
effectively with your lab partner, and group leader. It is
expected that you will be respectful of others when
they speak or when they are working.
9. Lab Reports: Lab reports are handed in for grading. They should
include a conclusion paragraph that is in complete sentences. The
paragraph should include statements related to the success of
the activity and what you learned. You should also comment on any
sources of error. Possible - procedures that could produce
unexpected results, and indicate if any hypothesis has been supported.
(See lab rubric and template in course information for formal lab reports.)
10. Biology Enrichment Points: This is a required assignment that counts as one
test grade. If you want to earn a 100% for the test grade, you must do
outside of class activities adding up to 50 points. A separate B.E.P. guideline
list will be provided. The type of activities have different turn in guidelines
and forms. You must use the BEP form provide to get all the points for that
11.Back packs: In order to maintain a safe (cleared walkway in the aisles) and
clutter free lab room, backpacks must be placed on the shelf under your
seat. If the backpack does not fit, remove some items and place them in
your locker. Students who repeatedly need reminders about backpack
placement may receive demerits.
12.Workload: Students should study new material each night. Terms for each
chapter should also be studied a little each night. The amount of written
homework varies according to what is covered in class. In general, students
should complete written work as it is assigned rather than wait until the day
or two just before a test, or just before the notebook is due. Preparation
for a main test is a minimum of two hours of study time. It is suggested that
this more focused preparation for tests begin two days before the test will
be administered. It is based on the assumption that all written assignments
for a chapter have been previously completed.
13.Materials needed for the course: 3 ring binder, loose leaf paper, scissors,
colored pencils or markers, roll of paper towels, $1.00, book cover for
textbook, 4 dividers, two pocket folder.
14.Safety: Specific safety guidelines for science labs are presented at the
beginning of the course. A safety contract must be read and signed by each
student and their parents. A copy of the safety guidelines are kept in the
student’s Biology notebook in the course information section. The signed
safety contract is kept on file by the teacher.
15. Contact Sr. Ruth – use the link on Edline or or call
821-3044 ex 303. Extra help available by appointment for before or after
school times.