Presidential Campaign Poster Project
Exemplary7/8 / Proficient
5/6 / Progressing
3/4 / Not Meeting
1/2 / Comments/
Layout and Design / All information on the poster is clearly viewed& easily identified from at least 4ft / Mostof the poster’s content easily viewed and identified from 4ft. away. / Some parts of the poster’s content is not easily viewed and identified from 4 ft. away. / Much of the information on the poster is unclear or too small to be seen.
Appearance /Color &
Neatness / Excellent appearance & color in all parts of the poster, extremely neat and no flaws or errors present. / appearance & color & neatness is acceptable ,the poster shows about average care of the final product / Appearance, Color & neatness could be improved in some areas of the product. / Appearance & Color & neatness is lacking in most all areas of the product.
Slogan/Word Choice / Slogan created is very unique and word choice unique and very clever & engaging –excellent understanding of candidate/issues / Slogan is topical and shows an average understanding of the candidate& issues / Slogan is somewhat appropriate but could be improved upon. Understanding of the candidate/issues is unclear. / No slogan present or slogan used is too general and does not show clear understanding of candidate or issues.
(2/3) / Poster has3 clear/concise symbols/images that connect with either the candidate’s – background, experience and party’s issues. / Poster has 2 clear concise symbols. The images do connect with 2 of the 3 items- background, experience or party’s issues. / Posters images are present- either has less than 2 or the items shown lack connection with
background, experience or party’s issues. / No Poster images are present or there is no connection to the candidate-
Candidate & Party / Candidate name and party is clearly displayed in unique and creative manner. / Poster has candidate name and party. / Candidate name and/or party presentation could be improved upon. / Candidate name or Party name is missing or is incorrect.
Sources / Scored 23-24 on Work Cited Rubric / Scored 22-21 on Work Cited rubric. / Scored under 20-19
On Work Cited Rubric. / Scored 18 or under on Work Cited rubric.
Artistic Effort / The project was done free hand, with very little if any use of computer. / The project was done using some computer for headings / titles- etc. / The project was done using mostly the computer – headings, titles, artwork –etc. / Project appears unfinished in many areas.
Score /Grade______