Return to Stephen Flynn, SME Graduate Coordinator,
by April 15, 2012
AWARD PERIOD: 2012 - 2013
The purpose of these scholarships is to assist Upper-Division Undergraduate students and Post-Baccalaureate students who are pursuing teacher certification in Science Education or Mathematics Education. The donors want to support pre-service teachers who are committed to teaching Science or Mathematics at the Secondary level by awarding them between $1000 and $2,500. Multiple awards may be given this year. Some of these awards have additional criteria, e.g., financial need, GPA, having gone to high school in Texas, so there are questions that ask for that information.
Students may submit the application at any time before the due date. Applications are considered at the end of the spring semester during each award period. Students are notified as soon as possible.
To enter information, click in the box and begin typing. You can tab between fields. Use the space bar to put an X in the box, like #6 and #7, for example.
1. Name (Last, First Middle):
3. Date of Birth:
4. Permanent Address:
(Street, Apartment or P.O. Box):
(City, State, Zip):
(Telephone – Area Code + Number):
5. Mailing Address (if different from permanent address):
(Street, Apartment or P.O. Box):
(City, State, Zip):
(Telephone – Area Code + Number):
6. Citizenship: This award is specifically for U.S. Citizens.
Yes, I am a U.S. Citizen.
7. This award is for full-time students at U.T.
Yes, I plan to be enrolled full-time during the award period.
8. One of these awards is intended for alumni of Texas High Schools. Did you graduate from a Texas High School? If so, which one? What city is it in?
9. What kind of Teaching Certificate are you seeking?
Middle Grades
Senior Grades
10. Science Education or Mathematics Education:
11. Describe your professional goals once you complete your degree and/or teaching certificate:
12. These awards are for students with 45 credit hours or more in residence at UT.
How many credit hours will you have completed by the end of the Spring 2012 semester?
13. These awards are NOT for current Graduate Students (although post baccalaureate students returning for certification are eligible). This condition is explicitly stated by the donors of the award. No exceptions will be made.
I will NOT be a graduate student during the award period.
14. Financial Need - List anticipated life circumstances and expenses that will affect your ability to pay for education expenses during the award period:
15. List anticipated financial aid, awards, appointments, fellowships, etc. for the award period:
Appointments/On-Campus Employment:
Monetary Awards:
Financial Aid/Loans:
16. Will you have an out-of-state Tuition/Fee Waiver for Fall 2012?
No, because I already have in-state status
Yes, because I will have an appointment and I have/will apply for the waiver
No, but I would benefit from a Tuition/Fee Waiver so that I can pay in-state rates
17. Merit –Some of these awards carry a GPA requirement. What is your current UT GPA?
18. List any academic distinctions, honors, publications, and awards you have received during your previous 2 years of collegiate study:
19. Type here an 800-word essay describing why you wish to be a secondary school mathematics or science teacher. Tell why you think you are deserving of a scholarship. Mention activities that demonstrate your abilities or potential for success as a math teacher.
20. Letters of Recommendation accepted, but not required.
Your submitting this application means that you hereby certify that the above information is true and accurate to the best of your knowledge, and that you give permission to the Registrar and Admissions Office to release information regarding your academic status to the Scholarship Selection Committee.
Please note that regardless of whether you receive this award, you may apply again in 2013 - 2014, if you still meet the qualifications. A student may receive the award for up to 2 years.