Elementary Social Studies Curriculum Framework with Enduring Understandings(TAKS Correlations Highlighted)
TEKS Strand / Enduring Understandings / Content Knowledge and Related SkillsThe student is expected to: / Critical TAKS Vocabulary
History /
- People help shape communities.
- Holidays celebrate special events.
- Explain reasons for national holidays/customs
- Identify significant national/state historical figures
- Identify ordinary people who have shaped communities
- Place events in chronological order
- Use vocabulary related to time
Geography /
- Our community has both physical (natural) and human (man-made) characteristics.
- Use terms to describe relative location
- Locate places at school and describe their relative location
- Identify physical characteristics of places
- Identify human characteristics of places
Economics /
- Jobs help people meet basic human needs.
- Identify basic human needs and how they are met
- Identify jobs in the home, school, and community
- Explain why people have jobs
Government /
- Rules provide order, security, safety, and fairness for all.
- Leaders make and enforce rules.
- Identify rules and their purpose
- Identify authority figures
- Explain how authority figures make and enforce rules
Citizenship /
- Customs, symbols, and celebrations express pride in our country.
- Identify flags of the United States and Texas
- Recite the Pledge of Allegiance
- Explain voting as a means of making decisions
Culture /
- Everyone is alike and different.
- Family customs and traditions teach us about our community and ourselves.
- Identify personal attributes common to all people
- Identify differences among people
- Identify family customs and traditions and their importance
- Describe customs of the local community
TEKS Strand / Enduring Understandings / Content Knowledge and Related Skills
The student is expected to: / Critical TAKS Vocabulary
Science, Technology and Society /
- Technology changes the way we live.
- Technology helps accomplish specific tasks.
- Identify examples of technology in the home and school
- Describe how technology helps accomplish specific tasks
- Describe how life might be different without technology
- List ways technology meets human needs
Social Studies Skills*
The student is expected to: /
- Obtain information about a topic using oral and visual sources
- Sequence and categorize information
- Identify main ideas from oral, visual, and print sources
- Express ideas orally
- Create and interpret visuals including pictures and maps
- Use a problem-solving process
- Use a decision-making process
Social Studies Curriculum Framework – Grade 1
TEKS Strand / Enduring Understandings / Content Knowledge and Related SkillsThe student is expected to: / Critical TAKS Vocabulary
History /
- People change communities in different ways.
- Holidays, celebrations, and symbols help define our community.
- Identify the contributions of historical figures
- Identify historic figures known for individualism and inventiveness
- Compare similarities and differences among historic figures
- Describe the origins of holidays customs, and celebrations
- Compare observance of past and present holidays and celebrations
- Distinguish among past, present, and future
- Create a calendar or timeline
- Use vocabulary related to chronology
Geography /
- Human and geographic factors shape our community.
- Locate places using the four cardinal directions
- Describe relative location of self and objects relative to other classroom and school locations
- Locate places of significance on maps and globes
- Identify and describe the physical characteristics of places
- Identify examples of and uses for natural resources
- Identify and describe the human characteristics of places
Economics /
- Communities provide goods, services, and jobs in order to meet people’s needs.
- Identify examples of goods and services
- Identify ways people exchange goods and services
- Identify the role of markets in exchanging goods and services
TEKS Strand / Enduring Understandings / Content Knowledge and Related Skills
The student is expected to:
Economics (continued) /
- Identify examples of people wanting more than they can have and how that forces them to make choices
- Identify examples of choices families make when buying goods and services
- Describe requirements of various jobs
- Describe how specialized jobs contribute to the production of goods and services.
Government /
- Rules, laws, and leaders exist to establish order, provide security, and manage conflict in the community.
- Explain the need for rules and laws
- Give examples of rules or laws that establish order, provide security, and manage conflict
- Identify leaders in the community, state, and nation
- Describe the roles of public officials
- Identify the responsibilities of authority figures
Citizenship /
- Strong communities need good citizens.
- Identify characteristics of good citizenship
- Identify historic figures who exemplify good citizenship
- Identify ordinary people who exhibit good citizenship
- Explain national and state patriotic symbols
- Recite and explain the meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance and the Pledge to the Texas Flag
- Use voting as a way of making choices and decisions
- Explain how selected customs, symbols, and celebrations reflect individualism, inventiveness, and freedom
Culture /
- Families form the basis of all communities.
- Describe ways that families meet human needs
- Describe similarities and differences in the way
TEKS Strand / Enduring Understandings / Content Knowledge and Related Skills
The student is expected to:
Culture (continued) /
- families meet human needs
- Describe beliefs, customs, and traditions and explain their importance
- Retell stories from selected folktales and legends
Science, Technology and Society /
- Technological change affects daily life in a community.
- Describe how household tools and appliances have changed the ways families live
- Describe how technology has changed communication, transportation, and recreation
- Describe how technology has changed the way people work
Social Studies Skills*
The student is expected to: /
- Obtain information about a topic from oral and visual sources
- Sequence and categorize information
- Identify main ideas from oral, visual, and print sources
- Express ideas orally
- Create and interpret visuals including pictures and maps
- Use a problem-solving process
- Use a decision-making process
Social Studies Curriculum Framework – Grade 2
TEKS Strand / Enduring Understandings / Content Knowledge and Related SkillsThe student is expected to: / Critical TAKS Vocabulary
History /
- People change communities.
- Celebrations and landmarks help define our community, state, and nation.
- Explain the significance of various community, state, and national celebrations and landmarks
- Describe the order of events by using designations of time periods
- Use vocabulary related to chronology
- Create and interpret timelines
- Describe and measure calendar time by days, weeks, months, and years.
- Name several sources of information about a given period or event
- Compare various interpretations of time periods using evidence such as photographs and interviews
- Identify the contributions of historical figures
- Identify historic figures known for individualism and inventiveness
- Explain how local people and events have influenced local community history
Geography /
- Physical (natural) and human (man-made) features shape our environment.
- Use symbols, find locations, and determine directions on maps and globes
- Draw maps to show places and routes
- Identify major landforms and bodies of water
- Locate the community, Texas, the United States, and selected countries on maps and globes
- Compare information from different sources about places and regions
- Describe how weather patterns, natural resources, seasonal patterns, and natural
TEKS Strand / Enduring Understandings / Content Knowledge and Related Skills
The student is expected to: / Critical TAKS Vocabulary
Geography (continued) / hazards affect activities and settlement patterns
- Explain how and identify ways people depend on the physical environment and its natural resources to satisfy basic needs
- Identify ways people have modified the physical environment
- Identify consequences of human modification of the physical environment
- Identify ways people can conserve and replenish natural resources
Economics /
- Goods, services, and jobs meet people's needs.
- Identify examples of goods and services
- Identify ways people exchange goods and services
- Identify the role of markets in exchanging goods and services
- Identify examples of people wanting more than they can have and how that forces them to make choices
- Identify examples of choices families make when buying goods and services
- Describe requirements of various jobs
- Describe how specialized jobs contribute to the production of goods and services.
Government /
- Governments exist to establish order, provide public services, and manage conflict in the family, school, community, state, and nation.
- Explain the need for rules and laws
- Give examples of rules or laws that establish order, provide security, and manage conflict
- Identify leaders in the community, state, and nation
- Describe the roles of public officials
- Identify the responsibilities of authority figures
TEKS Strand / Enduring Understandings / Content Knowledge and Related Skills
The student is expected to: / Critical TAKS Vocabulary
Citizenship /
- Strong communities need good citizens.
- Identify characteristics of good citizenship
- Identify historic figures who exemplify good citizenship
- Identify ordinary people who exhibit good citizenship
- Explain national and state patriotic symbols
- Recite and explain the meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance and the Pledge to the Texas Flag
- Use voting as a way of making choices and decisions
- Explain how selected customs, symbols, and celebrations reflect individualism, inventiveness, and freedom
Culture /
- Literature and fine arts reflect our cultural heritage.
- Describe ways that families meet human needs
- Describe similarities and differences in the way families meet human needs
- Describe beliefs, customs, and traditions and explain their importance
- Retell stories from selected folktales and legends
Science, Technology and Society /
- Technological change impacts life in communities.
- Describe how household tools and appliances have changed the ways families live
- Describe how technology has changed communication, transportation, and recreation
- Describe how technology has changed the way people work
Social Studies Skills*
The student is expected to: /
- Obtain information about a topic from oral and visual sources
- Sequence and categorize information
- Identify main ideas from oral, visual, and print sources
- Express ideas orally
- Create and interpret visuals including pictures and maps
- Use a problem-solving process
- Use a decision-making process
Social Studies Curriculum Framework – Grade 3
TEKS Strand / Enduring Understandings / Content Knowledge and Related SkillsThe student is expected to: / Critical TAKS Vocabulary
History /
- Individuals, events, and ideas change communities over time.
- Communities, past and present, share common characteristics.
- Describe how individuals, events, and ideas have changed communities over time
- Identify individuals who have shaped communities
- Describe how individuals have contributed to the expansion of existing communities or the creation of new communities
- Identify reasons people have formed new communities
- Compare ways present and past communities meet their needs
- Use vocabulary related to chronology
- Create and interpret timelines
- Describe historical times in terms of years, decades, and centuries
Geography /
- Humans adapt to variations in the physical environment.
- Describe and explain variations in the physical environment
- Compare how people in different communities adapt to the physical environment
- Describe the effects of physical and human processes in shaping the landscape
- Identify and compare the human characteristics of selected regions
- Use cardinal and intermediate directions to locate places on maps and globes
- Use a scale to determine the distance between places on maps and globes
- Identify and use the compass rose, grid, and
TEKS Strand / Enduring Understandings / Content Knowledge and Related Skills
The student is expected to: / Critical TAKS Vocabulary
Geography (continued) / symbols, to locate places on maps and globes
- Draw maps of places and regions that include map elements
Economics /
- Saving can help satisfy human needs and wants.
- The choices scarcity forces us to make brings us together in the marketplace asproducers and consumers.
- Identify ways of earning, spending, and saving money
- Analyze a simple budget
- Define and identify examples of scarcity
- Explain the impact of scarcity on the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services
- Explain the impact of scarcity on interdependence within and among communities
- Explain the concept of a free market
- Give examples of how a simple business operates
- Explain how supply and demand affect the price of a good or service
- Explain how the cost of production and selling price affect profits
- Identify historic figures that have started new businesses
Government /
- Local governments exist to meet the needs of the community.
- Describe the basic structure of government in the local community
- Identify services commonly provided by local governments
- Identify local government officials and explain how they are chosen
- Explain how government services are financed
- Explain the importance of the consent of the governed to the functions of local government
TEKS Strand / Enduring Understandings / Content Knowledge and Related Skills
The student is expected to: / Critical TAKS Vocabulary
Citizenship /
- The characteristics of good citizenship may be found in both ordinary people and historical figures.
- In democratic societies, individuals and groups can make decisions that change communities.
- Identify characteristics of good citizenship
- Identify historic figures who have exemplified good citizenship
- Identify and explain the importance of acts of civic responsibility
- Identify ordinary people who exemplify good citizenship
- Give examples of community changes that result from individual or group decisions
- Identify examples of actions individuals and groups can take to improve the community
- Identify examples of non-profit and/or civic organizations and explain how they serve the common good
Culture /
- Celebrations help define communities, states, and nations.
- Real and mythical heroes shape cultures.
- Identify the heroic deeds of state and national heroes
- Retell the heroic deeds of characters from American folktales and legends
- Retell the heroic deeds of characters of Greek and Roman myths
- Identify how selected fictional characters created new communities
- Identify and explain the significance of selected writers and artists and their stories, poems, statues, paintings and other examples of cultural heritage to communities around the world
Science, Technology and Society /
- Technology changes the way we live.
- Technology helps accomplish specific tasks.
- Identify scientists and inventors who have created or invented new technology
- Identify the impact of new technology on communities around the world
Social Studies Skills*
The student is expected to: /
- Obtain information about a community using print, oral, visual, and computer sources
- Sequence and categorize information
- Interpret oral, visual, and print material by identifying the main idea, identifying cause and effect, and comparing and contrasting
- Use various parts of a source, including the table of contents, glossary, and index, as well as keyboard computer searches, to locate information
- Interpret and create visuals, including graphs, charts, tables, timelines, illustrations, and maps
- Use appropriate mathematical skills to interpret social studies information
- Express ideas orally
- Create written and visual materials, such as stories, poems, pictures, maps, and graphic organizers to express ideas
- Use standard grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and punctuation
- Use a problem-solving process
- Use a decision-making process