Three Oaks Township Regular Meeting
February 8, 2016
Call to order at 7pm
Present: Gordon, Mitchell, Osburn, Sittig, Cummings
Absent: None
Public Comment: None
Motion Osburn support Cummings to approve the January Minutes. Motion Passes
Motion Sittig support Osburn to approve the January Special Mtg. Minutes. Motion Passes
Treasurer's report was given
Motion Gordon support Mitchell to pay bills est at $34623.03.Motion Passes
Correspondence was read
Department reports were given
Motion Cummings support Gordon to purchase 2 sets of turnout gear for Fire Dept. at as cost of 41750.00 each. Roll call.
Ayes: Gordon, Cummings, Sittig, Osburn, Mitchell
Nays: None
Motion passes
Motion Mitchell support Sittig to advertise with the Three Oaks Baseball Association with an outfield sign at a cost of $175.00.Roll call
Ayes: Mitchell, Osburn, Cummings, Sittig, Gordon
Nays: None
Motion passes
Motion Sittig support Gordon to appoint John Kramer to the Board of review as an alternate. Motion carried.
Motion Gordon support Mitchell to adjourn at 7:28. Motion passes
Next meeting March 14, 2016
Minutes submitted by Elizabeth Cummings
Three Oaks Township Clerk