St Martin’s C of E Primary and Nursery School

Pupil Premium Grant Planned Expenditure



St Martin’s has been built to serve the new town of Cranbrook which means that pupils have joined the school on a weekly basis through a rapid period of growth (32 on roll to over 415 since September 2012). The town has been built with 40% affordable housing of which 20% is social housing. This means that St Martin’s has higher than average numbers of pupils eligible for Pupil Premium when compared against National and Devon averages. It also means that any child over Year 2 is on, at least, their second school and a significant number of children have had multiple moves.

Number of pupils and pupil premium grant (PPG) received
Total number of pupils on roll / 415 (including nursery)
Total number of pupils eligible for PPG / We received PPG for 132 children, 110 FSM, 6 adopted and service children
Amount of PPG received per pupil / £1,300 x 132
£1,900 x 6
£300 x 8
Total amount of PPG received / £185,400
End of KS2 Outcomes / 2013 (funded for 13 children and ended year with 43) / 2014 (funded for 61 children and ended year with 78 children) / 2015
% of PPG pupils making expected progress in English / Due to rapid rate of growth and the way in which the funding has been allocated it is not possible to make meaningful judgements. / 82% / 87%
100% for children we have had for 3 years
% of PPG pupils making expected progress in maths / 64% / 75%
100% for children we have had for 3 years
Summary of Proposed PPG spending 2016/17
When we have pupil premium children for a period of time data shows that they make progress in line with national expectations and, in many cases, make accelerated progress. We employ our family advocate full-time to support children and families – the majority of her work is with pupil premium children. We want to improve children’s attitudes to learning and their learning behaviour. We are working to improve a greater number of children achieving higher level outcomes at KS1 and KS2. End of KS1 data for 2015 shows that our PPG children outperformed our non-PPG children in reading and maths this is a significant improvement on the previous year. We are going to continue the work around speech and language development and personal, social and emotional growth with our youngest children as the positive impact of this was evident last year. We are also looking to continue to improve attainment and progress in reading; we want to improve engagement of parents in supporting their children and to provide a wider selection of texts to engage reluctant boy readers. We put a strong emphasis on interventions that support children’s readiness to learn as a significant number of our PPG children have emotional barriers to learning and we need to develop a safe and trust based environment where children feel safe enough to take risks with their learning to ensure they can benefit from all the opportunities that are available to them at St Martin’s.
Item/project / Objective / Cost
To have a high level of teaching and TA support in a vulnerable Year 6 class. / To support children in being ‘secondary ready’ and therefore enhance their life chances. / £9,000 (HLTA)
£9,000 (0.6 teacher)
To have high level TA support in vulnerable year 5 class / To support Year 5 children to be Year 6 ready and accelerate key skills
2 x TA F/T (Chestnut) Summer Term
0.5 TA (Beech) Summer Term / £8,000
1:1 mentors / Providing intensive support for 2 children, who need 2:1 ratio at certain points in the week; this intervention is to ensure these children have an experience of success and to mitigate the possibility of exclusion. It also ensures safety and well-being of other children as these 2 children are removed from sessions that exacerbate unhelpful behaviours. / £8,000
UX2 for group of 12 children
1 week’s intense course with transport plus fortnightly follow up sessions / To build confidence and growth mindset for 12 identified Year 5 children enabling improved learning behaviour and therefore accelerating progress. / £7,500
20 UX2 days to support children who are finding life at school challenging / To support children with extremely challenging behaviour in returning to the mainstream class / £2,500
UX2 for transition Yr6 to 7 / 3 day course to build confidence and resilience in preparation for a successful transition to secondary school. / £3,100
After school reading support / To develop a love of reading and children’s ability to read and understand what they read – this is a particular priority for those children who do not come from ‘book’ rich homes – Summer term only. / £5,000
Phase 1
Purchase of hard copies of ‘Bug Club’ books / Bug Club purchase to enable children with no internet access at home to be able to have a book to take home to ensure that lack of internet access doesn’t create a barrier to parents being actively involved in developing their children’s reading skills. / £3,000
Phases 2 & 3
To purchase Accelerated Reader books to engage boys / Improve progress and attainment in reading for identified groups of boys. / £2,000
To provide training in phonics for
-TAs new to Phase 1
-Parents of Phase 1 children / TAs and parents are secure in developing children’s phonics skills – with a particular emphasis on developing children’s segmenting and blending skills.
In addition due to high number of new staff in Phase 1 we need to ensure all staff training is updated. / £950
Additional teacher in Yr1 for first 6 weeks of the Autumn term 2016. / To support the transition from Rec to Yr 1 of PPG children identifying interventions and modelling systems and strategies for staff to accelerate progress for those children who hadn’t made a GLD by the end of Foundation Stage. / £3,000
Early Employment of teachers who will join in Year 1 and Year 6 in September 2016 / 20% of this cost will be met through PPG funding as these teachers will spend a greater % of time getting to know and build relationships with those PPG children who find change and making new relationships difficult. / £800
Speech and Language PSED teacher Phase 1 / To accelerate the development of speech and language within early years. / £7,279
Phonics training for Phase 2 TAs / To embed segmenting and blending skills for those children leaving KS1 still not consistently able to apply these when writing independently. / £650
Traded place for PPG child who is currently unable to be educated in a mainstream school. / To support a child through a challenging time in their family life and to make educational provision for them in a setting where he and others can be safe. / £1,900
To train Phase 2 & 3 TAs in ‘Write – Away’ (a 10 week intervention programme) / To accelerate progress in writing for identified groups of children (eg Year 3 girls) / £1,000
Employing a full-time Family Advocate to support families. / To support parent and school partnership working, empower parents to parent well and to work in partnership with the Designated Safeguarding Officer and Deputy Safeguarding Officers. / £24,460
Subsidy for PPG children for residential / To ensure that financial reasons were not a barrier to PPG children being able to participate in the residential experience. / £1,500
To develop the use of forest school and nurture pod throughout the school. / Evidence from case studies has shown the positive impact that the forest nurture group has on children in terms of readiness to learn and their social and emotional well being. We are going to develop this further through the use of a newly created nurture pod. / £25,361
FISH Sessions (holiday and after school club) / To provide support through the holidays to children and their families and to provide a settled start to the day for those children who would benefit from it. To provide childcare for families who need to attend meetings that will benefit their children when no other childcare available. / £1,000
Speech and Language and social and emotional support for youngest children from a qualified teacher. / To support reception children in being socially and emotionally ready to enter Year 1 and to develop speech and language skills for nursery children to ensure that they are ready for Reception. To accelerate progress in phonics for those PPG children not at national expectations. / £8,000
To assess and identify specific language/speech needs – using Speechlink / So speech and language difficulties are not a barrier to learning (32% of Rec PPG children have an identified S&L need). / £6,000
Balance Board programme (TA time to run sessions) / To develop fine and gross motor skills; increasing confidence and making children ready to learn; supporting with sensory issues, children who have difficulties with processing skills and being able to regulate their emotions. / £2,000
“Learning To Succeed’
Personal and Social Intervention to support relationship building and learning behaviour / To support children with personal, social and emotional development and improve their readiness to learn. / £3,000
Behaviour Support Team Support / Purchasing of 60 hours to work with key children, support and train staff to manage the challenging behaviour of children with developmental trauma. / £4,000
To provide ‘SAFE’ (Stop Abuse For Everyone) training for 5 members of staff. / These staff will then be able to support children who have suffered from domestic abuse to enable them to access learning . / £500
To provide intensive ‘SAFE’ support from experienced counsellors for children who have suffered from domestic abuse / To provide children who have suffered domestic abuse with strategies to enable them to thrive.
Our staff will shadow these experienced counsellors to enrich their own SAFE training. / £700
To provide a positive play experience for children who struggle to play well. / 33% of the cost of the Play Pod – we have identified that with a high number of children who have not grown up together in the same school there is a need to provide additional support in ensuring that playtimes are enjoyable and do not impact negatively on learning time. / £6,000
TOTAL / £159,200
We are holding a contingency fund to support the development and staffing of our nurture pod – with the lack of provision for children with extreme need we recognise that we will need to be in a position to provide on site provision and believe we can do this effectively in order to support children staying in mainstream education. / £26,200