To help build thisendowmentyou can give to The Impact-Your-World EvangelismScholarship.Please make checks payable to:

Southwestern Foundation

1200 Sycamore

Waxahachie, TX75165

Please note“Impact-Your-World Evangelism Scholarship” in the memo line of the check.

The Impact-Your-World Evangelism Scholarship is designed to provide a one-time annual support of $4,000 to a

student who has consistently

displayed a heart for personal

evangelism and a commitment

to reaching and impacting

others for Christ.

The scholarship shall be awarded

to a student for their junior or

senior year who has absolute

financial need, preferably a

student who would not be able

to return to school without this

financial assistance.

This scholarship is designed for

a student majoring in Management, Music

Education or Secondary

Education who, upon graduation,

plans to devote his or her life to

working for God while pursuing

a career in Management or



Impact-Your-World Evangelism Scholarship

Honoring God’s Call

To Personal Evangelism In SAGU Students!

While so many ministries begin within the church, the ministry of personal evangelism begins in the heart of chosen and willing Christians. The act of personal evangelism is a ministry in and of itself. It begins with a commitment to reaching and impacting others for Christ … a personal ministry that, if consistently and prayerfully acted upon, spreads like uncontrolled wildfire throughout the secular arena, particularly within the work place and within our schools.

In the wilderness one simple spark can create a flame that rapidly spreads across acres and soon miles upon miles. And so it is with personal evangelism. One single individual … who consistently displays a heart for evangelism and a commitment to reaching and impacting others for Christ, can literally bring thousands into the Kingdom … one spark at a time.

It requires courage and a willingness to ask the uncomfortable questions … to often quietly minister one-on-one in the business world … in the schools … in social settings … at sporting events … while traveling … or in simple day-to-day routine activities. Personal evangelism is not a paid position and it’s not a job requirement in the secular world. And it is quite often omitted in the list of volunteer ministry positions within the church.

But its impact on the world is eternal and far-reaching … and it reaches out one-on-one to those who may never see Jesus in any other way.

Some would argue personal evangelism is the single most important role each of us as Christians will ever have. And yet, how many of us really honestly honor God every single day as a true personal evangelist?

Hence, the Impact-Your-World Evangelism Scholarship is designed to not pay tribute to or memorialize a particular individual or family, but rather to honor God’s call to personal evangelism in SAGU students!

This scholarship is designed for a junior or senior who is majoring in and plans to pursue a career in Management, Music Education or Secondary Education who has absolute financial need … preferably a student who would not be able to return to school without this financial assistance.

More specifically, the Impact-Your-World Evangelism Scholarship is designed to honor and reward a student who has consistently displayed a heart for personal evangelism and a commitment to reaching and impacting others for Christ … and whose actions clearly indicate they plan to continue on this path as a life mission without reservation or hesitation upon graduation.