Team Project
There are approximately thirteen of you at, at the start of this semester, do not have a specific project assigned. (Five do).
Please fill out the Individual Questionnaire on my web page and send it to me tomorrow – preferably early – so I can form the teams for this semester.
Project Oneconsists of developing automated support for the international computing sciences honor society (UPE). I am a member of the five-person executive council. On this web page is a brief description of this project. One team may elect to pursue this topic. There is a separate link on this web page with additional information. I will be the primary point of contact (customer) on this project.
Project Twoinvolves working with the Volunteers in Medicine (VIM) downtown. They have a project-in-need involving capturing eligibility requirements, interviews, etc. for working uninsured individuals in the greater Jacksonville area to determine if these individuals are eligible for this medical care. (more later). This will be a stand-alone system for the VIM. Development of the user-interface, a database, several forms, and possibly web-based are features that might be considered. Mr. Jeff Matthews, Business Administrator with the Volunteers in Medicine (41 East Duval Street, Jax) will be the primary point of contact. I will set up initial meetings in order to establish a relationship and to facilitate capturing requirements.
Project Three involves the development of an information system for the Downtown Ecumenical Services Council (DESC), an organization that has no automated support. This organization provides emergency food, clothing, shelter, etc to needy individuals and families. This organization needs to develop a system that tracks items such as inventories, demographics of recipients, does some accounting, etc. As in the case of Project Two above, the end-user is likely not up on the latest computing technologies, but are nonetheless in serious need of automated support to help their organization. The development of the user interface, establishing of a database, etc. are required. I envision this as a stand-alone system. Mr. Jeff Matthews, Business Administrator with the Volunteers in Medicine (41 East Duval Street, Jax) will be the primary point of contact. I will set up initial meetings in order to establish a relationship and to facilitate capturing requirements.
Team Topics: - Exam
Agile Methodologies:
Will provide a set of articles for you to read on which you may be tested.
Requirements Traceability
Will provide a set of articles to read on which you may be tested.
Team Process
Once your team is created, you are to select one of the first six methodologies listed below as your development process. Your team is to present a short paper (no fewer than three pages, double spaced) explaining your choice for the methodology. This paper should include a short discussion of the features of your chosen methodology and how you intend to subscribe to them.
Adaptive Software Development
Adaptive Software Development
Lean Development