Amin’s Guidelines for Lab Report #4


State the objective(s)/purpose(s) for this lab


(a) Draw a schematic of the circuit used to perform the experiment described in Figure 4 of the lab manual. Indicate on this schematic to which SMU each terminal of the NMOS was connected. Furthermore, mention how each SMU was configured (e.g. was it kept at a constant voltage, swept through a certain range, etc.).

1) Provide a printout of the IDS versus VDS plot obtained from the parameter analyzer

2) Comment on the shape of the graphs. In particular, how does VDSAT and IDSAT compare with theory (your comparisons should be quantitative)?

3) Describe how one can compute λn from the IDS versus VDS plot

4) Calculate (show your work) a value for λn by taking the average of the λn values computed for VGS = 2V, 3V, 4V, and 5V

(b) Draw a schematic of the circuit used to perform the experiment described in Figure 7 of the lab manual. Indicate on this schematic to which SMU each terminal of the NMOS was connected. Furthermore, mention how each SMU was configured (e.g. was it kept at a constant voltage, swept through a certain range, etc.).

1) Provide a printout of the IDS versus VGS plot obtained from the parameter analyzer

2) Using Excel (or other similar tool), find and plot the best-fit line approximating the graph obtained in (b.1) above

3) Describe how one can compute VTn and Kn from the best-fit line obtained in (b.2) above

4) Calculate (show your work) VTn and Kn

(c) Draw a schematic of the circuit used to perform the experiment described in Figure 8 of the lab manual. Indicate on this schematic to which SMU each terminal of the NMOS was connected. Furthermore, mention how each SMU was configured (e.g. was it kept at a constant voltage, swept through a certain range, etc.).

1) Provide a printout of the IDS1/2 versus VGS plot obtained from the parameter analyzer (use Excel or other similar tool)

2) Using Excel (or other similar tool), find and plot the best-fit line approximating the graph obtained in (c.1) above

3) Describe how one can compute VTn and Kn from the best-fit line obtained in (c.2) above

4) Calculate (show your work) VTn and Kn

(d) Specify a PSpice model for your NMOS transistor. For λn, use the value computed in (a.4) above. Calculate the average values of VTn and Kn from (b.4) and (c.4) above, and use these average values in your PSpice model.

(e) Draw a PSpice schematic corresponding to Figure 4 of the lab manual. Label each node/element on your schematic so that each corresponds to the names specified in your netlist.

1) Obtain an IDS versus VDS plot. Provide a printout of this plot overlaid on the one obtained from the parameter analyzer in (a.1) above (Excel may come in handy here)

(f) Draw a PSpice schematic corresponding to Figure 7 of the lab manual. Label each node/element on your schematic so that each corresponds to the names specified in your netlist.

1) Obtain an IDS versus VGS plot. Provide a printout of this plot overlaid on the one obtained from the parameter analyzer in (b.1) above (Excel may come in handy here)

(g) Draw a PSpice schematic corresponding to Figure 8 of the lab manual. Label each node/element on your schematic so that each corresponds to the names specified in your netlist.

1) Obtain an IDS1/2 versus VGS plot. Provide a printout of this plot overlaid on the one obtained from the parameter analyzer in (c.1) above (Excel may come in handy here)

(h) Repeat the above for the PMOS transistor for extra credit


Compare/comment on results/discrepancies between the VTn/Kn values computed in (b.4) and (c.4) above. Also, compare/comment on the results/discrepancies between the overlaid plots in (e.1), (f.1), and (g.1) above.

Repeat this for the PMOS transistor for extra credit.